Navy Training System Plan
Part I
Technical Program Data
I.A. Title-Nomenclature-Program
1. Title-Nomenclature-Acronym
a. Title: Global Command and Control System - Maritime Variant (GCCS-M) (Variants 1 - 54).
b. Nomenclature: Global Command and Control System (GCCS-M) AN/USQ-119E(V) previously JMCIS. The nomenclature AN/USQ-119(V) and AN/USQ-119A through D refer to older versions of the Navy Tactical Command System Afloat (NTCS-A) and JMCIS.
c. Acronym: GCCS-M
2. Program Element (PE): PE 0604231N R&D, PE 0204660N OPN, O&MN
I.B. Security Classification
The hardware and software that comprise GCCS-M are, in and of themselves, UNCLASSIFIED. The databases used by GCCS-M are classified at the highest level of the data contained in a specific database, up to and including TOP SECRET and SPECIAL COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION (SCI). Once classified data has been stored on a hard disk drive, that drive remains classified at the same level as that of the highest level of classified data stored on it until the drive has been returned to the depot for sanitization in accordance with the guidance provided in the GCCS-M Users Logistic Support Summary (ULSS) that is posted on the GCCS-M Program Manager’s Internet site. This Navy Training System Plan (NTSP) is UNCLASSIFIED.
I.C. NTSP Principals
1. Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Program Sponsors: Director, Space and Electronic Warfare (N6) and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (DCNO) for Resources, Warfare Requirements, and Assessment (N8)
2. CNO Resource Sponsor: CNO (N6) Ashore, Afloat, Tactical/Mobile; CNO (N8) Tactical/Mobile (TSC/MOCC).
3. Principal Development Activity (PDA): Commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (COMSPAWARSYSCOM) Command and Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) Integrated Systems Program Directorate (PMW-157)
4. Training Agency (TA): Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET) ETE41
5. Training Support Agency (TSA): COMSPAWARSYSCOM (Code 05L)
6. Manpower, Personnel, and Training (MP&T) Mission Sponsor: Manpower & Personnel CNO (N1), Training CNO (N7)
7. Chief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS): PERS 22, PERS 404, PERS 405, PERS 406, PERS 408, PERS 51, and PERS 512
8. Commandant of the Marine Corps Manpower Management (CMC MM): MMEA-84, Enlisted Assignment Branch, ASL-31 Aviation Logistics Support.
1. Operational Uses
a. Overview. The Global Command and Control System - Maritime (GCCS-M) is the Navy's primary fielded Command and Control System. The objective of the GCCS-M program is to satisfy Fleet C4I requirements through the rapid and efficient development and fielding of C4I capability. GCCS-M enhances the operational commander’s warfighting capability and aids in the decision-making process by receiving, retrieving, and displaying information relative to the current tactical situation. GCCS-M receives, processes, displays, and manages data on the readiness of neutral, friendly, and hostile forces in order to execute the full range of Navy missions (e.g., strategic deterrence, sea control, power projection, etc.) in near-real-time via external communication channels, local area networks (LANs) and direct interfaces with other systems. The GCCS-M system is comprised of four main variants, Ashore, Afloat, Tactical/Mobile and Multi-Level Security (MLS) that together provide command and control information to warfighters in all naval environments.
(1). Ashore Variant. The Ashore variant provides a single, integrated C4I capability to land-based forces in support of the warfighting requirements of the CNO, Fleet Commanders in Chief (FLTCINCs) and Navy supported Unified CINCs (CINCUSACOM and USCINCPAC). The Ashore variant provides near real-time weapons targeting data to submarines as part of the Shore Targeting Terminal (STT) replacement effort; supports real-time tasking of Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) assets in conjunction with the Force High Level Terminal (FHLT) replacement effort; and supports the force scheduling requirements of the Navy (from CNO to the squadron level).
Ashore software has been made available to Joint Task Force (JTF) command centers, aircraft carriers and other fleet flagships, selected Army, Air Force and Marine Corps Component Commander command centers (in conjunction with GCCS and Theater Command and Control System (TCCS) prototyping efforts), Maritime North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) command centers (as the core of the North Atlantic Command and Control Information System (NACCIS), and U.S. Coast Guard and Military SeaLift Command (MSC) command centers.
The Ashore variant's hardware independence and scalability allows it to be used as the primary C4I support system in the largest Unified CINC command center or as a single workstation within a mobile command center. The Ashore variant operates in compliance with the DII COE. Continued compliance with this standard ensures that the Ashore variant will be fully interoperable with all modern U.S. Joint and Naval C4I systems. Partnership in the NACCIS project ensures continued interoperability with current and future NATO and Allied C4I systems.
(2). Afloat Variant. The Afloat variant provides a single C4I capability to sea-based forces. It supports the C2I mission requirements of the
- Commander Joint Task Force (CJTF),
- Joint Navy Component Commander,
- Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC),
- Numbered Fleet Commanders,
- Officer-in-Tactical Command/Composite Warfare Commander (OTC/CWC),
- Commander Amphibious Task Force (CATF),
- Commander Landing Force (CLF),
- Ship's Commanding Officer/Tactical Action Officer (CO/TAO).
The Afloat program is a phased, evolutionary acquisition program incorporating the functionality of many systems within the COE. The Afloat variant functions in a networked, client/server architecture featuring standard commercial hardware components and software applications. Afloat software components are comprised of core service modules, linked with mission applications (i.e., segments) through Application Program Interfaces (APIs).
(3). Tactical / Mobile Variants. GCCS-M Tactical/Mobile Systems include both fixed sites (Tactical Support Center (TSCs)) and Tactical Mobile Variants (TMVs) (Mobile Operation Command and Control centers [MOCCs], Mobile Ashore Support Terminals [MASTs], Mobile Integrated Command Facilities [MICFACs]). These sites provide the Navy Component Commander, the Maritime Sector Commander (Ashore), the Theater Commander (Ashore) or the Naval Liaison Element Commander (Ashore) with the capability to plan, direct, and control the tactical operations of Joint and Naval Expeditionary Forces (NEFs) and other assigned units within his respective area of responsibility. These operations include littoral and open ocean surveillance, anti-surface warfare, over-the-horizon targeting, counter-drug operations, power projection, antisubmarine warfare, mining, search and rescue, force protection, and special operations.
TSCs are fixed-site C4I systems that will evolve to the GCCS-M architecture based upon NT personal computers. Evolution will be in compliance with the DII COE, air-ground, satellite and point-to-point communications systems, Wide Area Network (WAN) capabilities, sensor analysis capabilities, avionics and weapons system interfaces, and facilities equipment.
MOCC is a rapidly-deployable, self-contained, take-what-you-need C4I system that can be transported in two fleet-configured P-3 aircraft for contingency operations.
MAST and MICFAC are miniaturized mobile facilities designed to support a theater commander or naval liaison element ashore. MAST provides a rapidly deployable basic C4I capability for rapid deployment to remote locations. The MICFAC is a robust C4I system that is deployable and can support a commander’s staff ashore.
TSCs, MOCCs, MASTs and MICFACs are interoperable with other GCCS-M platforms, Joint, NATO and allied.
(4) Multi-Level Security / OED / Radiant Mercury. GCCS-M Multi-Level Security (MLS) Concept of Operations provides the structure to build, develop and install technology applications and systems to enable warfighters operating in a joint/coalition environment to access, retrieve, process, and disseminate all necessary information for maintenance of a consistent Common Operating Picture (COP). MLS will use existing communication networks, integrated with existing technologies (OED and RADIANT MERCURY) and emerging technologies into the GCCS-M SCI architecture.
MLS will provide a multi-level secure intelligence system providing on-line, automated, near real-time support to National, Joint and Naval Commanders. Operating within the DII COE to provide local and global networking for on-demand services and timely response to consumer requests for fused intelligence, MLS supports joint Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard counter terrorism, counter narcotics and allied coalition operations.
b. Key GCCS-M Capabilities. (click each segment for more information from Annex A.1.)
(1) Core
(2) Briefing support/Office automation
(3) Database
(4) Local Area Network/Wide Area Network
(6) Mission Planning
(7) Imagery
(8) Intelligence
(9) Logistics
(10) Meteorological/Oceanographic
(11) Communications
c. System Description. GCCS-M initiative is intended to be a near and mid-term implementation plan to meet fleet requirements to upgrade existing JMCIS functionality. GCCS-M is not intended to be a complete or final solution but will continue to evolve to meet requirements. GCCS-M is focused on six key tenets:
(1). Migrating from the JMCIS COE to the DII COE. The advent of the Defense Information Infrastructure with its associated COE is the roadmap for achieving true system interoperability across the Services. For more information, refer to the DII COE Integration and Runtime Specification (I&RTS) document, published by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) (click on hyperlink to view document).
(2). Migrating to PC Workstations and Servers. GCCS-M will begin a phased migration to the PC/Windows NT platform and away from UNIX-based workstations.
(3). Capitalizing on Industry. GCCS-M Program Office is researching "best practices" within industry and evaluating unsolicited ideas from industry for use in increasing the efficiency of GCCS-M operations. Through a close partnership with industry, the program seeks to "leave no stone unturned" in streamlining its processes and practices for product development, implementation and support.
(4). Combining Tactical and non-Tactical Networks. In cooperation with other programs, GCCS-M will merge tactical and non-tactical tasks onto a single workstation. Traditionally, these functions have been performed on separate machines that are connected to separate networks.
(5). Implementing "Leading-edge" Logistics. Leading-edge logistics will focus on the areas of training, maintenance, operational support, and configuration management for installed systems. Improving service to the Fleet and reducing the present logistics "tail" will include use of commercial logistics models, products and services which prove to be superior in quality and cost-efficiency.
(6). Streamlining the Acquisition Process. The three GCCS-M programs (Afloat, Ashore, and Tactical/Mobile) are to be managed as a single program to the maximum extent possible. The GCCS-M Single Acquisition Management Plan II (SAMP II) details how GCCS-M will adhere to this tenet (click on hyperlink to view document).
d. GCCS-M Platform Migration. JMCIS was initially implemented on high-performance UNIX workstations because, until recently, only these platforms were powerful enough to run JMCIS software. However, with the exponential increase in processing capability of the Intel PC processor family and the maturity of the Windows NT and JAVA/Web multi-user operating systems, migrating to the PC environment is a very logical decision, and is one of the evolutionary advantages of GCCS-M. Of the approximately 250 JMCIS segments, about 160 will be migrated to new platforms in GCCS-M development.
e. GCCS-M Expanded Functionality. The evolution of the maritime command information system will continue beyond the migration of JMCIS to the PC environment. While GCCS-M will provide the same functionality as JMCIS 2.2, it will also support new features:
- Integrated profiler capability
- Combat Direction System (CDS) Track Association (CTA) with MIDB 2.0 (JULIET) Order of Battle (OOB).
- JAVA Image and Video Exploitation (JIVE)
- Joint Message Handling System (JMHS) PC features, including flat file UNIX/NT interface.
- Faster and improved security features
- Improved track correlation
- Extension of system to NT/PC environment allowing user to operate Tactical and non-Tactical (T-nT) standard applications
- Enhanced message processing capability
- Web-based interface to Naval Status of Forces (NSOF) data and Chief of Naval Operation’s Consolidated History File (CHF).
Figure I-1 Genesis of GCCS-M
f. Multi-Level Security (MLS) and Ocean Surveillance Information System (OSIS) Evolutionary Development (OED) System. The OED system will replace the presently fielded OSIS Baseline Upgrade (OBU). When the OED system is fielded, it will become an integrated element of the Navy Command and Control System (NCCS) Ashore program as part of the MLS program. The OED System will support command control and intelligence assessment. This support will include indications and warnings (I&W) and power projection, maintaining dynamic databases to support a common air, and sea battlefield picture using ground force and maritime symbology. It will also provide access to multiple communications networks for inter-force compatibility and interoperability that supports database sharing and data analysis; and support briefings to Joint Task Force commanders, CINCs, service components and subordinate units.
In conjunction with capabilities provided by existing and emerging technologies, MLS will provide the ability to access/disseminate multiple levels of classification/sensitivity, an ability necessary for future combined/coalition operations. Within the MLS framework, the OED System will operate in multilevel, secure Department of Defense (DoD) Intelligence Information Systems (DoDIIS)-compliant client-server environment, to provide local and global networking for on-demand services and timely response to fused surveillance information. The OED System is to support joint Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps operations with additional tasking to support maritime defense efforts, counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics, and allied operations.
OED workstations are TAC-4 workstations with several off-the-shelf software packages such as a Base-Level Support/Compartmented Mode Workstation (BLS/CMW) operating system, word processor, trusted Database Management System (DBMS), trusted X-Windows, and Maui Optical Tracking Identification Facility (MOTIF). When an OED analyst logs into the workstation, Analyst Interactive Workstation (AIW) applications provide: command, control, and communications decisions aid displays; tactical database manager (client) interface; access to map/chart server; and a geographical display manager. When the system or security administrator logs into the workstation, system monitor and control applications are available to define OED user roles, perform audit collection and reduction, and conduct system and network configuration and monitoring.
At present the OED System operates in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) and requires that all direct users (locally connected via keyboard or network communications) be cleared to the same level as the highest classification of data resident within the OED system. The OED System can provide indirect users automated data feeds from unclassified to the system high watermark, which includes full-duplex General Service (GENSER) and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) connectivity. All input to the system is assigned an appropriate classification label to ensure the proper storage, processing, and dissemination (manual and automated) of that information at the designated classification level.
The OED System servers correlate received reports to form tracks (a track being some set of reports that a correlation algorithm has declared are the same physical entity). The tracks are stored in the multilevel track database, which is accessed by the analyst to generate a tactical picture on an area of interest. The multilevel track database maintains the label of the information at the contact report level so that tracks can be distributed with different classifications, compartments, and handling instructions.
2. Other Procurement
Foreign Military Sales (FMS). The governments of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Korea, Japan, Italy, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Spain, and the United Kingdom have entered into agreements with the United States Government to purchase GCCS-M variants. GCCS-M also forms the basis for the NACCIS and is therefore available to all NATO countries.
1. Operational Test and Evaluation. A separate Operational Test & Evaluation (OT&E) is conducted for each major hardware and software upgrade to GCCS-M. These evaluation cycles normally follow a master schedule that includes Developmental Test & Evaluation (DT&E) milestones as indicated below. Training for site and Fleet personnel will occur prior to the test and evaluation period.
2. Developmental Testing. Developmental testing of the evolving architecture of GCCS-M variants will evaluate the migration of GCCS-M to the DII, merging tactical and non-tactical networks, and insertion of World Wide Web and Personal Computer technology into the traditional UNIX/TAC-X based configurations fielded prior to 1997 in accordance with the GCCS-M Unified Migration Plan (JUMP). As each new JUMP of hardware/software becomes available, it will be tested to ensure smooth integration.
3. Test Sites. GCCS-M Afloat and Ashore Variant Developmental Tests (DT) are conducted at the SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego, CA, and onboard available Fleet units. GCCS-M Tactical /Mobile Variant DTs are conducted at the SPAWAR Systems Centers in Pax River, MD, and Charleston, SC. Operational data will be used when available and necessary to test specific processes. Testing is conducted in accordance with the appropriate Developmental Test Plan and observed by Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force (COMOPTEVFOR) representatives. The evolutionary approach for development and acquisition allows system development, test, and evaluation to occur in a distributed and incremental manner. Testing is structured to demonstrate that the system has reached the level of maturity necessary to meet the thresholds specified in the Critical Technical Parameters Matrix. The final verification, Technical Evaluation (TECHEVAL) will test the software / system performance in an operational environment.
4. Phased Testing. OT&E is conducted in phases to support acquisition milestone decisions and fleet introduction of new capability. As new requirements are identified and new increments of capability are defined and developed, phased Operational Evaluations (OPEVAL) will be conducted on the GCCS-M Afloat, Ashore, and Tactical / Mobile Variants concurrently. The focus of the phased, incremental OPEVALs will be to determine the operational effectiveness and operational suitability of the critical components of GCCS-M. A determination of criticality will be made for each software and hardware component of GCCS-M by representatives from the program requirements sponsor, the program manager, the developmental test agent, the interoperability test agent, and COMOPTEVFOR. OT&E of non-critical components will be conducted by fleet users in the operational environment. COMOPTEVFOR will observe the developmental and integration testing of critical and non-critical components of GCCS-M.
5. Test Scheduling. OT&E between scheduled incremental OPEVALs will be used to verify correction of deficiencies from previous phases of OT, to complete deferred testing requirements, and to evaluate additional system capability improvements beyond the baseline capability. Software Qualification Testing (SQT) will be conducted on interim software releases to support fleet introduction of that capability.
1. Introduction. The evolutionary development of GCCS-M since its first introduction involves incorporating the latest technology on an incremental basis. Candidates for incremental upgrades are determined on the basis of role, mission and criticality. An example of this phased upgrade approach in GCCS-M is shown in the Desktop Tactical Support Computer-2 (DTC-2), first introduced in 1989. In the mid-1990’s the Tactical Advanced Computer-3 (TAC-3) was designated to replace the DTC-2 where mission requirements demanded a more capable computer baseline. Even in 1998, though, the DTC-2 computer remains part of GCCS-M and many units use this computer as the foundation of their GCCS-M functionality. The introduction of the TAC-4 computer in some GCCS-M units has followed a similar phased introduction approach.
Figure I-2 JMCIS Tactical LAN
2. New Development. GCCS-M has been implemented traditionally on high-performance UNIX workstations because, until recently, only these platforms were powerful enough to run GCCS-M software. However, with the exponential increase in processing capability of the Intel PC processor family and the maturity of the Windows NT and JAVA / Web multi-user operating systems, migrating GCCS-M to the PC environment is a very practical and logical decision. Once designed for the PC environment, GCCS-M becomes largely hardware independent, meaning that it uses almost all existing hardware platforms: UNIX, Wintel, Macintosh, etc. GCCS-M intends to incrementally migrate GCCS-M segments to both the Windows NT and JAVA / Web environments.
3. Replacements to Date. GCCS has already replaced the Honeywell computers and associated peripheral equipment used by the Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) in those major command centers that had WWMCCS installations. The full implementation of GCCS and GCCS-M will include more sites than the former WWMCCS sites, and in general these installations will include installation of new hardware to existing C4I systems or upgrading the hardware of existing systems to meet IT-21 and DII COE requirements. The key to understanding GCCS and GCCS-M is that they are principally sets of integrated software applications which will operate on DII COE hardware. During the transition from UNIX servers to Windows NT servers these software applications replace older versions and continue to run using most of the same hardware and network infrastructure already in place, allowing for phased introduction of new hardware.