Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
QFD was used in Task 1 to select the FWV technologies having the most promise of achieving the FWV Sub Area Goals. This Task was accomplished in two sessions at WPAFB. The first session was held on 04 and 05 August ‘97 in which the Technical Element Objectives (TEOs) were related to the Sub-Area Goals to determine which TEOs had the most impact on each Sub Area Goal. The second session was held on 20 and 21 August when a list of 44 technologies, jointly developed by WL/FI and Boeing-Phantom Works, were evaluated to assess the impact of each technology on each TEO. These results, when combined with the results of the first session, provided the capability to assess the impact of each technology on each Sub Area Goal. These results were then used to establish three prioritized sets of technologies. The first set identifies those technologies that show the best promise of achieving both the affordability and performance goals. The second set shows the most promise of achieving the affordability goals and the final set the most promise of achieving the performance goals. A detailed discuss of the QFD assessment is provided in this report beginning on page 27.