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Fuel life spans depend on how much the ship is operatee, and how accurately one can predict reactor performance. Current cores for the NIMITZ Class aircraft carrier, LOS ANGELES Class SSN, and OHIO Class SSBN last on average about 20 years. Efforts to extend the lives of operating reactor plants are resulting in longer ship lifetimes; NIMITZ-Class carriers are now expected to last 50 years, and OHIO-Class submarines 40 years, versus their original design lifetimes of 30 years.

Located at the Kesselring site in New York, the S8G prototype plant was overhauled in the early 1990s, and in 1994 it was refueled with the S6W Advanced Fleet Reactor core intended for use on the Seawolf attack submarine.

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Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Saturday, February 27, 1999 7:56:20 AM