DSN: 485-5216
www.navo.navy.mil (unclas)
www.navo.navy.smil.mil (sipernet)
- Tactical decisions are based on not only on latest observed information about the conditions, but also on forecasted environmental conditions during and at the end of the operation.
- Beach Survey - A topographical and hydrographical survey conducted by the advance party. The two types are: Administrative - A full-blown survey, requiring 12 - 16 men and 8 hours to conduct. An additional 8 hours is needed to package the information. Combat - this is an abbreviated version of the administrative survey; 4 men can conduct one in about 4 hours, with results relayed back to the ATF by radio.
- Surf Observations (SUROBS) - The duty of collecting surf observations falls initially on SEALs and then is assumed by the Beachmaster after H hour. The SUROB Report is constructed from the periodic observation of 100 wave trains as they reach the beach. Estimated heights and statistical averages are determined by trained observers. May be done at 15 or 30 minute intervals as required. The SUROB is transmitted back to CATF and the PCS to be used for MSI calculation.
- Surf Forecast (SURFCST) - This is a hydrographic forecast prepared by a NOC regional center or organic METOC personnel. This product is in the exact same format as the SUROB, but it is for a time period in the future.
- AOA Forecast (AOAFCST) - encompasses the full spectrum of tactically significant environmental information within the AOA and is done by the supporting Naval METOC Command Regional Center or the OA division afloat. Data includes: Meteorological discussions, Specific weather and oceanographic parameters, Aviation parameters, Surf elements, MSI, Tides, Beach conditions, Tactical assessment, Atmospheric refraction, etc..