- The effectiveness of combat troops and their ability to use their equipment, can be rapidly diminished by cold air temperatures and cold sea water spray.
- Marine Life - Hazardous: Jellyfish, Disabling: Portuguese Man-of-War, Deadly: Sharks.
- Moon Illumination - sufficient moon illumination is required to support Night Vision Device (NVD) operations, since starlight alone will not suffice. A lux value of .0022 is usually the go / no-go threshold used to determine the operational effectiveness of Night Vision Devices (NVDs).
- Visibility - Low visibility can prevent surf observations (SUROBS) from being taken, hamper small boat operation, use of Electro-Optical (EO) systems, and NSFS counter-battery missions. It is extremely dangerous to put into a beach when the surf characteristics cannot be estimated.
- Cloud Cover - Low ceilings can limit Close Air Support and Target Acquisition. Extensive cloud cover can affect Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities.
- Precipitation - Precipitation can reduce the IR signature of targets and degrade EO systems. It can also affect troop movement ashore and trafficability.