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AN/SSQ-86 Data Link Communications (DLC) Sonobuoy

The AN/SSQ-86 Data Link Communications (DLC) sonobuoy is an A-size, expendable, non-repairable sonobuoy. It provides limited, one-way acoustic communications from the buoy to friendly submarines. The buoy is encoded by the aircrew prior to flight.

The DLC sonobuoy is an expendable, acoustic communication device designed to transmit a preprogrammed message to a submerged submarine. It consists of an omnidirectional acoustic transducer that descends through the bottom of the sonobuoy canister to a shallow transmission depth of 75 feet. After completing shallow depth transmissions, the transducer automatically descends to the deep transmission depth of 350 feet. The messages are encoded through the EFS prior to launch. The acoustic transmission frequencies are classified. The message transmission includes an address group, an addressee group, and two word groups. The sonobuoy does not have an RF transmitter.

The DLC, upon self-activation, operates in an autonomous acoustic communications mode for the preset coding. The preset coding is converted into the equivalent acoustic frequencies and transmitted from the buoy transducer at both shallow and deep settings. Monitoring of acoustic transmissions can be accomplished through a co-located passive buoy.

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Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Tuesday, December 29, 1998 5:20:30 AM