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VEHICLE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS - Continued Auto land will require special displays and commands on the C/S. There probably will be more than one auto land system used, and in the interest of safety, more than one system may be active at the same time. The systems will be used to cross check each other. The outputs from multiple systems may also be Kalman filtered to provide an even more accurate landing trajectory. Control and statusing of this will need to be displayed on the C/S.
The vehicle(s) will be flown at a test range that independently tracks them. The C/S will provide a means to connect into this tracking system and use it on the situation awareness displays for the operator.
Sensors in this case mean “targeting sensors” Up to this point, we have talked about sensors, but they were associated with flying the vehicle; GPS, RALT, INS, Range Tracking etc. Targeting sensors and in the case of Terrain Following Radar, tactical sensors have not been addressed until now. This is due to the fact that these sensors are mission dependent. So far, the only mission identified is SEAD. Even the term SEAD really covers a range of missions that encompass non lethal (jamming), lethal pre-planned, and lethal reactive. There may even be others not covered by these descriptions. The sensors required to perform these variations of “SEAD” are different. So it is speculative to say what sensors will be actually installed and used. However, we can say that the C/S needs to have the growth to be able to control and display sensors such as FLIRs, LASERS, LADARS, RADARS, Terrain Following Radars, RF Sensors, and cooperative use of sensors from multiple vehicles.