Schedule (IMS) and Integrated Master Plan (IMP). This section provides notional time lines as indicated in the attached schedule and correlation with the types and numbers of tests and fuzes required. This approach was used for the development of the Government estimates and schedule but should not constrain the bidder and be used as a guide only.
Evaluation (CT&E), 3) Combined Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E)/Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E), 4) Dedicated IOT&E and 5) Production Options (two pre-production, two budgeted production and three additional unbudgeted production options). The assumptions and guidelines for each are as follows:
a. Design/Development: The Government anticipates design and development of the HTSF and
associated ancillary equipment during an initial phase that will last 21 months beginning at contract award. The SRD will be utilized as the requirements baseline to the point of PDR only. A final Operational Requirements Document (ORD) is in process and will be completed prior to PDR and used as the final baseline to proceed past PDR. The development process will address the design for the fuze and accessories to include the Ground Setter Unit (GSU)/Life Cycle Surveillance Tester (LCST). These are referred to hereafter as GSU/Testers This development should be included under the EMD GSU effort. A surveillance program will be developed during this phase associated with the GSU/tester to perform nondestructive bit testing of the fuze at the depot level which can be conducted, for example, with removal of the booster for safety purposes. Algorithm work, documentation of the design and source data shall be accomplished in accordance with this RFP. Additionally, interface with current AF mission planning processes and systems will be required to insure that applicable HTSF data is implemented in this process in order to effectively employ the HTSF with the weapon systems and A/C in the SRD. The development will include an RS-422 interface based on the Joint Programmable Fuze interface to allow hardware compatibility for cockpit programming via a weapon system such as JDAM. This will also insure appropriate measures such as data structure and capacity are included in the design of the fuze. The development phase will insure and support compatibility and integration analyses for the appropriate weapon and aircraft combinations in the SRD.
(1) Counterproliferation Initiative (CPI)/Enhancement. Additionally, the Defense Special
Weapons Agency (DSWA) CPI requires development, integration and certification of HTSF with GBU-24 B/B (Navy BLU-109) and GBU-24 D/B (Navy BLU-116) under this effort. Under a separate effort, CPI will integrate the GBU-24 B/B and GBU-24 D/B configuration HTSFs into the CPI modified Conventional Air Launched Cruise Missile (CALCM) and Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM) weapons. This will require additional test assets, participation in test planning and integration meetings, and test support from the HTSF contractor (no additional TLAM or CALCM fuze design).
The contractor will need to address safety requirements as specified in MIL-STD-1316D and insensitive munition requirements as specified in MIL-STD-2105. This will require an ACA with the weapon system primes. The CPI enhancements for Navy compatibility should be implemented consistent with contractor proposed maximum effectivity for implementation.(2) During this development phase, the contractor will develop the capability to fabricate and perform acceptance tests for the HTSF. This must include the development and planning required for processes, and tooling for the future production option fuze fabrication.
Reviews. During this phase the following reviews are planned:
Systems Requirements Review (SRR)
Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
Critical design Review-1 (CDR-1)
Critical design Review-1 (CDR-2)
b. CT&E: The Government anticipates that approximately 88 HTSFs (including the 40 CPI demonstration and qualification fuze described below), and 3 GSU/Testers (i.e., 3 GSUs, 3 testers if separate units) based on the CDR-1, will be needed during CT&E to conduct testing to validate the basic design approach to proceed into DT&E. The CT&E is planned for approximately 12 months to follow the Design/Development phase. During this phase, the contractor will conduct testing to validate the basic design. This will include the operational and transportation environmental qualification testing, any shock testing of the fuze, components and subassemblies as required to proceed to DT&E.
The Government will furnish the test facilities and munitions for cannon and sled tests. The Government will make available up to 10 cannon tests and 2 BLU-113 warheads and 2 BLU-113 sled tests for this phase.
The contractor will need to plan for and perform the necessary tasks required to insure compatibility with all weapon and aircraft combinations in the SRD.
The Government will make available to the contractor the test facilities and weapons for conduct of 4 Cannon tests and 2 fast cookoff tests to support CPI Navy compatibility for GBU-24 B/B and GBU-24 D/B. Additionally, the contractor should plan for up to 8 additional fuzes for conduct of Navy unique environmental qualification tests.
The contractor should plan for
additional test assets, participation in test planning and integration meetings, and test support for CPI conducted TLAM and CALCM functional testing during the 3rd and 4th QTR FY00. These are planned to be 8 TLAM sled tests, and 8 TLAM Flight Tests as well as 10 residual/contingency units.The 40 Navy compatible fuzes are a most probable quantity (MPQ) but a range of up to 108 total units should be costed IAW Section B. The desired delivery date for these fuzes is not later than late FY99 or early FY00.
d. Dedicated IOT&E: The Government anticipates that approximately 13 HTSFs, based on the results of the DT&E/IOT&E phase, will be required to support the dedicated IOT&E. The test phase is planned to consume approximately 6 months following DT&E/IOT&E. The Government will make available 4 GBU-28 weapon systems and 4 GBU-28 flight tests from the F-15E, 3 GBU-24 A/B (BLU-109 warhead) weapon systems and flight tests from the F-15E, and 6 GBU-24 C/B (AUP warhead) weapon systems and flight tests. A Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) shall be conducted based on the fuze configuration tested in this combined test phased during 1QFY01. Integration and compatibility shall be insured with all applicable weapon and aircraft combinations in the SRD.
e. Production Options. The first pre-production will be awarded based on initial successful CT&E testing progress and review at CDR-2. The second pre-production option will be awarded based on successful results of the Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) and completion of dedicated IOT&E. Prototypes with the enhanced capability of paragraph 2.a(1) over the baseline are desired to be included in the first pre-production option and should be included no later than the beginning of the second pre-production option. The implementation of the design enhancements in the pre-production and production option units will be based on contractor maximum effectivity projections related to prudent design maturity and associated risk.
Based on the successful results of the DT&E/IOT&E and dedicated IOT&E phases, a combined Physical
Configuration Audit (PCA) and Production Readiness Review (PRR) will be conducted. Following the
approval of the reviews, two production options will be awarded. In anticipation of increased smart fuze
requirements, three additional production options (FY04-06 and not yet budgeted for) are included in the
contract. The current production option quantities are estimated in the profile below:
FY FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06
QTY 60 160 195 450 450 450 450
3. Other considerations. The contractor should plan for sled test schedule delays due to weather or scheduling conflicts. Additionally, BLU-109 sled tests consume approximately 1week for completion and approximately 2 weeks for BLU-113 and AUP due to increased target preparation time. All sled, flight, and cannon test conduct including targets and range instrumentation will be provided GFE. AF Non Nuclear Munitions Safety Boards are strictly scheduled only twice per year. Therefore, the typical dates should be considered in the review of the design.