P.O. BOX 5999
FROM: AFRL/MNK (John Hawk, 850/882-4294, ext3414)
SUBJECT: Presolicitation Notice No. MNK-98-009
1. P!!
2. 0128!!
3. 98!!
4. 571M!!
5. 32542-6810!!
6. 10!!
7. Air Force Research Laboratory
8. 10 Powered Low Cost Autonomous AttackSystem (Powered LOCAAS)!!
9. MNK-98-009!!
10. N/A!!
11. For contracting information, contact theContract Specialist, John Hawk, 850/882-4294, Ext 3414. Fortechnical and programmatic matters, contact the Program Manager,Mr. Norman Coker, 850/882-2220, Ext 3209
12. N/A!!
13. N/A!!
14. N/A!!
15. N/A!!
16. N/A!!
17. A variant of this synopsis was originallypublished in the CBD on 30 Jan 97 and subsequently amended on 13and 21 May 97. Enough programmatic issues have changed since thattime that a new presolicitation notice delineating therestructured program is warranted. The Munition DirectorateAssessment and Demonstrations Division of the Air Force ResearchLaboratory (AFRL) plans to pursue a procurement of an AdvancedTechnology Demonstration (ATD) program for the Powered Low CostAutonomous Attack System (LOCAAS). The anticipated contract valueof this effort is $12-14M between FY99-02. All aspects ofacquisition streamlining will be considered for this procurement,to include the use of Other Transactions Assistance Instrumentsunder 10 U.S.C. 2371 expanded use for prototypes (Section 845).The purpose of the ATD is to demonstrate that a low cost, [NTE$30K average unit production cost (AUPC), not including the costof dispensers/dispensing mechanisms], system can be producedusing a Multi-Mode Warhead, solid state Laser Radar (LADAR)seeker with Autonomous Target Recognition (ATR), and INS/GPSmidcourse guidance and that these components can be integratedinto an air vehicle powered by a miniature turbojet engine.Munition concepts which do not involve these technologies willnot be considered. The overall objective of the ATD is to providean affordable standoff (minimum 90 miles) miniature munition toautonomously search for, detect, identify, attack, and destroytheater missile defense, surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems(i.e. SEAD) and interdiction/armor targets of military interest.The system will be capable of discriminating betweenclasses/types of targets and between targets and non-combatants.The Powered LOCAAS system will be designed so as to be producedfor less than $30,000 AUPC based on production of 12,000 units in1994 base year dollars. It is the intent of this procurement,within 48 months of an award, to demonstrate military utility ofa complete Powered LOCAAS munition level system from missionplanning, using Air Force Mission Support System (AFMSS) or itssuccessor, through possible launch from combat aircraft, totarget acquisition and engagement. The offeror must be able tosupport development of a Powered LOCAAS mission planner andengagement simulation which is Distributed InteractiveSimulation/Higher Language Architecture (DIS/HLA) compliant. Thistool will allow simulation of multiple Powered LOCAAS munitionsfrom mission planning through carriage release by Air Forceplatforms, as well as model and display Powered LOCAAS munitionflyout and target engagement. The simulation will provide allnecessary capability to exercise the Powered LOCAAS simulation inDIS/HLA wargaming exercises. This simulation and a detailed6-Degree of Freedom simulation will be components of a modelingand simulation master plan which the offeror will be expected tosupport. The offeror is also expected to support aggressivepre-flight Government testing of the Powered LOCAAS system in theKinetic Hardware-in-the Loop (KHILS) facility at Eglin AFB. Thisprocurement is considered a continuation of on-going laboratoryefforts previously accomplished at the US AFRL, Eglin AFB and theUS Army MICOM, Redstone Arsenal. Particularly given governmentbudgetary constraints, it is an objective of this procurement totake maximum advantage of relevant independent industryinvestment. The Government plans to make updated informationconcerning this acquisition available to qualified offerors viathe Eglin Electronic Bulletin Board, located at@ The Powered LOCAASIPT will be available for one-on-one discussions with primecontractor teams in the February-April 98 time-frame as requestedby the potential offerors. Program information package, includingdraft program task list and schedule, will be made available onrequest. A Program Research and Development Announcement (PRDA)is planned for release in July 1998. Proposal submittal in earlyFall 98 is anticipated, with award in Nov-Dec 1998. Informationassociated with this program may be classified up to andincluding SECRET/NOFORN. Only qualified U.S. prime contractorswho have registered with and are certified by the UnitedStates/Canada Joint Certification Office, Defense LogisticsService Center, Battle Creek MI 49016-3412 (1-800-352-3572) areeligible to receive solicitations. Certification is accomplishedusing DD Form 2345, Military Critical Technical Data Agreement.This synopsis is for information and planning purposes only anddoes not constitute an IFB or RFP, and is not to be construed asa commitment to contract by the Government. Prime contractorsshould submit a statement of capability within 15 calendar daysof this announcement. If an offeror has already submitted astatement of capability under the 30 Jan 97 CBD for the LOCAASACTD then a letter indicating continued desire to propose issufficient. In addition to one-on-one discussions with potentialprimes, a formal industry day will be scheduled and theannouncement published in the CBD prior to the issuance of thesolicitation. The basic strategy contemplated for the ATD is afour phased program. Phase I may consist of no more than twofully qualified contractors competing for downselect. This is a6-12 month effort consisting of three main tasks. (1) ConceptDefinition: Which consists of a complete requirements flow downfor entire munition system and address all munition performancerequirements as well as mission planning dispense/deliveryconcepts. (2) System Design: A Detailed design for the entiremunition, to include tactical safe/arm device (or function) andwarhead interface. Munition design must be compatible with TMD(SUU-64, 66, 4 LOCAAS/TMD) dispense and be form/fit compatiblewith ATACMS and MLRS. In order to verify a dispensable design,sufficient level details must be provided for the TMD dispensesystem. Likewise, sufficient level of detail on a missionplanning concept must be provided consistent with overall conceptdefinition. The level of detail on the munition must besufficient to support a design review and decision to fabricateflight test hardware. (3) Preliminary Seeker Captive Test:Operate a tactical seeker testbed in accordance with the conceptdefinition and system design. All proposed scan modes anddecision logic must be implemented in both hardware and software(including ATR). The ability to autonomously identify targets inall three target groups (Attack Ops, SEAD, Armor/Interdiction)must be demonstrated. The ATR must be demonstrated in real timeoperation using a representative flight processor. Together withconcept definition and system design, preliminary captive testresults will be used to support downselect and/or continuationdecision. To be selected in this phase a competitor must have aproposal the government finds acceptable in terms of performance,cost, schedule, and risk for both the initial and follow-on phasefor the completion of the ATD effort. Specific performancecriteria will be established to guide the downselect and/orcontinuation decision. Phase II is a 2-year effort thatwill consist of three major tasks. (1) Tactical SeekerFabrication & Qualification: Fabricate a form factored seekerfor captive flight test. Seeker optics and gimbals should beessentially identical to those fabricated for flight test, withthe exception of any modifications necessary to ensure extendeduse under captive flight test. All tactical modes of operationmust be implemented consistent with the concept definition andsystem design. Seeker shall be capable (qualification tested) foroperation in the full range of expected flight regimes. Captivepod must be fully instrumented for DGPS ground truthing, andweatherproofed for operation in heat, cold, snow, rain, saltspray, etc. (2) KHILS Seeker Fab & Installation Support:Fabricate tactical seeker (for delivery to AFRLs KHILSfacility) will include mass balance gimbals/gimbal controlsystem, PCE board, and flight processor (optical elements willconsist of mass balance mockups). Support for installation andcheckout at KHILS shall be provided. (3) Tactical Seeker captiveTest: Test will demonstrate performance of seeker under fullrange of tactical scenarios. A minimum of three, 4-week testsequences in different geographical locations will be conducted,covering the full spectrum of LOCAAS targets and backgroundsettings. Performance vs. Known (deployed or soon to be deployed)countermeasure will be evaluated. Specific exit criteria will beestablished for selected missions and the LADAR/ATR performancewill be judged against these criteria. Phase III is a 2-year6-month effort to be run in parallel with Phase II. This phasewill consist of 2 major tasks. (1) Tactical Munition Fabrication:Fabricate flight test articles to support a control flight testand three powered, guided flight tests with inert warheads.Whether inert or live, the guided flight test vehicles shallinclude a tactical safe/arm function or device. Sufficient numberof warheads shall be fabricated to demonstrate tactical levelperformance, including end-to-end fire train. (2) TacticalMunition Qualification: Qualification test for entire range oftest environments. Sufficient qualification to support inertmunition drops from proposed platform. Qualification must includeall test specific equipment such as telemetry (TM) and flighttermination systems (FTS). Analysis shall be provided to showthat the munition will survive the entire expected range oftactical flight environments. Phase IV is the culminationof Phases I - III and shall conduct up to four guided flighttests as discussed above. An Ombudsman has been appointed to hearconcerns from offerors or potential offerors during the proposaldevelopment phase of this acquisition. The purpose of theOmbudsman is not to diminish the authority of the programdirector or contracting officer, but to communicate contractorconcerns, issues, disagreements, and recommendations to theappropriate government personnel. When requested, the Ombudsmanwill maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of theconcern. The Ombudsman does not participate in the evaluation ofproposals or in the source selection process. Interested partiesare invited to call Lt Col Robert J. Wood, (850) 882-3003. TheOmbudsman should only be contacted with issues or problems thathave been previously brought to the attention of the contractingofficer and could not be satisfactorily resolved at that level.The established channel for routine communications concerningthis acquisition should be directed to the contract specialist,Mr. John Hawk at (850) 882-4294 ext 3414, or the program manager, Mr. Norman Coker at(850) 882-2220 ext 3209, e-mail Requests forscheduling one-on-ones should be directed to Mr. Coker. Collectcalls will not be accepted.
Contracting Officer
Munitions Contracting Division