PPT Slide
Ratio of QFD Score toInvestment to Reach TRL 6
This sorted stack represents the result of computing this ratio. Technologies that have a high QFD score and were estimated to be the cheapest investments to reach TRL 6 populate the left side of this chart.
Even though ‘Advanced Canopy Technology’ did not show up in the top 10 grouping on the combined plot refer back to the affordability only map where it was in the top grouping. Overall then, ‘Advanced Canopy Technology’ even though with a smaller QFD score had a sufficiently small investment estimate that the ratio of the two parameters suggests that this should be the first technology funded for the FWV program because is provides the most FWV goal satisfaction for the investment.
There appears to be a break in the slope of this graph in the neighborhood of technology #10-14. The top 14 technologies from this perspective are highlighted for future comparison with the top 14 from the previous combined affordability and performance TEO satisfaction perspective.