
0603160D Counterproliferation Advanced Technology Development
Defense Special Weapons Agency - FY1998

COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
Total Program Element (PE) Cost 61680 57108 58264 57496 59328 64726 66109 67662 Continuing Continuing
P535 Countering BW/CW 7722 7699 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15421
P535 SOF Counterproliferation Support 0 0 11885 12847 14189 15832 16170 16549 Continuing Continuing
P539 Counterforce 53958 49409 46379 44649 45139 48894 49939 51113 Continuing Continuing

Mission Description and Budget Item Justification:

In August 1994, DoD established the Counterproliferation Support Program specifically to address the DoD shortfalls in counterproliferation operational capabilities documented in the May 1994 Report to Congress titled Report on Nonproliferation and Counterproliferation Activities and Programs. Counterproliferation Support Program funds are used to leverage DoD acquisition programs to meet the counterproliferation priorities of the Commanders-in-Chief (CINCs) of the Combatant Commands and accelerate the deployment of enhanced capabilities to the field. Specifically, the goal of the Counterproliferation Support Program is to improve specific military counterproliferation capabilities by (1) building on ongoing programs in the Services, DoD agencies, Department of Energy and US Intelligence; (2) focusing on the most critical counterproliferation shortfalls to address major gaps in deployed capabilities (as reflected in the CINCs' priorities and the Counterproliferation Review Committee's (CPRC) prioritized list of counterproliferation Areas for Capability Enhancements); (3) leveraging existing program funding to more rapidly field capabilities by accelerating the deliverables of DoD programs; (4) identifying and enhancing the development of high payoff technologies to accelerate capabilities to the warfighter; (5) identifying and promoting key non-materiel initiatives that complement technological advances; and (6) transitioning Counterproliferation Support Program projects to the Services as soon as practicable.

COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
P535 Countering BW/CW 7722 7699 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15421

A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification

Project P535 - Countering Biological Weapons (BW)/Chemical Weapons (CW): This project enhances US capabilities to prevent or mitigate biological and chemical threats/attacks. The project is divided into two categories: First Responder projects and Special Operations Forces (SOF) projects.

The purpose of the First Responder projects is to quickly leverage DoD biological and chemical response, detection and mitigation technologies to crisis and consequence management response teams such as the US Army Technical Escort Unit (USA TEU), the Navy Defense Technical Response Group (DTRG), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the US Secret Service (USSS) and the Department of Public Health and Safety (PHS). These agencies have concepts of operation or employment doctrines considerably different from Major Regional Contingency based nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) defense doctrine. These projects are executed in conjunction with the Joint Chiefs of Staff CONPLAN 0300, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflicts) and the Technical Support Working Group of the National Security Council's Working Group on Counterterrorism to ensure full interagency coordination of requirements. Specific projects are detailed below.

First Responder Projects:

Perimeter Monitoring Sensor--A field portable sensor employing surface acoustic wave (SAW) and ion mobility spectroscopy that can be deployed in civilian settings or venues such as stadiums and parks. Potential users of this technology are the USA TEU, PHS, FEMA and FBI.

Chemical and Biological Explosive Ordnance Disposal Suit--An Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) blast suit that is configured for users that must disable chemical or biological explosive devices. Potential users of this technology are the US Army 52nd EOD unit and the USA TEU. This suit is being developed jointly with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Defense Research Establishment, Suffield, England.

Biological Detection Kit--Development of a first responder biological detection kit in conjunction with the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases and Navy Medical Research and Development Center. Typical users will be the USA TEU, FEMA, PHS, US Federal Drug Administration, USSS and the Central Intelligence Agency.

Quick Mask--A joint Israeli/US project to develop a "quick mask" that has a long life, throw away capability and is easily deployable. The mask can be used by first responders and civilians in response to a chemical/biological threat environment for up to 30 minutes. Typical users will be the USSS and civilian first responders.

The SOF Projects will develop and demonstrate SOF unique devices that enable SOF and special mission units to detect, disable and neutralize Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and their associated facilities under the direction of a geographic CINC in support of CONPLAN 0400. These techniques are leveraged from larger overall DoD programs. Specific projects are detailed below.

SOF Projects:

Portable Devices for SOF Personnel--A classified project that enables SOF personnel to effectively accomplish their mission against WMD facilities.

Swept Frequency Acoustic Interferometer (SFAI)--A device to nonintrusively detect and identify the chemical contents of a container.

Chemical/Biological Weapon (CBW) Agent Extraction Tool--Samples a hazardous material, chemical agent or biological agent container with minimal signature and seals it upon exiting.

Special Operations Forces Fiber Optic Wave Guide (SOF-FOWG) Biosensor--An engineering adaptation of the FOWG to SOF small mission unit operational requirements. The SOF-FOWG device is designed to work in tandem with the drill extractor to sample biological agents.

Target Defeat--A classified project that will enable SOF personnel to complete specific targeting tasks against WMD threats.

SOF Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM)/Advanced Chemical Agent Detector/Alarm (ACADA)--Based on the Army's project to develop a mini gas-chromatograph, ion mobility mass spectrometer system. This device will be specialized for SOF unique environments and will serve as a hand held point and area monitor.

WMD Transport Container--Fabricate a WMD container system applicable to SOF transport aircraft. The container will support a jettison and recovery capability.

Acquisition Strategy:

FY 1996 Accomplishments:
Perimeter Monitoring Sensor--selection of sensor suite platform; initiated development of communications links; integrated SAW and Ion Mass Spectrometer sensors; purchased data fusion and hazard prediction software (662)
Chemical and Biological Explosive Ordnance Disposal Suit--procurement of initial prototype suits; initiated testing of suits; final design integration and delivery of suit to US Army TEU (229)
Biological Detection Kit--completed market survey of potential candidate equipment; developed swab test kit; evaluated components; procured package and components (348)
Quick Mask--performed front-end analysis of available off-the-shelf masks; conducted mask ergonomics and psychological studies (398)
Counterterrorism Front End Analysis--initiated assessment of interagency counterrorism requirements (77)
Development of portable devices for SOF--user down select of technologies; development of prototypes for field evaluation (2752)
SFAI--completed chemical agent data base, precursor data base, industrial chemical data base and initial design of device; initiated fabrication (756)
SOF FOWG Biosensor--finalized design specification; initiated optics and fluidics subsystem development; initiated first prototype design (850)
CBW Agent Extraction Tool--completed initial prototype design; validated vacutainer reaction to chemical agents and precursors; constructed initial prototype and conducted field evaluations (155)
Target Defeat--developed overall design and teaming plan; initiated test bed evaluation; initiated computer simulations and testing (1000)
Provided interim Joint Warning and Reporting Network (JWARN) for EUCOM Operation Joint Endeavor; integrated JWARN into Korea-based Airbase/Port Biological Detection Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (495)
Total 7722

FY 1997 Planned Program:
Perimeter Monitoring Sensor--Initiate field test of sensor suite; ruggedize sensors; sensors-platform integration (500)
Biological Detection Kit--Fabricate prototype system; initiate sampling system development (500)
Quick Mask--Initiate user testing of mask; initiate certification (275)
Development of portable devices for SOF--Field evaluation of prototypes; delivery of prototypes to user (1550)
SFAI--Complete and evaluate first fielded prototype; conduct user evaluation; conduct critical design review; initiate fabrication of final prototype (800)
SOF-FOWG Biosensor--Complete fabrication of first prototype; user test and evaluation; critical design review; initiate final fabrication of final prototype; acceptance and validation testing; delivery of initial units to user (250)
Target Defeat--Conduct initial testing to validate computer simulations; user test bed validation (1350)
CBW Agent Extraction Tool--develop, test and deliver 4 training prototype tools (80)
SOF CAM/ACADA--Finalize development specification; initiate prototype development; test and validation (300)
WMD Transport Container--Finalize design specification; initiate prototype fabrication (400)
Investigate advanced technologies for hard target defeat; initiate systems study for technology selections; preliminary device designs (1644)
50 Small Business Innovation Research Program
Total 7699

FY 1998 Planned Program:
0 All activity under this project transferred to P535-SOF Counterproliferation Support beginning in FY 1998.

FY 1999 Planned Program:
0 All activity under this project transferred to P535-SOF Counterproliferation Support beginning in FY 1998.

B. Project Change Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 Total Cost
FY 1997 President's Budget 8774 8308 0 0 17082
Appropriated Value 8520 7699 N/A N/A N/A
Undistributed Congressional Adjustments -798 0 N/A N/A N/A
FY 1998 President's Budget 7722 7699 0 0 15421

C. Other Program Funding Summary

Not applicable.

COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
P535 SOF Counterproliferation Support 0 0 11885 12847 14189 15832 16170 16549 Continuing Continuing

A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification

Project P535 - SOF Counterproliferation Support: This project enhances US capabilities to prevent or mitigate biological and chemical threats/attacks. The project is divided into two categories: First Responder projects and Special Operations Forces (SOF) projects.

The purpose of the First Responder projects is to quickly leverage DoD biological and chemical response, detection and mitigation technologies to crisis and consequence management response teams such as the US Army Technical Escort Unit (USA TEU), the Navy Defense Technical Response Group (DTRG), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the US Secret Service (USSS) and the Department of Public Health and Safety (PHS). These agencies have concepts of operation or employment doctrines considerably different from Major Regional Contingency based nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) defense doctrine. These projects are executed in conjunction with the Joint Chiefs of Staff CONPLAN 0300, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflicts) and the Technical Support Working Group of the National Security Council's Working Group on Counterterrorism to ensure full interagency coordination of requirements. Specific projects are detailed below.

First Responder Projects:

Perimeter Monitoring Sensor--A field portable sensor employing surface acoustic wave (SAW) and ion mobility spectroscopy that can be deployed in civilian settings or venues such as stadiums and parks. Potential users of this technology are the PHS, FEMA and FBI.

Biological Detection Kit--Development of a first responder biological detection kit in conjunction with the US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases and Navy Medical Research and Development Center. Typical users will be the USA TEU, FEMA, PHS, US Federal Drug Administration, USSS and the Central Intelligence Agency.

Quick Mask--A joint Israeli/US project to develop a "quick mask" that has a long life, throw away capability and is easily deployable. The mask can be used by first responders and civilians in response to a chemical/biological threat environment for up to 30 minutes. Typical users will be the USSS and civilian first responders.

Handheld Gas Chromatograph Ion Mobility Spectroscopy Sensor--Project to downsize the current Advanced Chemical Agent Detector/Alarm (ACADA) from a box unit to a hand held detector to give initial indicators or warnings of a chemical agent.

The SOF Projects will develop and demonstrate SOF unique devices that enable SOF and special mission units to detect, disable and neutralize Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and their associated facilities under the direction of a geographic CINC in support of CONPLAN 0400. These techniques are leveraged from larger overall DoD programs. Specific projects are detailed below.

SOF Projects:

Nuclear Search Tool Upgrades/Preplanned Product Improvement (P3I)--Upgrades and improvements to MK7S/LHT, gamma/neutron radiation detectors for area searches.

Swept Frequency Acoustic Interferometer (SFAI)--A device to nonintrusively detect and identify the chemical contents of a container.

Special Operations Forces Fiber Optic Wave Guide (SOF-FOWG) Biosensor--An engineering adaptation of the FOWG to SOF small mission unit operational requirements. The SOF-FOWG device is designed to work in tandem with the drill extractor to sample biological agents.

Chemical/Biological Weapon (CBW) Agent Extraction Tool--Samples a hazardous material, chemical agent or biological agent container with minimal signature and seals it upon exiting.

Target Defeat--A classified project that will enable SOF personnel to complete specific targeting tasks against WMD threats.

SOF Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM)/Advanced Chemical Agent Detector/Alarm (ACADA)--Based on the Army's project to develop a mini gas-chromatograph, ion mobility mass spectrometer system. This device will be specialized for SOF unique environments and will serve as a hand held point and area monitor.

WMD Emergency Destruct Shape Charge--Development of a family of special purpose explosive shape charges to support emergency destruction.

WMD Transport Container--This project will enable SOF special mission units to fabricate a WMD container system applicable to SOF transport aircraft. The container will support a jettison and recovery capability.

WMD Lift/Transport Vehicle--Development of a multi-purpose, air transportable prototype vehicle capable of lifting and transporting recovered WMD into, around, and out of a WMD site.

Assault/Breach--Development of Special Access Program and specialized technologies to support obstacle penetration to allow movement of personnel and equipment through outer and inner barrier construction materials.

Assault/Mobility--Develop multi-purpose, air-transportable prototype vehicle capable of transporting equipment, casualties and personnel into underground facilities and out of WMD sites. Platform to support multi-tasked mechanical and special purpose breaching capabilities.

Acquisition Strategy:

FY 1996 Accomplishments:
0 Merged project begins in FY 1998--formed from P535, PE 0603160D; P529, PE 0605160D; and P541, PE 0605160D

FY 1997 Planned Program:
0 Merged project begins in FY 1998--formed from P535, PE 0603160D; P529, PE 0605160D; and P541, PE 0605160D

FY 1998 Planned Program:
Perimeter Monitoring Sensor--Finalize field testing; deliver prototype unit to user (300)
Biological Detection Kit--Field test system; deliver prototype units to user (238)
Quick Mask--Initiate limited production of mask to user groups (162)
Hand Held Gas Chromatograph Ion Mobility Spectroscopy Sensor--Initiate requirements collection and validation; fabricate breadboard system (500)
WMD threat response operational plans and exercises--Validation and exercise cycles; readiness sustainment training for EOD WMD; shortfall assessments (656)
SFAI--Complete final prototype; user field test and evaluation against live agents; delivery of initial prototypes to user (550)
SOF-FOWG Biosensor--Correct any initial deficiencies of fielded prototype (100)
SOF CAM/ACADA--Complete fabrication; conduct user test & evaluation; complete user training, acceptance testing and delivery of detectors (700)
WMD Transport Container--Conduct test and evaluation; construct additional fabrication as required (1310)
WMD Lift/Transport Vehicle--Develop multi-tasked, air-transportable prototype vehicle capable of transporting WMD weaponized systems or materials, downsizing large weapon systems and transporting recovered WMD (500)
Target Defeat (Structural Defeat)--Development, evaluation and down-select of three classified projects to support specialized capabilities; weaponize down-selected technology (3494)
Target Defeat (Functional Defeat)--Initial development of incendiary/energetic materials to support missions to render useless or destroy facility capability of specific target types (1000)
Assault/Breach (Special Technologies)--Initial development of three classified projects to dramatically enhance SOF breaching capabilities to gain access into multiple configurations of specialized targets; validate technologies during series of field exercises (1300)
Assault/Breach (Data Collection)--Telemetry and instrumentation support to five explosive access/breaching field exercises; collect data and perform analyses to support changes or modifications to explosive applications (650)
Assault/Mobility--Conduct market survey to determine operational designs; refine functional requirements; purchase candidate prototype system based upon market survey; conduct early user test and evaluation; identify prototype improvements and modifications (425)
Total 11885

FY 1999 Planned Program:
Detection capabilities for WMD (525)
Mitigation capabilities for WMD (402)
Neutralization capabilities for WMD (280)
WMD threat response operational plans and exercises--Continue exercise cycles; assessments and equipment upgrades (200)
Nuclear Search Tool Upgrades/P3I--Identify upgrade & improvements to MK7S/LHT, gamma/neutron radiation detectors for area searches; initiate upgrade for MK7S/LHT; improve detector efficiency; upgrade software and electronics package; reduce detector case size and weight; identify upgrade improvements to SIXPAC, a combined gamma-neutron radiation detector for area searches (300)
CBW Agent Extraction Tool--User field training exercises and joint readiness exercises; correct any initial deficiencies of fielded prototype; fabricate SFAI interface with tool (200)
SFAI--Correct any deficiencies of fielded prototype; update database and ordnance characterization (100)
SOF-FOWG Biosensor--Update data bases (100)
SOF CAM/ACADA--User FTX/JRX field evaluations; correct any deficiencies of first fielded prototypes; database update (100)
WMD Emergency Destruct Shape Charge--Define data base requirements; establish shape charge performance requirements; conduct characterization of user "tool box" charges; initiate threat target modeling (300)
WMD Lift/Transport Vehicle--Complete prototype fabrication; begin user field test and evaluation; identify system modifications; begin modifications \based on user requirements (250)
WMD Transport Container--Delivery of prototypes to user (850)
Target Defeat (Structural Defeat)--Initial weaponization of selected technology; begin series of user field evaluations to validate operational and technical validation; begin modifications to test facility to support SOF Test Bed (4940)
Target Defeat (Functional Defeat)--Begin weaponization of selected technology; initiate instrument test to validate weaponized system effectiveness through series of user exercises against functional targets; begin modifications as required to meet user requirements (1000)
Assault/Breach (Special Technologies)--Advanced concept validation to prepare for ACTD; identify alternative technologies, as required, to enhance assault/breaching capabilities to meet requirements of unique target environments (1400)
Assault/Breach (Data Collection)--Telemetry and instrumentation support to advanced concept validation for access/breaching field exercises; collect data and perform analyses to support changes or modifications to demonstrated technology applications (650)

Assault/Mobility--Complete prototype improvements and modifications; conduct operational test and evaluation (250)
Early Response Capability--Initiate technology development based upon FY 97-98 systems study and user requirements; validation of prototypes against user requirements (1000)
Total 12847

B. Project Change Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 Total Cost
FY 1997 President's Budget 0 0 11925 12907 Continuing
Appropriated Value N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Adjustments to Appropriated Value N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
FY 1998 President's Budget 0 0 11885 12847 Continuing

C. Other Program Funding Summary

Not applicable.

COST (In Thousands) FY 1996 Actual FY 1997 Estimate FY 1998 Estimate FY 1999 Estimate FY 2000 Estimate FY 2001 Estimate FY 2002 Estimate FY 2003 Estimate Cost to Complete Total Cost
P539 Counterforce 53958 49409 46379 44649 45139 48894 49939 51113 Continuing Continuing

A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification

Project P539 - Counterforce: The purpose of this project is to develop technologies, demonstrate prototype systems and provide the warfighter with enhanced capabilities in response to current threat projections for potential adversaries who have the capability to develop and/or employ nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) weapons in future regional conflicts involving the US or its allies. The US requires the capability to identify and characterize NBC research, production, storage and operational support facilities and be prepared to attack and neutralize them while minimizing the collateral effects resulting from the expulsion and release of NBC agents. The potential target set includes aboveground and underground hardened and unhardened facilities as well as tunneled facilities. The project started in FY95, and was structured to exploit ongoing technology programs wherever possible. Near-term emphasis is being applied to efforts to predict and measure the target response and the dispersion of agents associated with attacks against weapons of mass destruction (WMD) facilities using existing conventional weapons. In the mid-term, emphasis will be given to mitigating collateral effects through advanced weapon development and optimized weapon employment. The long-term focus will change to the demonstration of target planning tools, weapons and sensors that will support attacks on an expanded set of WMD targets that may include tunneled facilities. This project leverages ongoing DoD efforts to detect and track mobile targets. The milestones and products presented either accelerate existing milestones or expand upon the capabilities developed by those programs.

Previous descriptions of this project were divided into seven functional areas: sensors, collateral effects, agent neutralization, enhanced payloads, target response, weapons and the Counterproliferation Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (CP ACTD). This description is reduced to five functional areas: sensors, collateral effects, target planning, weapons and the CP ACTD. The new functional structure recognizes the synergy between weapons, enhanced payloads and agent neutralization and reflects consolidated management.

This-project builds on previous Defense Special Weapons Agency (DSWA) projects to develop and mature sensor systems for treaty verification and underground facility characterization to provide additional capabilities for pre-, trans- and post-attack target characterization and damage and collateral effects assessments. The project further develops and accelerates capabilities in collateral effects prediction, target/weapon interaction prediction and funds the integration of these capabilities into service/CINC target planning systems. The project also builds on the Air Force programs in advanced weapon guidance, penetration and fuse enhancements. Air Force weapon development expertise will be used to integrate complementary, demonstrated technologies into prototype weapons that can improve prompt response, enhance lethality and control collateral effects. Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations (ACTDs) will be used to expedite user access to advanced sensor systems and analysis methods, mission planning and collateral effects assessment tools and advanced payloads and penetrating weapons.

1. Sensors. This effort will provide improved warfighting residual capabilities for facility characterization and battle damage assessment (BDA) against the spectrum of WMD facilities. Basic research and development are currently in progress at DSWA to characterize signatures from shallow underground facilities for exploitation by tactical unattended ground sensors (TUGS). Objectives of the current program include development of techniques for source identification, localization, and performing change detection in trans-attack signatures for weapon effectiveness analysis. Current intelligence community (IC) and Department of Energy (DOE) programs involve basic research and development to assess sensor performance and approaches for optimum sensor application for surface target detection and underground facility detection and characterization. This sub-project will leverage existing programs to (1) define concept of operations and sensor system (ground, air, and weapon based) architectures for BDA and facility characterization; (2) develop and demonstrate sensor technologies and prototype sensor systems for BDA and facility characterization; (3) produce data fusion and processing module for BDA and facility characterization to meet user requirements on existing platforms; (4) produce an integrated BDA module and supporting airborne and weapon-borne sensors; (5) develop and demonstrate a man-emplaced TUGS system which includes multi-sensor arrays and long-haul communications; (6) develop and demonstrate an advanced air-emplaced TUGS system for BDA and facility characterization; and (7) evaluate and demonstrate advanced sensor systems for UAV-based and ground-based remote identification of chemical and nuclear constituents expelled as a result of attacks on WMD facilities. Remote detection of biological agents is being addressed in other DoD projects and will be integrated into the counterforce demonstrations when sufficiently mature.

2. Collateral Effects. The Collateral Effects program provides predictive tools for NBC expulsion and dispersion resulting from attacks on WMD facilities as well as acts of terrorism and hostile use of WMD for a variety of applications supporting target attack planning and theater ballistic missile defense intercept or impact. Improvements include high resolution weather models and measurement systems. A key element in developing these collateral effects codes is chemical/biological expulsion tests and modeling needed to ensure early availability of predictive tools to support operational users. Funding will support teaming arrangements with DOE and ERDEC to provide improved expulsion source output data. Modeling of chemical/biological expulsion sources will be based on theoretical model and empirical data. Codes will be validated from existing data, other predictive models and special collateral effects experiments. The collateral effects tools will provide pre-attack prediction and post-attack assessment. These tools will also be integrated into the target attack planning tools to assess the consequences of attacks on WMD facilities.

3. Target Planning. This effort builds on DSWA core programs to develop lethality data, including tests, analysis and models, for CP specific targets across the spectrum of hardness. This includes 1) developing the lethality models for WMD specific targets, structures, systems, and components, including cumulative damage on WMD target lethality (both physical and functional), and 2) developing a model addressing weapon/target interaction as source functions for collateral effects. The Munitions Effects Assessment(MEA) targeting tool, developed by DSWA, will be expanded to address CP specific issues. The MEA will address other technologies such as the collateral effects, enhanced payloads, sensors and target signatures, as well as interface with Service mission planning tools such as the USAF Rapid Application of Air Power (RAAP) and CTAPS and the USN TAMPS. The culmination of all the test, data, analysis, and model development is to enhance the MEA to target WMD facilities including collateral effects predictions, enhanced payload lethality, sensors and BDA signatures. This area includes development of the Proliferation Path Assessment and Targeting System (PPATS) which assists in identifying critical steps in the proliferation process and aids in target identification/nomination.

4. Weapons. Conventional explosive-filled penetrating weapons are often relatively ineffective in destroying large underground reinforced concrete facilities, even if the weapon detonates inside the facility, due to substantial interior walls and/or floors that confine the blast and fragmentation to a small area or result in complete and uncontrolled destruction of soft buried and aboveground facilities. When these facilities protect WMD, the random use of conventional weapons greatly increases the risk of NBC agent dispersal that may result in extensive civilian or friendly force casualties. This sub-project will develop, integrate and demonstrate advanced conventional weapons technologies that will improve mission effectiveness against WMD facilities while minimizing collateral effects. These technologies include improvements in adverse weather/precision guidance, enhanced penetrating capabilities, and agent defeat payloads that can reduce collateral effects by neutralizing agents before they are released. Technologies that have been successfully demonstrated will be weaponized into prototype systems. Agent neutralization will require key data needed to understand the collateral effects consequences of strikes against chemical and biological weapons-related facilities. The program also provides expelled agent viability experiments on bunker strike demonstration tests already planned under other programs. Advanced fuses will enable weapons employment options which maximize lethality and/or control collateral effects. Enhanced payloads will explore alternate warhead options to conventional blast/fragmentation with the objectives of minimizing collateral effects associated with dispersal of WMD materials while also minimizing the number of weapons required to functionally defeat WMD facilities. Functional defeat refers to eliminating a facility's capability to perform its intended function, even though the structure itself may remain largely intact. Capabilities established by this program directly support the development of payload upgrades.

5. Counterproliferation (CP) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD). The Counterproliferation ACTD will improve the operational capability for holding WMD targets at risk with controlled collateral effects. The objective is to integrate available or near-term technologies, evaluate the technologies in an operational context and transition improved capabilities rapidly to warfighters. The focus of ACTD efforts is to integrate demonstrated technologies for sensors, weapons, collateral effects and target planning tools into an end-to-end system and to conduct extensive system demonstrations in an operational context. Specifically, this project will enhance and accelerate existing programs to provide integrated target planning to include collateral effects prediction codes and sensors for facility identification, characterization and BDA, and advanced weapons development programs to meet WMD target defeat requirements. This counterproliferation program will also support demonstration operations to include system operational concept, demonstration planning, scenario development, execution of the ACTD and post-demonstration analysis. Planning and execution of the ACTDs use a time phased approach to screen candidate technologies for maturity, develop prototype systems and demonstrate enhancements in military capability against a warfighter prioritized subset of all potential WMD target types. This approach results in a cycle of prototype development and testing followed by periods of operational demonstration. Thus, the CP ACTD has been structured in phases.

Current planning covers several phases of the CP ACTD. The Phase I ACTD target is a bermed above ground simulated biological storage facility. The Phase II target is a cut-and -cover simulated chemical production facility. The focus for Phase III and follow-on phases includes adverse-weather precision weapon guidance and advanced sensors for target characterization and BDA and enhanced weapon payloads to minimize collateral effects.

Acquisition Strategy:

FY 1996 Accomplishments:
Developed design options and initiated proof of principle demonstration of the tactical FLIR pod modification (TFPM) for weapon thermal signature collection for application to battle damage assessment (BDA). (2180)
Down-selected design approaches and conducted component level testing for the weapon borne sensor (WBS). (1825)
Completed the hand-emplaced, tactical unattended ground sensor (TUGS) design and collected data from representative facilities during weapon detonations and facility equipment operation to demonstrate sensor utility. (3152)
Defined user requirements and developed facility models for tactical multi-sensor data fusion (TMSF). (550)
Began demonstration of WMD launcher detection using ATR on overhead assets. (5605)
Expanded HAARP transmitter array to allow for future full scale experiments in finding underground targets. (5000)
Initiated sub-scale experiments to investigate detection and imaging of underground facilities using the HAARP test facility. (4145)
Delivered initial chemical hazard module for targeting tool. (1100)
Validated source models with large scale expulsion experiments. (1350)
Continued development of Advanced Weather Support Unit. (1650)
Extended atmosphere transport model across all platforms and tools. (1087)
Completed MEA Version 2.1, Windows versions and stand alone collateral effects capability, and initiated integration into the Rapid Application of Air Power (RAAP) targeting tool. (1493)
Conducted WMD equipment vulnerability tests. Initiated development of component response models. (843)
Developed lethality data for additional aboveground CP targets using JMEM methodologies. (646)
Executed precision tests to validate lethality predictions and collateral effects source function generation. (1177)
Performed analyses to identify warhead/equipment/structure interactions for Chem/Bio targets. (398)
Procured critical equipment for large scale testing. (1493)
Completed design and initial sled track testing of two options for the advanced unitary penetrator (AUP), fabricated sled and arena test articles and initiated risk reduction. (4634)
Conducted lab and mid-scale tests to determine kill mechanisms for simulant and live agents and publish neutralization criteria. (3445)
Selected carrier, completed software simulation and initiated hardware fabrication for ITAG guidance system. (3864)
Conducted additional risk reduction testing of the Hard Target Smart Fuse (HTSF). (1649)
Developed the HTSF ground setting unit (GSU). (500)
Hard Target ATACMS--Established preliminary definition of payload to missile physical and functional interfaces; initiated trade studies on warhead internal layout and penetrator design. (1008)
4964 CP ACTD
Defined ACTD Phase II demonstration scenarios, end-to-end system operational concepts and demonstration support requirements. (1500)
Conducted Phase I operational demonstrations in simulated biological storage facilities; delivered initial versions of the target planning tools. (3464)
Completed FBI counter-terrorism study. (200)
Total 53958

FY 1997 Planned Program:
16867 SENSORS:
Complete proof of principle tests and feature extraction software for tactical FLIR pod modification. (1799)
Integrate weapon borne sensor components and conduct system level tests. (2270)
Complete development and testing of TUGS for CP ACTD Phase II and start monitoring the ACTD site. (3873)
Complete system design and initial software release, and conduct initial operational testing of the tactical multi-sensor fusion capability. (750)
Complete first phase of ATR demonstration. (1200)
Expand HAARP transmitter array; conduct sub-scale experiments to investigate detection and imaging of underground facilities using the HAARP test facility (6975)
Refine hazard source term models across all products including targeting tool. (1920)
Initial Operational Capability for Advanced Weather Support Unit. (1800)
Integrate advanced meteorological and turbulent transport models into CE tools. (1970)
Complete short and long range validation tests, and deliver final validation report for HASCAL version 3.0. (1500)
Release MEA Version 2.2 - end-to-end capability to assess attacks on WMD aboveground production facilities using current and advanced weapons, exploit sensor data for pre-attack target characterization and post-attack BDA, RAAP integration. (2100)
Complete component vulnerability models for Chem/Bio equipment. Implement the models in the MEA. (1400)
Conduct 1/2 scale tests of CP ACTD Phase II structure and conduct 1/3 scale Dipole Tiger tests. (1622)
Complete penetrator tests. Package for ACTD. (4275)
Continue integration and package ITAG guidance system for ACTD demonstration and complete trajectory simulation tests. (4001)
Complete Hard Target Smart Fuse component improvement, validation testing and Joint Service certification. (1263)
Conduct weapon certification support. (180)
Hard Target ATACMS--complete System Requirements Review; establish warhead baseline concept; initiate design activities; complete missile/warhead interface design definition; conduct six degree of freedom simulations of missile/warhead flight; complete initial analysis of error contributors to system accuracy. (3300)
6488 CP ACTD
Complete Dipole Orbit and Dipole Tiger demonstrations. (1741)
Complete demonstration planning for ACTD Phase II. (2351)
Begin planning for the CP2 Counterforce ACTD. (2396)
723 Small Business Innovation Research Program
Total 49409

FY 1998 Planned Program:
Enhance BDA capability of the TFPM (1910)
Design and fabricate prototype of an integrated WBS and Hard Target Smart Fuse. (1600)
Complete design, and fabricate and test components for the air-delivered version of the TUGS. (2200)
Integrate initial release of the TMSF onto existing user workstations and deliver the systems. (750)
Identify mature remote detection systems technologies (e.g., chemical and weather) and communication pathways and incorporate these technologies into a TUGS. (1000)
Develop TUGS detection, location and identification algorithms for CP2 ACTD target types. (1000)
Identify and initiate integration of WMD target characterization and BDA sensors, to include stand-off collateral effects capabilities, into unmanned air vehicles (1590)
Extend hazard source term models to CP2 ACTD target types. (2000)
Expand HASCAL collateral effects predictions to support the CP2 ACTD target types. (1700)
Conduct code validation experiments to support HASCAL development. (1800)
Advanced Weather Support Unit FOC. (2000)
Weather code validation. (500)
Release MEA Version 3.0. (600)
Complete Integrated MEA Version 3.0 integration and testing. (1375)
Extend target response models to CP2 ACTD target types. (2800)
Develop upgrades and enhanced user interfaces necessary for PPATS to achieve full operational capability. (1275)
Initiate development of MEA 4.0. (700)
Complete kill mechanism characterization/sub-scale tests for agent defeat concept; begin weaponization studies. (3600)
Complete ITAG fabrication/testing for ACTD. (2330)
Evaluate competing adverse weather precision guidance systems for CP2 ACTD weapons feasibility. (1670)
Evaluate advanced weapon/warhead concepts for CP lethality and target vulnerability. (3400)
10579 CP ACTD
Execute the CP ACTD Phase II. (4000)
Conduct post-demonstration analysis. (2600)
Conduct Phase II site refurbishment (800)
Plan CP2 ACTD. (1000)
Integrate and analyze the CP2 ACTD systems. (1000)
Design and initiate CP2 ACTD target development. (1179)
Total 46379

FY 1999 Planned Program:
Integrate components and conduct flight tests for the air-delivered version of the TUGS. (2500)
Complete TUGS algorithms for detection, location and identification of CP2 ACTD target types. (1600)
Complete integration of an unmanned air vehicle (UAV) payload for WMD target characterization and BDA. (3100)
Conduct initial operational testing of the TMSF version 3.0. (1600)
Assess availability of biological detection technologies to support BDA. (1000)
Complete HASCAL development for CP2 ACTD target types. (2300)
Extend hazard source term models to CP2 ACTD target types. (3600)
Upgrade hazard transport models for CP2 ACTD target types. (1800)
Extend target response models to CP2 ACTD target types. (1803)
Conduct 1/3 scale tests of CP2 ACTD structure. (1530)
Release upgrade of MEA to support the CP2 ACTD structure. (1025)
Conduct full-scale validation tests. (1700)
Complete sled and full scale tests of small boosted penetrator. (3500)
Evaluate and flight test adverse weather guidance systems. (3200)
Continue validation testing of advanced weapons/warhead concepts against CP targets. (6500)
7891 CP ACTD
Complete planning and target development for CP2 ACTD. (3000)
Continue post-demonstration analysis for CP2 ACTD. (2891)
Plan follow-on CP ACTD phases. (2000)
Total 44649

B. Project Change Summary FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 Total Cost
FY 1997 President's Budget 53979 48620 46533 44858 Continuing
Appropriated Value 56811 49409 N/A N/A N/A
Undistributed Congressional Adjustments -2853 0 N/A N/A N/A
FY 1998 President's Budget 53958 49409 46379 44649 Continuing

C. Other Program Funding Summary












PE 0603122D, Counterterror

Technical Support

11408 16521 17982 18035 18446 18773 18773 18773 Cont Cont
PE 0602160D, Proj P533-CP Exploratory


13699 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13699