Figure I-42

ACC Joint Air Operations Staff Course (JAOSC)

UJTL Reference: ST.5; OP.5
CIN: A-2G-0005
Attendees: Officers O-4 and above, E-7 and above enlisted personnel, and civilians assigned to DoD agencies
Course Location: Hurlburt Field, FL
Course Length: 3 weeks
Class Size: 94
Prerequisite Training: Individuals will be assigned either an Operations/Plans track or an Intelligence track and require an in-depth understanding of the current TAGS/CTAPS computer tools to perform planning, publishing, and execution tasks.
NEC Awarded: N/A
Course Description: To train selected officers, senior NCOs, and DoD civilians to plan, control, and integrate air and surface forces in joint operations.  To provide students with an understanding of fundamental coordination considerations performed primarily at an Air Operations Center (AOC) or an associated joint facility.
Convening Frequency: 6 classes per year
Security Clearance: Secret
RFT Date: Ongoing