Slide 10 of 58
The technology matrix, Excel Spreadsheet is filed separately on the CD-ROM, is divided into different categories - technology list with a description, Area of Interest (e.g. FIM, XPN …), Attributes, Weighting Factors, Consequence of Failure, Demonstration Method, Fixed Wing Vehicle Goals and Totals.
A multidisciplined team evaluated each technology against the reference baseline and assigned a number for each attribute category. The following scoring system was used:
1 = negative impact/low, 3 = no effect, 9 = positive impact/high.
By assigning weighting factors to each attribute, the technology matrix remains flexible. Changing weighting factors can change the emphasis and the meaning of the results.
Consequence of Failure (COF) is the average of three terms:
1. What is the next demonstration phase? (1= analytical, 3 = ground test, 9 =
2. Is this technology being flight tested under another program? (1 = yes, 9 =
3. What is the perceived risk? (1 = high, 3 = medium, 9 = low)
The number of FWV goals each technology could influence was summed.
The total score = (attributes x wt.factor) x COF x #FWV.