Section 1: Vision Element Definitions and Goals
Naval Aviation provides a robust and credible forward
presence, one that is able to respond flexibly to crises and to project
dominant power when called upon to do so. This section examines the five
central elements of the Naval Aviation Vision -developed by the Fleet-
that must underpin these capabilities.
Naval Aviation's Vision is built upon the concepts
set forth in Joint Vision 2010 and the Naval Operational Concept.
With these as our foundation, Naval Aviation relies upon its Quality and
Motivated People, Technology and Innovation, and Sustainment capabilities
to support the Unique Forward Presence and Flexible Responsiveness that
our national and military leaders require. In turn, each element has specific
goals that must be achieved if Naval Aviation is to adapt successfully
to the emerging demands of a new century.
Naval Aviation Vision Statement
Chief of Naval Operations Foreword
Commandant of the Marine Corps Foreword
New Challenges...Enduring Realities
Naval Aviation: Capabilities for Today...
and Tomorrow
Sharpening the Vision: The Process
Section 1: Element Definitions and Goals
Section 2: Program Plans, Descriptions and Roadmaps
Director Air Warfare Closing Remarks