AN/SYQ-17 Rapid Anti-Ship Cruise
Missile Integrated Defense System
The AN/SYQ-17 Rapid Anti-Ship Cruise
Missile Integrated Defense System
(RAIDS) ) is a tactical decision aid forthe Commanding Officer/Tactical
Action Officer and the Electronic Warfare Supervisor. It provides
automatic display of anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) threats, depicts
active and passive sensor displays, and shows the status of existing
terminal self-defense systems. RAIDS, a multiple
microprocessor-based system, considers threat capabilities,
environmental data, electromagnetic interference data, ownship
maneuvering parameters, and approved tactical doctrine to develop a
dynamic tactical deision matrix that provides a ship's anti-ship missile
defense (ASMD) coordinators with concise and real-time tactical
engagement recommendations. These recommendations are
continually and automatically evaluated for effectiveness and updated
as appropriate. RAIDS also provides realistic and accessible
closed-loop simulation training.
RAIDS' distributed architecture facilitates software upgrades as well
as combat sensor and weapon upgrades and additions. In the near
term, communications between RAIDS data processors in the Data
Processing Center (DPC) and the Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) Remote Interface Units (RIUs) will
be via a fiber optic Local Area Network (LAN).
The AN/SYQ-17 RAIDS has become a prominent
component of the Combat System aboard OLIVER HAZARD PERRY
(FFG-7)-class frigates and SPRUANCE (DD-963)-class destroyers.
The 5.6 version of RAIDS takes on the EW Sub-mode functionality that
formerly resided within the Combat Direction System (CDS). In becoming comfortable with this relocation of functionality, many ships
have struggled with the transition of ES tracks passing through RAIDS
into CDS. There is a notable diversity to ES track reporting through RAIDS.
CDS has the capability to change track ID and
symbology without operator intervention. Fleet feedback indicates this capability is not adequately
understood, and the change in ID is believed to be caused by RAIDS.
If a designated emitter is among the top six threats held by RAIDS, the emitter will become a RAIDS tactical candidate. It will be sent to CDS because all RAIDS
tactical candidates are sent to CDS. Then all data changes for
the emitter received from AN/SLQ-32(V) will be passed to CDS. Some
interesting events may arise during this reporting process. Specifically, an
emitter can be sent to CDS (thus obtaining a system track number) and
later dropped from RAIDS displays without operator intervention. With CDS RE-ID set to NONE and Evaluations set to MANUAL,
RAIDS changed “Air Unknown” in CDS to “Air Unknown Assumed Enemy” with
an IDAMP of missile platform if SLQ-32 held a missile platform emitter on the
same bearing as an air platform that was
heading directly towards ownship.
The RAIDS TAO Doctrine controls for track management include doctrine controls on re-identification of CDS tracks, AN/
SLQ-32(V) tracks and RAIDS track associations. These may be
configured such that the AN/SLQ-32(V) emitter will be allowed to
associate with a radar track. This association refers to the condition
when the kinematic data for the vehicular track exhibits characteristics
that resemble those held by the platform that carries the detected emitter.
When this happens, the emitter stays in CDS along with the radar track
even while it has been combined as a single composite track within
RAIDS. Hence, there is no separate symbol displayed on RAIDS for the
emitter until the association breaks. At that time, there is a change in
RAIDS to match CDS. Noting that the displays are different, the operator
typically monitor the track according to your situational assessment. If
the operator agrees with the association and believes there is really only one
track out there; they use RAIDS to monitor the track.
Certain ES tracks are sent to CDS regardless of AN/SLQ-32(V)
operator actions and tactical candidates. Emitters that match the ES
Mode Control settings are sent to CDS. ES Mode Control is set within
the RAIDS EW Supervisor display. It allows the EW Supervisor to
pre-set which emitters get automatically reported to CDS according to
"Threat Level." So, emitters whose threat level matches the mode control
settings are received in CDS automatically. Also, RAIDS-generated
manual fixes and manual bearings are sent to CDS when they are
RAIDS has been installed on more than 20 SPRUANCE (DD-963)-class destroyers and is slated to be
installed on more than ten OLIVER HAZARD PERRY (FFG-7)-class guided missile frigates.

Sources and Resources
Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Saturday, December 12, 1998 7:17:49 AM