Miniaturized Munitions Capability - AFRL is Meeting the Need
CAF MNS 304-97 - critical need for Miniaturized Munition Capability
- High leverage munitions, broad spectrum of ground targets
- High loadouts, internal bay carriage, high sortie effectiveness, low mission cost, small logistics footprint
AFRL providing “tech push” to complement “requirements pull”
- Low Cost Autonomous Attack System (LOCAAS) - mobile target set
- Autonomous wide area search, flexible lethality, very high fighter/bomber loadouts
- Addresses critical deficiencies for Preemptive Lethal SEAD, Theater Missile Defense attack operations, and halt phase interdiction
- Small Smart Bomb - fixed and relocatable target set
- Small size, high loadouts improves sortie effectiveness by 2-4 times
- Provides major decrease in logistics burden for Air Expeditionary Force
Advanced Technology Demonstrations to provide mature technology
- Ready for MMC program start in FY03
- Provides weaponization for F-22, JSF, UCAV