Navy Training System Plan
Part IV
Training Logistics Support Requirements
a. Technical Training Equipment. The requirement for Technical Training Equipment (TTE) that is needed for the conduct on GCCS-M classroom instruction constantly changes with the introduction of new GCCS-M segments and functionality. The requirements for specific equipment is also consistently under review as GCCS-M training transitions to favor more onboard/on-site training and proportionally less classroom training. In this rapidly and continuously changing environment, the GCCS-M Program Office has established a web site devoted to TTE installation plans and individual requirements. Accessing this site will give up-to-date requirements as well as plans to fulfill TTE needs. The GCCS-M TTE management site can be reached at:
b. GPETE and General Purpose Tools. The GPETE and General Purpose Tools that are required for preventive and corrective maintenance of GCCS-M equipment and to test and maintain GCCS-M at the O-level is specified in Tables IV-1 through IV-3.
Table IV-1 General Purpose Electronic Test (GPETE) Requirements
General Purpose Electronic Test (GPETE) Requirements |
Item | SCAT Code | Model |
Multimeter, Digital | 4212 |
8600A-01 | 6625-01-031-0708 | 2 |
Oscilloscope | 4308 |
AN/USM-425(V) | 6625-01-032-6914 | 2 |
Fiber Optic Test Set | 4318 |
MW-9070NV | 6625-01-388-4989 | 1 |
RS-232 Breakout Box | N/A |
GS-TS001A | Local procurement | 1 |
Table IV-2 General Purpose Tools Requirements
General Purpose Tools |
Item |
Model Number | NSN | QTY |
75 ohm BNC Termination Tool | Type 3840-75 | 1H 5180-01-416-0565 | 1 |
Fiber St. Termination Kit | APL 00033318 | 1H 6625-01-417-1963 | 1 |
St. Jumper Set | APL 00035595 | 1H 6625-01-417-5230 | 1 |
Note: Each GCCS-M training facility has received or will receive one set of GPETE, general tools and special tools as part of their TTE installation package.
2. Training Devices. No requirement exists for Training Devices (TD)/ Simulators other than TTE to support GCCS-M training.
1. Training Services. Table IV-3, below, details the training services required to support GCCS-M training.
Table IV-3 GCCS-M Training Services
Course / Type Of Training | School | No. of Personnel | Man Weeks Required | Begin Date |
Training Help Desk | FCTCLANT, FCTCPAC, NMITC | 4 | 200 | FY99 |
FleetCast Training Channel Management (12hr/day support) | FCTCPAC, FCTCLANT, NMITC | 4 | 200 | FY99 |
CBT Development Management for watchstander / task training | FCTCLANT, FCTCPAC, NMITC | 10 | 500 | FY99 |
Worldwide C4I student records database management | FCTCPAC, FCTCLANT, NMITC | 3 | 150 | FY00 |
Watchstander qualification / certification management | FCTCPAC, FCTCLANT, NMITC | 2 | 100 | FY99 |
Web services provision (chat rooms, e-mail connectivity, etc.) | FCTCPAC, FCTCLANT, NMITC | 3 | 150 | FY99 |
SME for development of watchstation performance support tools for GCCS-M software releases | FCTCPAC, FCTCLANT, NMITC | 3 | 150 | FY99 |
Maintain web-based accessible library for QRGs, reference docs, curricula, lessons learned, etc. | FCTCPAC, FCTCLANT, NMITC | 3 | 150 | FY99 |
The GCCS-M Center of Excellence concept requires a transition in the traditional assignment of some instructional personnel detailed for primary shore training sites. As some demands on instructional personnel decrease, with the reduction in focus on lengthy GCCS-M training courses, some demands on the courseware support will increase. Some schoolhouse personnel will be detailed to help with the development of on-board/on-site training material and web-based training services.
2. Curricula Materials and Training Aids
Table IV-4, below, lists GCCS-M Training Aids/Curricula requirements by watchstation:
Table IV-4 GCCS-M Training Aids
R E Q U I R E M E N T S |
![]() W A T C H S T A T I O N S |
Electronic |
On-Site |
Embedded |
On-Site Or |
AFLOAT | ||||
GCCS-M Workstation Operator | X |
X |
X |
X |
Communications Manager | X |
X |
X |
X |
Data Base Manager | X |
X |
X |
X |
Force Status (NSOF) Operator | X |
X |
X |
X |
Tactical Information Management Services (TIMS) Operator | X |
X |
X |
X |
Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Correlator | X |
X |
X |
X |
Joint Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) (JMS) Operator | X |
X |
X |
X |
NTCS-A Intelligence Processing System (NIPS) Operator | X |
X |
X |
X |
NTCS-A Imagery Exploitation Workstation (NIEWS) Operator | X |
X |
X |
X |
Command and Control Warfare Commander (C2WC) Operator | X |
X |
X |
X |
GCCS-M System Administrator | X |
X |
X |
X |
TAC-N Maintenance Technician | X |
X |
C2PC Operator | X |
X |
ASHORE | ||||
GCCS-M Workstation Operator | X |
X |
X |
X |
Communications Manager | X |
X |
X |
X |
Database Manager | X |
X |
X |
X |
Force Status Operator (NSOF) | X |
X |
X |
X |
Tactical Information Management Services (TIMS) Operator | X |
X |
X |
X |
GCCS-M Systems Administrator | X |
X |
X |
X |
Water Space Management (WSM) Watch | X |
X |
X |
X |
Visually Integrated Planning Employment Resource (VIPER) Watch | X |
X |
X |
X |
C2PC Operator | X |
X |
TSC Mission Coordinator and Evaluation Watch Officer | X |
X |
X |
X |
TSC ADP Operator | X |
X |
X |
X |
TSC Operations Control (OPCON) Watch | X |
X |
X |
X |
ASWOC Maintenance (TAC-N) Technician | X |
X |
TSC Analysis Systems Operator (TSC COMM, TSC Acoustics) Watch | X |
X |
X |
X |
System Administrator | X |
X |
X |
X |
3. Technical Manuals
A complete and up-to-date listing of technical manual requirements for GCCS-M may be accessed at
1. Facility Requirements Summary (Space/Support) by Activity
a. Existing Facilities. All courses are being taught in facilities sufficient for their instruction and for contemplated follow-on courses. Anticipated new courses will replace existing ones so adequate facilities are considered available. As GCCS-M instruction transitions to a dual focus of classroom and onboard/on-site training the requirements for schoolhouse-based instructional facilities will decrease over time. No MILCON requirements to support GCCS-M instruction currently exist.
b. Centers Of Excellence. In order for "Centers of Excellence" schoolhouses to fully shoulder increased responsibility in managing the proficiency of C4I watch standers, they must have state-of-the-art electronic connectivity to the NIPRNET and SIPRNET. Facility improvements to include PC workstations, provision of ISDN lines or fiber-optic data buses, training LANs, etc. must be programmed for upgrade of existing facilities prior to FY-00.
2. Facility Requirements Detailed by Activity and Course. GCCS-M utilizes existing facilities. There is no requirement for new facilities.
3. Facility Project Summary by Program. GCCS-M utilizes existing facilities. There is no requirement for new facilities.
Navy Training System Plan
Part V
Major Milestones
PMW157 | Commence Initial JMCIS Training | FY92 | Complete |
PMW157 | Commence Training Services | FY92 | Complete |
PMW157 | Fleet Introduction | FY92 | Complete |
PMW157 | TTE Installed | FY95 | Complete |
CNO, N6 | Promulgate JMCIS NTP | FY96 | Complete |
COTF | OPEVAL | Ongoing | Due to the evolutionary development of GCCS-M, there will always be some upgrade under OPEVAL. |
CNO, N6 | Approve and Promulgate revised NTSP | FY98 |
Navy Training
System Plan
Part VI
Actions and/or Decisions
I. Action Item Number 001
Merger of GCCS-M maintenance and System Administration functions.
a) Issue: The traditional JMCIS maintenance philosophy, requiring dedicated and trained Electronics Technicians (ETs) to perform maintenance on JMCIS equipment, was based upon the inability to attain timely and cost effective repairs from manufacturers. Replacement parts were costly and difficult to procure; organic repair capability was necessary. The transition to COTS hardware provides both manufacturers warranties and mitigates the difficulty and cost of attaining replacement components once the warranty period has passed, allowing a "remove and replace" concept to be implemented. Commercial practice is for system administrators to perform organizational level maintenance, relying upon certified hardware technicians (typically external contractors) to perform the equivalent of intermediate/depot level repairs. Intermediate/depot level repair is rarely performed, as it is generally more cost effective to replace/upgrade hardware then it is to repair. Current practice aboard submarines is for junior FTs to perform organizational level maintenance and senior FTs to perform duties as system administrators/maintenance supervisors. A similar structure among Radioman (RM) GCCS-M system administrators is indicated. Manpower impact is unknown without study but will probably result in a net decrease in required maintenance billets.
b) Recommendation. Adjust curriculum for GCCS-M Afloat System Administrator (J-221-2307/NEC 2720) to include maintenance instruction sufficient to maintain GCCS/GCCS-M COTS PC hardware. Reduce associated requirements for DS/ET TAC-N Maintenance (J-2G-0367/NEC 1677). Reallocate billets for affected ships and GCCS-M shore sites to reflect the combined maintenance/system administrator strategy, increasing RM billets and decreasing ET billets with a net overall decrease of approximately one billet per unit.
c) Action: OPNAV N62 and CNET
II. Action Item 002
Billet Requirements for Joint Courses.
a) Issue: There does not presently exist an accessible central location for determining annual training requirements for joint training courses. The US Air Force holds quota control for CTAPS/TBMCS/JFACC courses and allots billets to the Navy. There is not a clearly stated training requirement by rank/rate per unit type to justify this training. There have been recommended requirements, however there is not clear instruction.
b) Recommendation: As the GCCS-M / GCCS training system becomes increasingly joint service oriented, it will be necessary to improve the present system of tracking and allotting joint service training. It is recommended that emphasis be place upon developing a tracking mechanism/coordination point to monitor joint training requirements.
c) Action: CNO N-62
III. Action Item 003
Training Input Requirements for GCCS courses.
a) Issue: The billet requirements for the GCCS COP Core Course are unclear. Current estimates were made by comparing projected attendee ratings and current and projected billet requirements for current related courses. There is no data available concerning the projected throughput of Joint Service and/or DoD civilian personnel.
b) Recommendation: Formally develop new baseline COP course training throughput requirements (as well as follow-on Navy-specific strand training requirements) based on expected fleet requirements.
c) Action: CNET
IV. Action Item 004
Reserve Training Requirements.
a) Issue: The only GCCS-M training identified as a Reserve training requirement is for 15 OBU/OED (now transitioning to MLS) operators per year. This was considered a "sustainment" level necessary to maintain watchstander expertise but does not address fundamental re-training necessary to establish a core of trained personnel with updated GCCS-M functionality. Additionally, no training requirements are identified to support any afloat Reserve watchstanders. Through observation and interviews, most Reserve personnel are apparently trained through on-the-job training or experience and do not attend formal instruction or obtain formal qualifications. This is a dichotomy to what active-duty watchstanders are expected to attain.
b) Recommendation: Validate Reserve GCCS-M training requirements. (Current estimates of reserve personnel required for MAST manning at Inshore Undersea Warfare commands is provided in Section II, Element II.A.1)
c) Action: CNO N-62
V. Action Item 005
CBT Courses.
a) Issue: The policy for awarding GCCS-M related NECs is based upon formal course completion. An option to be explored is to allow NEC award based on proven watchstanding or billet proficiency that would recognize completion of watchstander task-focused and, in many cases, computer-aided instruction.
b) Recommendation: Modify NEC award granting criteria for C4I ratings to identify proficiency levels vice simply classroom course completion.
c) Action: CNET and CNO N-62
VI. Action Item 006
Differentiation of GCCS-M98.
a) Issue: As the C4I spectrum becomes increasingly sophisticated and "full service," the differentiation between GCCS-M and other C4I systems and services becomes increasingly indistinct.
b) Recommendation: Consideration needs to be given to future merging of C4I training requirements under a single "umbrella" NTSP
c) Action: CNO (N62) and SPAWAR
VII. Action Item 007
Delineation of responsibility between US Air Force / AETC / JTO and the US Navy.
a) Issue: With the successful operational test of GCCS-M, responsibility for training resources will be referred to the Single Service Training Manager (SSTM). There is not presently a clear delineation of which responsibilities JTO will assume GCCS COP only, or all GCCS training including GCCS-M strand courses nor at which point JTO will assume these responsibilities. The current ambiguity is leading to duplication of effort and production of contradictory statements.
b) Recommendation: Promulgate a clear and definitive timeline detailing the progression of events, transfer of training responsibilities, and eventual distribution of responsibilities leading up to and through the GCCS-M watershed, preferably for inclusion in the GCCS-M NTSP
c) Action: CNO N-62
VIII. Action Item 008
Training Dialog within CNO.
a) Issue: Need more dialog within CNO on training direction, responsibilities, and resource sharing.
b) Recommendation: Develop an action officer-level consortium to include: N20, N6, N86, N88, and CNET to coordinate on these issues.
c) Action: CNO N-62
Navy Training System
Part VII
Points of Contact
VII.A. Command Web Pages
1. URLs are provided for those commands which maintain an internet Point of Contact (POC) website.
VII.B. Command Points of Contact
Name |
Activity/Code |
Function |
Phone Number: DSN/Comm. Fax: DSN/Comm. Email Address |
LCDR Gerald Painter | Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)/N6TT1 | CNO N6T Asst. Training | 703 601-1485 |
CDR Marty Smart | CNO/N62 Interim | GCCS Requirements | 703 601-1422 |
LCDR C.L. Applegate | CNO/N62K | GCCS-M Ashore / GCCS Requirements | 703 601-1421 |
CAPT B.V. Smith | CNO/N122F | Reserve Integration Secretary | 703 695-3082 |
CAPT William Walker | Commander in Chief Atlantic Fleet (CINCLANTFLT) /N722 | Acting Director of Training | |
LT Paul Thielen | CINCLANTFLT/N722A | C4I Training | 757 836-0087 |
LT James H. Mills |
Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet/N632 | C4I Officer | 808 471-8636 |
Mike Shoecraft | Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR)/ 05L2D | Training | 619 524-7256 |
CAPT Roger Hull | Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWARSYSCOM)/ PMW 157 |
GCCS-M Program Manager | 619 537-0260 |
Mr. Mike Spencer | SPAWARSYSCOM/ PMW 157-A |
GCCS-M Deputy Program Manager | 619 553-3439 |
Mr. Charles Fishbach | SPAWARSYSCOM/ PMW 157-B |
GCCS-M Afloat | 619 537-0259 |
Ms. Ruthann T Zombolas | SPAWARSYSCOM/ PMW 157-C |
GCCS-M Ashore | 619 537-0267 |
Ms. Patricia L. Byrne | SPAWARSYSCOM/ PMW 157-D |
GCCS-M Tactical/Mobile | 619 537-0255 |
Ms. Shirley Essam | SPAWARSYSCOM/ PMW 157 |
GCCS-M Ashore | 619 537-0258 |
CDR Joseph Estill | SPAWARSYSCOM/ PMW 157-42 |
Intel/OBU/OED (Multi-Level Security) |
619 553-3357 |
Mr. Andrew Cox | SPAWARSYSCOM/ PMW 157-1 |
Head, Systems Engineering | 619 537-0256 |
CDR Bruce Binney | SPAWARSYSCOM/ PMW 157-2 |
Head, Common Systems | 619 553-6260 |
Ms. Mary Van Mullekom | SPAWARSYSCOM/ PMW 157-3L |
Head, Logistics | 619 537-0326 |
Ms. Dee Quashnock | Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWARSYSCEN)/ D4222 |
GCCS-M Training Program Manager | 619 553-0810
Ms. Liz Holland | SPAWARSYSCEN | Training Program Management | 619 553-4025 |
Mr. Gayle Hamblin | Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET)/ETE412 | Program Manager for Information Warfare (IW)/Command And Control Warfare (C2W)/Intelligence Training Branch | 850 452-8786 |
LT Dan Dunaway | Fleet Combat Training Center Atlantic (FCTCLANT)/N7443 | Systems Training Department | 804 433-6289 |
CDR Ray Warner | Fleet Combat Training Center Pacific (FCTCPAC)/N3 | Executive Officer, FCTCPAC | 619 553-8325 |
LT Killiam | FCTCPAC/N34B | 619 553-0626 | |
Reed Popovich | FCTCPAC/N31A | 619 553-8817 | |
Ms. Bonnie Cyr | Navy/Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (NMITC)/N2A | Training | 757 433-0399 |
LT Kim Rigazzi | NMITC/N26 | Intelligence Applications | 757 433-0170 757 433-0001(QD) |
LTJG Bret Haldin | Fleet Intelligence Training Center Pacific (FITCPAC)/03/32 div. | GCCS-M OPINTEL Course Manager | 619 524-1060 |
LCDR W. Hatch | Navy Manpower Analysis Center (NAVMAC)/41 | 901 874-6267 | |
OSC Henard | NAVMAC/41 | 901 874-6277 | |
LTJG Dan Devos | Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command
011-973-72-4943 | |
Bill Laws | Commander Submarine Forces Atlantic (COMSUBLANT)/N74 | 757 836-1157 | |
CDR Joe Cereola | Commander Submarine Forces Pacific (COMSUBPAC) | 808 474-5680 | |
LT Mark Smith | Commander Naval Surface Forces Pacific (COMNAVSURFPAC)/ N621 |
619 437-2684 | |
LCDR Bruce Feldhouser | Commander Naval Air Forces Atlantic (COMNAVAIRLANT)/ N81D |
757 444-7129 | |
OSCS Jim Joons | Commander Naval Air Forces Pacific (COMNAVAIRPAC)/ N6321 |
619 545-2128 | |
LCDR Tim Costello | Commander-in-Chief U.S. Naval Forces Europe
DSN 235-4461 | |
CDR Jim Taplett | Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS)/P221I | 703 695-3875 | |
RMC Timothy Martin | BUPERS/P221I1 | 703 614-6855 | |
Chief Mike Bennett | Afloat Training Group Atlantic (C4I) | 757 445-0962 X312 | |
Rick McCutcheon | Fleet Training Center, San Diego/N71 | 619 556-8348 | |
LT Mitchell | Afloat Training Group Pacific | USW Division Officer | 619 556-4942 |