CART I and IDTC planning
Personnel losses, formal schools training, team trainers, quotas, TADTAR, inspections and assists.
Scrub EDVR/Material Checks
Next Training teams leaders!
Identify where expected crew performance will be weak or strong.
CART I’s should complete at the following (at a minimum)
- “all” personnel losses occurring on your ship up to the next deployment.
- specifically identifying key training team members and watchstanders who will transfer prior to key points in the next IDTC.
- identifying, as possible, the reliefs for those key individuals.
- establishing a tracking program that will allow periodic review and updating of these key personnel billets that will transition.
- identify all school and team training requirements for the next IDTC.
- identify, as possible, who will fill these school quotas.
- request quota’s for all individual and team trainer schools.
- request all TADTAR funds that you will need to meet your required school quotas.
- identify required training needs based on equipment installations conducted during previous maintenance period.