PPT Slide
there is not. The mechanical motion mode is used more for vehicle maintenance and check out. The non motion mode is mainly for simulation using the actual aircraft computers and systems in the loop. Full mission simulation shall be available from planning to debrief.
Computer Bird - The C/S will also be able to fully simulate a mission using a true (non-hot bench) simulation mode. The simulation should be such that a Preplannned mission can be flown, end-to-end. Real time updates can be made, immediate intervention can be exercised, real time control can be used as well as manual flight. Again, full mission simulation shall be available from planning to debrief.
The C/S should also be able to record a simulated mission and use it as a Pre-planned mission. This mission could be “flown” over and over, until it is correct, then flown for real with the vehicle, and it acts just like a player piano, it replays the simulation.
Likewise, a real mission should be recorded such that it can be reflown in simulation for analysis.
Video recording during the mission should be synchronized with mission playback. A separate recording of the operator to monitor his actions during a mission should be made and synchronized also.