Basis of Issue Plan - BOIP
A. DESCRIPTION: The XM58 is comprised of a large area obscuration
system, self obscuration system, and a vision device (driver's
thermal imager), which are mounted on a modified tracked vehicle of
the M113A3 family of vehicles. The following are components of the
(1) M113A3 Armored Personnel Carrier (RISE)
LIN C18234
(2) Power Module (1:1)
(3) Control Module (1:1)
(4) IR Module (1:1)
(5) Visual Module (1:1)
(6) Sensor Assy, Driver's Thermal Viewer,
AN/VAS-3(V) (1:1)
(7) Installation Kit (1:1)
A. The primary mission of the XM58 is to counter electronic
sensors and devices which include reconnaissance, surveillance, and
target acquisition systems; munition guidance systems; and directed
energy systems.
B. The XM58 provides mechanized Chemical units with a greater
capability to support the manuever commander by generating large area
smoke screening to deny threat forces visual, infrared (IR), and
millimeter wave (MMW) (future capability) target acquisition and
guidance capabilities.
C. EMPLOYMENT: The XM58 will be employed in the division area, in
support of the maneuver commander.
D. BASIS OF ISSUE: Chemical Company (Smoke Gen) - 1 per Plt Hqs
3 per Smoke Sqd
Chemical Company (ACR) - 1 per Plt Hqs
3 per Squad
Chemical Company (Hvy Div) - 3 per Squad
* When assigned to NG Div
Chemical Company (Hvy Div) - 1 per Plt Hqs
* When assigned to AC Div 3 per Squad
F. TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS: Transportable by, and able to drive
on/off all current Air Force aircraft with capacities greater than or
equal to the C-141.
1. OPERATOR: Three, MOS: 54B Chem
A. UL: MOS 52D, 63J, 63Y
B. DS: MOS 52D, 63H, 63J
C. GS: MOS 52D, 63H, 63J
H. Special Notes:
A. Training: The XM58 will require increased training for MOS
54B. No new MOS will be required to operate or maintain the system.
B. Support Concept: The support concept will maximize the use of
standard support equipment; facilites; and Test, Measurement, and
Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE). TMDE will be used for fault isolation.
C. Maintenance: Maintenance will be performed at unit, direct,
general, and depot level. Depot will be responsible for
repair/overhaul of the chassis, turbine engine, and other items that
are beyond the capability of lower maintenance levels. MOS 52D will
have ASI D4 (Battlefield Deception).
D. This item is appropriate for inclusion in AR 71-13.