The United States Navy

As America looks to the next millennium, your Navy-Marine Corps Team continues in its quest to redefine sea power while ensuring that enduring capabilities are sustained. The Department of the Navy is addressing numerous hard choices to meet the daunting requirements, expanding missions, and burgeoning threats of the next 25 years and beyond. Decisions made today will fundamentally shape the Navy's ability to respond to future strategic, operational, and tactical requirements; to work closely with other U.S., allied and coalition forces; and to influence events on the broad seas, in littoral regions, and far ashore. Taking the wrong course in the short term might condemn the nation to technological and strategic surprise decades hence. Two goals will help define our course. First, we must be able to perform the missions the nation is likely to ask of us, today and in the near term. Second, we must strengthen and improve the Navy and Marine Corps so that they are more effective than today in achieving America’s military and political ends throughout the first decades of the 21st century. Thus, our vision for tomorrow is in sharp focus, and the plans and programs are continuing the dramatic transformation of American naval power …from the sea.

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