0602602F Conventional Munitions
Air Force FY1998
COST ($ In Thousands) |
FY 1996
Actual |
FY 1997
Estimate |
FY 1998
Estimate |
FY 1999
Estimate |
FY 2000
Estimate |
FY 2001
Estimate |
FY 2002
Estimate |
FY 2003
Estimate |
Cost to
Complete |
Total Cost |
Total Program Element (PE) Cost |
42,886 |
41,038 |
40,772 |
42,999 |
44,384 |
47,217 |
47,979 |
49,368 |
Continuing |
Continuing |
2068 |
Advanced Guidance Technology |
16,832 |
14,385 |
15,025 |
17,265 |
16,584 |
17,694 |
17,977 |
18,501 |
Continuing |
Continuing |
2502 |
Ordnance Technology |
26,054 |
26,653 |
25,747 |
25,734 |
27,800 |
29,523 |
30,002 |
30,867 |
Continuing |
Continuing |
Quantity of RDT&E Articles |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Note: Beginning in FY 1998, Project 2543 has been combined with Project 2502. The total PE costs shown for FY 1996 and FY 1997 reflect this consolidation.
(U) A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: This Applied Research program develops and establishes the feasibility of advanced technologies for air-to-air and air-to-surface conventional weapons to support non-nuclear Air Force missions. The program includes development and demonstration of: (1) advanced guidance
component technology for low-cost precision adverse-weather autonomous seekers; (2) advanced navigation/control technologies for advanced air-to-ground munitions and
highly agile air-to-air missiles; (3) fuze technology to reduce cost and increase supportability, safety, and performance; (4) affordable explosives for higher performance and
lower sensitivity; (5) advanced analytical tools for calculating weapons effects to reduce development time and cost; (6) advanced weapon airframe and carriage technology
for advanced air-to-ground munitions and highly agile air-to-air missiles; (7) advanced warhead development technologies and advanced kill mechanisms for target defeat;
and (8) advanced analytical methods for predicting advanced weapons effectiveness. Note: Program for applied research of conventional weapons technology has been
restructured to meet warfighter needs. Development of instrumentation technology for FY 1998 and out planned in this project has been zeroed.
(U) B. Program Change Summary ($ in Thousands):
FY 1996 |
FY 1997 |
FY 1998 |
FY 1999 |
Cost |
(U) Previous President's Budget |
43,276 |
42,573 |
46,244 |
47,625 |
Cont |
(U) Appropriated Value |
44,954 |
42,573 |
(U) Adjustments to Appropriated Value |
a. Congressional/General Reductions |
-897 |
-986 |
b. SBIR |
-529 |
-509 |
c. Omnibus/Other Above Threshold Reprogrammings |
-642 |
-40 |
(U) Current Budget Submit/FY 1998 PB |
42,886 |
41,038 |
40,772 |
42,999 |
Cont |
(U) Change Summary Explanation:
Funding: Changes to this PE since the previous President's Budget are due to budget constraints and priorities within the Science and Technology (S&T) Program.
Schedule: Not Applicable.
Technical: Not Applicable.
(U) C. Other Program Funding Summary: Not Applicable.
(U) D. Schedule Profile: Not Applicable.
COST ($ In Thousands) |
FY 1996
Actual |
FY 1997
Estimate |
FY 1998
Estimate |
FY 1999
Estimate |
FY 2000
Estimate |
FY 2001
Estimate |
FY 2002
Estimate |
FY 2003
Estimate |
Cost to
Complete |
Total Cost |
2068 |
Advanced Guidance Technology |
16,832 |
14,385 |
15,025 |
17,265 |
16,584 |
17,694 |
17,977 |
18,501 |
Continuing |
Continuing |
(U) A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: This project develops precision terminal guidance technologies for air-launched conventional weapons and
technologies for midcourse guidance for advanced munitions. Project payoffs include: adverse-weather and "launch and leave" precision guidance capability; increased
number of kills per sortie; increased aircraft survivability; improved reliability and affordability; reduced test costs; shorter development programs; and improved
survivability and effectiveness of conventional air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons. Development of instrumentation technology for FY 1998 and out planned in this
project has been zeroed.
(U) FY 1996 ($ in Thousands):
(U) $8,918 |
Develop and demonstrate guidance component technology for low-cost precision adverse-weather, autonomous seekers. |
(U) Flight-tested an optical correlator with a laser radar to investigate target identification in a severe clutter environment. |
(U) Conducted in-house experiments on an adverse-weather, wide field-of-view, high resolution, passive, millimeter wave sensor for
use in future covert seekers. |
(U) Completed design of an electronic processor using image algebra for use in future missile systems. |
(U) Completed the conformal antenna design for an air superiority missile to enable the design of a smaller diameter missile. |
(U) $4,810 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced navigation/control technologies for weapon airframes. |
(U) Conducted initial design of a smaller, lighter, less expensive Global Position System/Inertial Navigation System that provides an
improvement in accuracy over current technology to achieve an affordable future weapon designs. |
(U) Completed design for an improved tactical-grade inertial measurement unit to investigate micro machined inertial sensor
technology. |
(U) Fabricated an inertial sensor utilizing silicon chip micro machining technology to allow for small and inexpensive inertial
measurement units without sacrificing performance. |
(U) $3,104 |
Develop and demonstrate instrumentation for weapon guidance development and test. |
(U) Conducted telemetry signal processing experiments to enhance transmission range and provide weapon in-flight time-space-position
information. |
(U) Completed telemetry instrumentation development system to provide expert system programming capability to weapons
development and test community users of subminiature telemetry. |
(U) $16,832 |
Total |
(U) FY 1997 ($ in Thousands):
(U) $8,326 |
Develop and demonstrate guidance component technology for low-cost precision adverse-weather, autonomous seekers. |
(U) Complete filter development for laser radar (LADAR) sensors; continue development of optical correlator technologies (i.e., high-speed, high resolution, multiple state-capable correlator hardware). |
(U) Continue experiments on an adverse-weather, wide field-of-view, high resolution, passive, millimeter wave sensor for use in future
covert seekers. |
(U) Complete fabrication and integration of conformal array seeker breadboard for an air superiority missile that provides an
instantaneously addressable wide field-of-regard. |
(U) Complete construction of multichannel LADAR breadboard; utilize completed breadboard to continue technology base
development to enhance capability of solid state LADAR (i.e., increase operating range, assess rapid scanning techniques, develop
multichannel receiver capability, and develop longer wavelength technology). |
(U) Continue development of technologies to support advanced imaging longwave infrared (IR) sensors; develop requirements for
multicolor large format focal planes and polarization sensitive detectors. |
(U) Complete construction of breadboard scene projector for solid state LADAR seekers. |
(U) Develop sensor models for an autonomous LADAR guidance system in preparation for a multi-sensor laser/millimeter wave seeker
system. |
(U) Develop LADAR algorithms for high value targets in clutter and countermeasure environments. |
(U) $4,432 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced navigation/control technologies for advanced air-to-ground munitions and highly agile air-to-air missiles. |
(U) Complete breadboard assembly and laboratory testing, and initiate preliminary design for an advanced jam resistant Global Position
System/Inertial Navigational System that is 40 percent of the size and cost of FY 1995 technology. |
(U) Complete fabrication of micro-machined inertial sensor and begin fabrication of a breadboard inertial measurement unit. |
(U) $1,627 |
Develop and demonstrate instrumentation for weapons guidance development and evaluation. |
(U) Develop new subminiature telemetry chip-set functions and new packaging concepts for high-G usage. |
(U) Develop and demonstrate spectrally efficient modulation and coding methods for telemetering wideband test data. |
(U) $14,385 |
Total |
(U) FY 1998 ($ in Thousands):
(U) $9,321 |
Develop and demonstrate guidance component technology for low-cost precision adverse-weather, autonomous seekers. |
(U) Continue development of optical correlator technologies (i.e., high-speed, high resolution, multiple state-capable correlator
hardware); provide filters to support optical processing enhanced laser radar experiments. |
(U) Conduct phenomenology analysis of high resolution, passive, millimeter wave target background imagery for use in future adverse
weather wide field of view covert seekers. |
(U) Demonstrate/ground test a conformal antenna design for an air superiority missile that provides an instantaneously addressable wide
field-of-regard. |
(U) Develop and test laser radar (LADAR) techniques for penetrating adverse-weather; develop a flight-worthy LADAR modular
brassboard; use multi-channel LADAR breadboard to assess component technologies and increased frame rate, assess longer wavelength
utility and assess multi-channel receiver technology. |
(U) Develop specifications for affordable, passive, electro-optical/infrared seekers sensitive to longwave infrared, multi-color, and
polarization phenomena to provide improved autonomous terminal seekers. |
(U) Develop requirements for advanced scene projector for solid state LADAR seekers. |
(U) Develop sensor models for active infrared (IR) and passive millimeter wave (MMW) autonomous guidance. |
(U) Validate LADAR algorithms for high value targets in a clutter and countermeasure environment. |
(U) Complete validation of a four-channel pixel-registered active/passive IR/MMW synthetic scene generation code against range
measured data. |
(U) $5,704 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced navigation/control technologies for advanced air-to-ground munitions and highly agile air-to-air missiles. |
(U) Develop flight control software and simulations for a highly maneuverable air combat missile incorporating hybrid reaction
jet/aerodynamic flight controls. |
(U) Complete brassboard design and initiate fabrication and integration for an advanced Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation
System that is 40 percent of the size and cost of FY 1995 technology. |
(U) Complete development, fabrication, and testing of the inertial measurement unit system breadboard and incorporate refinements into
the brassboard design. |
(U) $15,025 |
Total |
(U) FY 1999 ($ in Thousands):
(U) $9,918 |
Develop and demonstrate guidance component technology for low-cost precision adverse-weather, autonomous seekers. |
(U) Complete filter development for the optical processing enhanced laser radar (LADAR) experiments; develop processing hardware
technology for advanced sensors; and, develop accompanying advanced filter concepts to include ultra high-speed processors for
miniature electro-optical and radio frequency imaging sensors. |
(U) Design for fabrication and assembly of a passive millimeter wave (MMW), captive flight test worthy imaging sensor. |
(U) Conduct experiments, evaluate, and refine conformal antenna seeker breadboard for an air superiority missile that provides an
instantaneously addressable wide field-of-regard. |
(U) Utilize flight-worthy brassboard to assess LADAR; demonstrate long-range (>3Km) and adverse-weather penetration; utilize multi-wavelengths for discrimination; and demonstrate frequency agile LADAR. |
(U) Design and fabricate an infrared spectral seeker. |
(U) Fabricate advanced scene projector to support future LADAR seeker. |
(U) Develop sensor fusion algorithms for active and passive MMW seeker for autonomous guidance. |
(U) Develop solid state LADAR algorithms for air-to-air autonomous acquisition and tracking. |
(U) Develop and evaluate an active/passive infrared air-to-air target/scene modeling capability for the design of autonomous target
acquisition algorithms. |
(U) $7,347 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced navigation/control technologies for advanced air-to-ground munitions and highly agile air-to-air missiles. |
(U) Develop a hardware-in-the-loop simulation environment and implement advanced highly maneuverable missile guidance and
autopilot methodologies. |
(U) Complete brassboard testing for an advanced Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System that is highly jam resistant,
affordable, and readily useable in future tactical weapons. |
(U) Complete development, fabrication, and testing of the inertial measurement unit system brassboard, and deliver and support two
functioning inertial measurement units. |
(U) $17,265 |
Total |
(U) B. Program Change Summary ($ in Thousands):
FY 1996 |
FY 1997 |
FY 1998 |
FY 1999 |
Cost |
(U) Previous President's Budget |
16,832 |
14,901 |
16,186 |
16,669 |
Cont |
(U) Current Budget Submit/FY 1998 PB |
16,832 |
14,385 |
15,025 |
17,265 |
Cont |
(U) Change Summary Explanation:
Funding: Changes to this project since the previous President's Budget are due to budget constraints and priorities within the Science and Technology (S&T)
Schedule: Not Applicable.
Technical: Not Applicable.
(U) C. Other Program Funding Summary:
(U) Related Activities:
(U) PE 0603601F, Conventional Weapons Technology.
(U) PE 0604314F, Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile.
(U) PE 0604940D, Central Test and Evaluation Improvement Program.
(U) PE 0604604F, Submunitions Development.
(U) This project has been coordinated through the Project Reliance process to harmonize efforts and eliminate duplication.
(U) D. Schedule Profile: Not Applicable.
COST ($ In Thousands) |
FY 1996
Actual |
FY 1997
Estimate |
FY 1998
Estimate |
FY 1999
Estimate |
FY 2000
Estimate |
FY 2001
Estimate |
FY 2002
Estimate |
FY 2003
Estimate |
Cost to
Complete |
Total Cost |
2502 |
Ordnance Technology |
26,054 |
26,653 |
25,747 |
25,734 |
27,800 |
29,523 |
30,002 |
30,867 |
Continuing |
Continuing |
Note: Beginning in FY 1998, Project 2543 has been combined with Project 2502. The total PE costs shown for FY 1996 and FY 1997 reflect this consolidation.
(U) A. Mission Description and Budget Item Justification: This project develops technologies for advanced weapon dispensers, submunitions, safe and arm devices,
fuzes, explosives, and warheads for air-to-surface and air-to-air conventional weapons, and weapon airframe and carriage technology. The payoffs include: improved
storage capability and transportation safety of fully assembled weapons; improved non-nuclear warhead and fuze effectiveness; improved submunition dispensing; selectable
multimode kill capability; low-cost airframe/subsystem components and structures; and reduced aircraft/weapons drag and radar signature. Assesses the lethality and
effectiveness of current and planned air-to-surface and air-to-air conventional weapons technology programs, and assesses the vulnerability of targets against which
conventional weapons are designed. Project payoffs include more thoroughly tested weapon systems. Development of instrumentation technology for FY 1998 and out
planned in this project has been zeroed.
(U) FY 1996 ($ in Thousands):
(U) $4,021 |
Develop fuze technology to reduce cost and increase supportability, safety, and performance. |
(U) Designed and initiated fabrication of ground penetrating radar fuze components for interrogation of target prior to penetration to
improve weapon burst point selection and increased weapon effectiveness. |
(U) Conducted trade studies to determine feasibility of fuze systems for a dual-role missile capable of defeating air-to-air and air-to-surface targets which will provide ordnance packages for improving effectiveness for defeating air targets and selected ground targets. |
(U) $396 |
Develop and demonstrate affordable explosives for higher performance and lower sensitivity. |
(U) Installed explosive demilitarization equipment for technology evaluation and demonstration to provide low-cost, environmentally
compatible methods for disposal, conversion, or recycling of explosives. |
(U) Conducted sensitivity experiments of advanced penetrator explosive formulations to provide insensitive explosive fills which
survive penetration while increasing blast performance. |
(U) $2,463 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced analytical tools for calculating weapons effects to reduce development time and cost. |
(U) Completed study to verify optimum nose shape for penetrating weapons to increase penetration capability. |
(U) Verified detonation shock dynamics methodology for tracking an explosive detonation as it propagates through weapon payload. |
(U) Verified target/warhead interaction simulation to provide improved understanding of weapon kill mechanisms. |
(U) $476 |
Develop aeroballistic analysis tools to enhance and reduce the cost/schedule of weapons testing/certification. |
(U) Developed and installed a high resolution, solid state, digital camera system to record flight data for the Aeroballistic Research
Facility to maintain high experimentation rates while greatly decreasing cost. |
(U) Studied applications of advanced flow field visualization instrumentation for collection of quantitative density information around a
projectile in free flight to greatly enhance design process of new munitions. |
(U) $2,256 |
Develop advanced weapon airframe and carriage technology. |
(U) Studied designs of affordable methods of external weapon carriage for future fighter aircraft. |
(U) Investigated designs of compressed weapons to reduce the size of stores to improve weapon payload capability on aircraft. |
(U) $9,164 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced warhead development technologies and advanced kill mechanisms for materiel target defeat. |
(U) Characterized candidate high strength penetrator warhead materials which will provide greater penetration capability/warhead
survivability. |
(U) Tested penetrator explosive mechanical survivability for identifying properties for enhancing future penetrator effectiveness. |
(U) Conducted theoretical investigations into new warhead technology involving magnetically formed warheads which will provide
additional kill methods for enhancing weapons effectiveness. |
(U) Conducted design trades for improving fragmentation of warheads by combining explosives with advanced initiator techniques. |
(U) $1,466 |
Develop and demonstrate instrumentation for weapon test and evaluation. |
(U) Integrated high-speed electronic imaging components and validate through laboratory tests. |
(U) Developed techniques for holographic data reduction to provide improved warhead hydrocode test data. |
(U) $3,269 |
Develop and extend modular effectiveness vulnerability assessment code (MEVA) to increase accuracy of weapon effectiveness predictions
against fixed hardened targets. |
(U) Conducted MEVA code configuration management activities to ensure software changes are authorized, validated, documented, and
distributed to user community; weapons of mass destruction software module completed. |
(U) Analyzed embedded detonation data base and updated existing blast damage algorithms for detonation in burster slabs/thick walls. |
(U) Conducted component vulnerability experiments, develop first set of fragility algorithms for integration into MEVA code, and
conduct code validation experiments. |
(U) Integrated modified source, transport, and diffusion codes to build a systems-level network for assessing weapon effectiveness
against weapons of mass destruction storage, production, and logistic facilities and to predict potential for collateral damage. |
(U) $1,709 |
Develop and demonstrate analytical methods of predicting weapon effectiveness and the coupling of destructive energy into the target. |
(U) Integrated high velocity penetration/advanced munitions case technology algorithms into systems-level weapon assessment codes. |
(U) Developed weapon assessment methodologies to significantly reduce requirements for expensive lethality/vulnerability data
collection experiments. |
(U) $834 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced weapons simulation capability. |
(U) Adapted and extend existing analytical tools to enable efficient, one-time development of complex munition simulations. |
(U) Developed a modular munition simulation taxonomy for interconnecting munition subsystem models. |
(U) Developed munition-specific models to allow component trades for anti-jam Global Positioning System technologies. |
(U) Conducted technology trade studies for antimateriel submunitions. |
(U) $26,054 |
Total |
(U) FY 1997 ($ in Thousands):
(U) $3,437 |
Develop and demonstrate fuze technology to reduce cost and increase supportability, safety, and performance. |
(U) Fabricate and evaluate a proximity sensor for general purpose bomb fuzes; investigate implementations of high/low drag sensing
methods. |
(U) Conduct preliminary design studies of a hard target penetrating radar fuze to optimize burst point selection. |
(U) Complete trade studies on an integrated ordnance package capable of defeating future air targets and surface-to-air missiles. |
(U) $3,083 |
Develop and demonstrate affordable explosives for higher performance and lower sensitivity. |
(U) Conduct initial explosive experiments to provide low-cost technologies for demilitarization of weapon explosives. |
(U) Continue sensitivity experiments of insensitive explosive fills which survive hard target penetration while increasing blast
performance. |
(U) $1,423 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced analytical tools for calculating weapons effects to reduce development time and cost. |
(U) Validate explosive shock wave interaction simulation for developing advanced multimode warheads. |
(U) Initiate incorporation of unstructured grid methods into penetrator weapon design tools. |
(U) Initiate development of next generation weapon design methods for hard target warheads incorporating heavy metals. |
(U) $4,015 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced weapon airframe and carriage technology for advanced air-to-ground munitions and highly agile air-to-air
missiles. |
(U) Develop flight control software and simulations for a highly maneuverable air combat missile incorporating hybrid reaction
jet/aerodynamic flight controls. |
(U) Continue development of initial system integration/design of a rapid response weapon for effectively engaging time-critical targets. |
(U) Complete fabrication of selected fin folding and deployment mechanisms for compressed carriage. |
(U) Continue installation of high resolution solid state, digital shadow-graph system to allow for quick and less expensive data
collection, processing, and analysis to reduce time to evaluate projectile configurations. |
(U) $6,753 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced warhead development technologies and advanced kill mechanisms for target defeat. |
(U) Complete experiments for coupling electrical energy into targets using antimateriel warhead. |
(U) Perform subscale tests of advanced penetrator warhead materials for high velocity penetration. |
(U) $2,201 |
Develop and demonstrate munitions data acquisition technology. |
(U) Complete weapons effects holography program; transition technology to munition development facilities. |
(U) Fabricate and test brassboard automated holographic data reduction system to provide improved warhead hydrocode test data. |
(U) Integrate and laboratory test high-speed, high resolution electronic imager. |
(U) $2,163 |
Develop and extend modular effectiveness vulnerability assessment code (MEVA) to increase accuracy of weapon effectiveness predictions
against fixed hardened targets. |
(U) Continue MEVA code configuration management activities to ensure software changes are authorized, validated, documented, and
distributed to user community; weapons combined effects software module completed. |
(U) Continue component vulnerability experiments, develop first set of fragility algorithms for integration in MEVA code, and complete
code validation experiments. |
(U) Develop algorithms and new functional modules for integration into MEVA to accurately predict the effectiveness of advanced
munitions technology concepts. |
(U) Complete development/integration of systems level lethality/vulnerability assessment methodologies into MEVA for
buried/hardened targets, above ground structures, tunnels, linear targets, and weapons of mass destruction. |
(U) $2,163 |
Develop and demonstrate analytical methods of predicting weapon effectiveness and the coupling of destructive energy into the target, and the
means to translate that information into advanced analytical methods for predicting weapon effectiveness. |
(U) Complete development of weapon assessment methodologies that significantly reduce requirements for expensive
lethality/vulnerability data collection experiments. |
(U) Conduct initial phenomenology and weapon effects experiments to provide data for code deficiencies with respect to advanced
munition concepts. |
(U) Conduct experiments and analyses to investigate phenomena such as synergistic effects from blast and fragments, simultaneous
detonations, and penetration dynamics through rock, rubble, and geological material of various hardness. |
(U) $665 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced weapons analytical methodologies. |
(U) Validate antimateriel submunition analyses versus actual warhead arena and flight test data. |
(U) Enhance and develop codes for hard target penetration and weapons of mass destruction munition technologies. |
(U) Develop joint compatible models to allow evaluation of synthetic aperture radar seeker technology and infrared seeker technology
in support of munition tools to make evaluation of munition performance with new technology a much faster, cheaper, and more
effective process. |
(U) $750 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced munitions seeker analyses capability. |
(U) Continue to validate four-channel pixel-registered active/passive infrared/millimeter wave (IR/MMW) synthetic scene generation
code against measured data. |
(U) Complete development of six-channel pixel-registered active/passive IR/MMW, visible, ultraviolet synthetic scene generation code. |
(U) $26,653 |
Total |
(U) FY 1998 ($ in Thousands):
(U) $4,933 |
Develop and demonstrate fuze technology to reduce cost and increase supportability, safety, and performance. |
(U) Complete simulation of multi-point initiation systems which provide increased weapon flexibility and effectiveness. |
(U) Complete fabrication of hard target penetrating radar fuze brassboard and continue analysis and test of hard target
fuzes/components. |
(U) Complete ground target clutter generator mod for target simulator. |
(U) Complete design and proof-of-concept testing of target detection and imaging device for dual range air-to-air missile. |
(U) Complete fabrication and testing of advanced monolithic microwave integrated circuit sensors. |
(U) $2,115 |
Develop and demonstrate affordable explosives for higher performance and lower sensitivity. |
(U) Perform reclamation experiments on inventory explosives to determine best methods for recovering/disposing of explosives. |
(U) Complete full-scale testing of candidate advanced penetrator explosive formulations which provide enhanced blast and
fragmentation. |
(U) Assess performance and sensitivity of composite explosives which use CL-20 as the primary energetic ingredient. |
(U) $2,559 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced analytical tools for calculating weapons effects to reduce development time and cost. |
(U) Complete development of warhead/target interaction models for hard target penetrating weapons. |
(U) Complete parallelization and supercomputer rehosting of design code for penetrating weapons. |
(U) $3,386 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced weapon airframe and carriage technology for advanced air-to-ground munitions and highly agile air-to-air
missiles. |
(U) Demonstrate through wind tunnel and radar cross section testing the ability to carry large loadouts of innovative compressed
weapons in a low drag and survivable manner on advanced aircraft. |
(U) Refine the initial design of a rapid response weapon for effectively engaging time-critical targets; develop design guidelines for
applying the most promising technologies in future time critical target weapons. |
(U) $5,188 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced warhead development technologies and advanced kill mechanisms for target defeat. |
(U) Validate detonation shock dynamics code capability against highly instrumented range experiments. |
(U) Assess tantalum materials for application to multimode warheads. |
(U) Complete explosive survivability modeling and testing. |
(U) Evaluate performance of thermite systems for enhanced lethality. |
(U) Characterize advanced casing and high explosive materials for structural survivability and enhanced target defeat. |
(U) Perform technology and system trade studies on very high-speed penetrators. |
(U) $3,165 |
Develop and extend modular effectiveness vulnerability assessment code (MEVA) to increase accuracy of weapon effectiveness predictions
against fixed hardened targets. |
(U) Incorporate tunnel vulnerability module into MEVA architecture; conduct configuration management of MEVA to ensure software
changes are authorized, validated, documented, and distributed to user community. |
(U) Conduct component vulnerability experiments on target power generation and distribution equipment and develop corresponding
fragility algorithms for enhanced energetic lethal mechanisms and synergistic damage effects. |
(U) Integrate advanced munitions fragmentation algorithms into beta test versions of the MEVA lethality assessment methodology. |
(U) Conduct development and validation activities to upgrade and support systems level lethality/vulnerability assessment
methodologies to accommodate advanced kill mechanisms and improved survivability design features in new or existing targets. |
(U) $3,155 |
Develop and characterize the coupling of destructive energy into the target, and the means to translate that information into advanced analytical
methods for predicting weapon effectiveness. |
(U) Investigate means to reduce experimental requirements by coupling advanced physics-based modeling techniques with advanced
computing architectures such as distributed and parallel processing. |
(U) Conduct phenomenology and weapon effects experiments to provide data for code deficiencies with respect to heavy metal
munitions. |
(U) Develop lethality algorithms to accurately simulate blast and fragmentation and simultaneous detonation damage effects of heavy
metal munitions. |
(U) $1,246 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced weapons analytical methodologies. |
(U) Develop signal processing/jammer model simulations for the anti-jam Global Positioning System technology, and perform analyses
for development and risk reduction on flight tests. |
(U) Upgrade low-cost autonomous attack submunition six-degree-of-freedom simulations to perform assessments for the anti-materiel
muniton integrating concept including preflight and postflight test risk reduction; conduct trade study to enable technology development
planning. |
(U) Provide six-degree-of-freedom missile simulation and subsystem component simulations for technology development, integration,
and assessment of dual-range air-to-air missile concepts. |
(U) Provide concept selection trade studies for smart soft target munition integrating concept, and develop detailed six-degree-of-freedom simulations to reduce risk for tests of the boosted hard target penetrator; evaluate component technology options for small smart
bomb to identify optimum system concepts. |
(U) $25,747 |
Total |
(U) FY 1999 ($ in Thousands):
(U) $4,111 |
Develop and demonstrate fuze technology to reduce cost and increase supportability, safety, and performance. |
(U) Develop advanced single and multi-point initiation systems which will provide increased weapon flexibility and effectiveness. |
(U) Conduct analysis and testing of hard target ground penetrating radar fuzes/components. |
(U) Complete design of a digitally driven radio frequency (RF) signal generator for proximity fuze applications. |
(U) Complete fabrication and testing of advanced millimeter wave integrated circuit RF proximity sensors. |
(U) $2,796 |
Develop and demonstrate affordable explosives for higher performance and lower sensitivity. |
(U) Conduct synthesis and performance evaluation of explosive fills with high density materials which enhance warhead penetration
while maintaining weapon lethality. |
(U) Conduct synthesis and performance evaluation of CL-20 based high explosive for enhancing blast and fragmentation of
penetrator/general purpose warheads. |
(U) Conduct subscale performance tests of nonconventional warhead payloads which offer potential for significant increases in explosive
energy densities. |
(U) $2,487 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced analytical tools for calculating weapons effects to reduce development time and cost. |
(U) Conduct modeling of heavy metals for increasing lethality of antimateriel and penetrator warheads. |
(U) Complete modeling of penetrator warhead case fracture processes which enhance understanding of warhead survivability. |
(U) Develop high strain case fragmentation models to determine best multimode techniques for developing fragmenting warhead cases. |
(U) $2,241 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced weapon airframe and carriage technology for advanced air-to-ground munitions and highly agile air-to-air
missiles. |
(U) Complete designs of innovative compressed wing designs for advanced small munitions to extend the range of weapons without
sacrificing weapon loadout on aircraft. |
(U) Generate detailed designs of time-critical target demonstration vehicle that can effectively engage time-critical targets; prepare test
plans. |
(U) $6,586 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced warhead development technologies and advanced kill mechanisms for target defeat. |
(U) Perform tests of antimateriel warhead design with insensitive explosives which do not degrade lethality. |
(U) Develop tantalum liner materials for inclusion in antimateriel submunition warhead technology integrated design package. |
(U) Complete testing of mechanically induced combustion of energetic materials used in penetrating weapons. |
(U) Evaluate thermite energy storage systems. |
(U) Conduct advanced casing and high explosive materials testing for structural survivability and enhanced target defeat. |
(U) Complete initial technology and system trade studies and develop two programs to demonstrate enabling very high-speed penetrator
technologies. |
(U) $3,154 |
Develop and extend modular effectiveness vulnerability assessment code (MEVA) to increase accuracy of weapon effectiveness predictions
against fixed hardened targets. |
(U) Incorporate chemical/biological agent release module into MEVA architecture; conduct configuration management of MEVA to
ensure software changes are authorized, validated, documented, and distributed to user community. |
(U) Develop new computational modules and integrate into the MEVA architecture to accurately predict the effectiveness of advanced
weapon concepts against targets containing chemical and/or biological materiel. |
(U) Conduct component vulnerability experiments on weaponized munitions and storage vessels containing chemical/biological agents
and develop corresponding fragility algorithms for the release of toxic material due to conventional damage mechanisms (blast and
fragmentation). |
(U) $3,144 |
Develop and characterize the coupling of destructive energy into the target, and the means to translate that information into advanced analytical
methods for predicting weapon effectiveness. |
(U) Complete phenomenology and weapon effects experiments to provide code validation data for heavy metal munition lethality
algorithms. |
(U) Conduct phenomenology and weapon effects experiments to provide data for code deficiencies with respect to hypersonic weapon
penetration mechanics. |
(U) Develop physics-based modeling techniques with high speed distributed and parallel processing computer architectures to reduce
new weapon research and development experimental requirements. |
(U) $1,215 |
Develop and demonstrate advanced weapons analytical methodologies. |
(U) Provide post-flight test analysis for the anti-jam Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, and refine anti-jam detailed six-degree-of-freedom to include system improvements like Differential GPS, additional jammer threats, and GPS constellation/operational
changes. |
(U) Conduct pre-flight analysis for the anti-materiel munition integrating concept control flight tests and F-16 free flight tests; provide
performance estimates for powered low-cost anti-armor submunition enabling test planning and technology transition analyses. |
(U) Conduct seeker and fuze subsystem component assessments for dual range air-to-air missile integrating concept. |
(U) Accomplish detailed effectiveness analyses for technology selection/refinement based on new six-degree-of-freedom flyout and
lethality data for boosted penetrator technology. |
(U) Develop agent defeat effectiveness methodology. |
(U) $25,734 |
Total |
(U) B. Program Change Summary ($ in Thousands):
FY 1996 |
FY 1997 |
FY 1998 |
FY 1999 |
Cost |
(U) Previous President's Budget |
26,444 |
27,672 |
30,058 |
30,956 |
Cont |
(U) Current Budget Submit/ FY 1998 PB |
26,054 |
26,653 |
25,747 |
25,734 |
Cont |
(U) Change Summary Explanation:
Funding: Changes to this project since the previous President's Budget are due to budget constraints and priorities within the Science and Technology (S&T)
Schedule: Not Applicable.
Technical: Not Applicable.
(U) C. Other Program Funding Summary:
(U) Related Activities:
(U) PE 0603601F, Conventional Weapons Technology.
(U) PE 0604314F, Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile.
(U) PE 0604602F, Armament Ordnance Development.
(U) PE 0604604F, Submunitions Development.
(U) This project has been coordinated through the Project Reliance process to harmonize efforts and eliminate duplication.
(U) D. Schedule Profile: Not Applicable.