Arsenal Ship Lessons Learned Report
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This ship capabilities document (SCD) compliments the Arsenal Ship Concept of Operations (CONOPS) and provides definition of technical attributes that have evolved as part of ongoing study efforts. This SCD describes functions and capabilities for the Arsenal ships that should be treated as goals when conducting trade studies against the cost thresholds.
1.0 Design Philosophy
1.1 Arsenal Ship. The Arsenal ships are to be delivered fully equipped for fleet operations. They are to have maximized system performance consistent with the CONOPS and the SCD within the cost constraint. The Arsenal Ships should achieve commonality with current Navy systems whenever possible. Innovative approaches that leverage existing DoD investments are strongly encouraged.
1.2 Arsenal Ship Demonstrator. The Arsenal Ship Demonstrator may not initially have the full capability of the Arsenal Ships. The demonstration program must show that the Arsenal Ships are suitable for performing their mission within the price thresholds. To this end, its objectives are to demonstrate:
- The performance of the mission for 90 days.
- The required architecture, communications, and essential data link functions to support the Arsenal Ship CONOPS.
- The capability for remote launch of strike, area Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) and fire support weapons. It is envisioned that the test program will include:
- Salvo launch of up to three Tomahawk missiles in three minutes
- Single SM2 launch using the Arsenal Ship as a remote magazine for a CEC (Cooperative Engagement Capability) ship
- Single Tomahawk launch using the Arsenal Ship as a remote magazine for air directed and shore based targeting
- Single weapon launch from a VLS Cell in support of a naval surface fire control mission digital call for fire.
- That passive survivability will be sufficient for the expected operating scenarios.
The Arsenal Ship Demonstrator is to be capable of being converted to full mission ship capabilities and configuration and used as a fleet asset.
2.0 Warfighting Capabilities
2.1 General. The Arsenal Ship should be capable of firing a variety of weapons in support of a land campaign, including Long Range Strike, Invasion Stopping, Fire Support to Joint Ground Forces, Tactical Ballistic Missile Defense and Air Superiority.
2.2 Launching System. The ship should have about 500 VLS (vertical launch system) cells capable of launching current and planned vertical launch weapons. The actual number of VLS cells is to be recommended by optimizing the survivability, performance, sustainability and cost.
The ship is to have space, weight and support system capacity reservations for future installation of an extended range gun system.
2.3 Connectivity. Targeting, mission planning and command/decision functions will be offboard. The Arsenal Ship is to be connected to command platforms using the CEC "remote magazine" concept or an equivalent data link. An OTH satellite link capability is also to be provided. The ship is to be capable of full time communications with other ships, aircraft, satellites, and shore stations by means of responsive, reliable, clear and secure voice, tactical information distribution and recorded communications. Redundant links may be necessary to achieve robust interconnectivity. It is important that the Arsenal Ship be able to connect to existing joint force communications with minimum impact.
2.4 Survivability. The Arsenal Ship is required to be highly survivable in the entire littoral environment. Furthermore, consistent with the objectives for the Arsenal Ship to be an inexpensive platform with low life cycle costs, its' survivability should be achieved through passive means to the extent practicable. Passive techniques to be considered include the use of signature control and countermeasures to make it difficult to detect, target and hit the ship, design/systems that will protect the VLS from damage if the ship is hit, and considerations of ship designs such that the ship will be virtually "unsinkable".
It is expected that the offeror will perform analyses to consider a range of current and future threat systems in performing trade-off studies to develop appropriate levels of survivability that can be achieved within the USP. The threats should include sub-surface, surface and airborne systems. These analyses/trades shall lead to determinations if and where limited active self defense systems are needed to augment the passive design considerations, consistent with minimizing crew size and cost constraints.
The ship shall be able to operate in a chemical-biological-radiation (CBR) environment.
Ship features shall be provided to contribute to the ship's ability to stay afloat and resist further damage including: fire fighting systems, inherent ship stability in damaged conditions, redundant electrical and other support systems.
2.5 Mobility. The ship is to be capable of a sustained speed (80% of installed power) of at least 22 knots. The ship is to carry sufficient fuel to conduct a 90 day mission. The ship shall be capable of continuous, precise navigation under all conditions, day or night, independent of geographic location, weather and visibility.
2.6 Stowage Space. The ship shall be capable of storing of consumables and repair parts parts for a 90 day mission consistent with the maintenance concept.
3.0 Design Standards. The design life of the ship is to be 35 years.
3.1 Life Cycle Considerations. The ships are to be manned, if at all, by a Navy crew to be as small as practicable, but in any event not to exceed 50 people.
The ship shall be ready to perform its missile launch mission when called upon. Availability is the measure of readiness selected for the ship systems. The ship shall be designed, constructed, and integrated with a total ship inherent availability goal of 0.95.
Equipment and material selection, equipment arrangement, built-in-test equipment, redundancy, equipment reliability, manning, logistics facilities, transportation, replenishment, on-board storage, training, and use of off-board support teams and spares pools are to be developed so as to minimize life cycle cost. The maintenance concept shall be developed to achieve the availability goals but a a minimal life cycle cost. The maintenance concept shall be consistent with the Forward Operating Base Concept of the CONOPS.
Material selection, equipment arrangement, built-in-test equipment, redundancy, equipment reliability, manning, logistics facilities, transportation, replenishment, on-board storage, training, and use of off-board support teams and spares pools are to be developed so as to minimize operating and support (O&S) costs and be consistent with the CONOPS.
3.2 Buoyancy and Stability. The Ship is to have sufficient reserve buoyancy and stability to withstand flooding as a result of underwater damage. The ship is to withstand grounding or weapons damage that causes a leakage length of 15% of the hull waterline length, assuming the worst combination of flooded and non-flooded compartments within the overall damaged length. The undamaged ship is to have adequate stability to withstand the effects of 100 knot winds and accompanying seas. Stability is to be satisfactory both in full load departure and light load returning condition.
3.3 Design and Building Margins and Service Life Reserves.
Design and Building Margins are the responsibility of the offeror.
Service Life Reserves are ship and system capacities in the ship as completed that allow the ship to accept normal growth, planned and unplanned, during fleet service. The following margins are goals for service life of the ship after fleet acceptance of the Arsenal Ships:
- 20% electric power reserves
- 20% air conditioning capacity reserves
- 10% full load displacement growth
- 1 ft of full load center of gravity rise
The Service Life Reserves are exclusive of any margins for items specifically identified as space and weight capabilities.
3.4 Regulatory Capabilities. The ship design is to comply with 1972 COLREGS for-International-Inland and shall satisfy all the capabilities necessary to obtain certification for transit of the Suez Canal and Panama Canal. Rules-of-the-road equipment may be retracted or covered during low signature military operations.
3.5 Standardization. Standardization philosophy is be to maximize system performance at the lowest life cycle cost while achieving commonality with current Navy systems wherever possible.
3.6 Fuel. The propulsion plant and ship service auxiliaries is to be designed to use Diesel Fuel Marine (DFM), corresponding to NATO Code F-76.
3.7 Electric Plant Subsystem. The ship service generating units are to be of a rating and number such that with one unit inoperable, the remaining installed capacity are able to carry the worst case electric load. At least two sources of electric power are to be provided to all mission critical components.
3.8 Underway Replenishment. The ship is to be able to be refueled while underway from standard Navy auxiliary ships. Vertical replenishment of provisions is required. Re-arming of VLS cells at sea is not required.
3.9 Aviation Support. The ship is to be provided with helicopter facilities that meet day and night operations, Visual Meteorological Conditions, landing area with limited service facilities certification for SH-60, V-22 and CH-46 aircraft.
3.10 Environment. The ship is be capable of operating between latitudes of 70° North and 60° South. The ships shall not be operated in pack ice. All equipment and machinery installed in exposed locations are to retain full system capability in -40° F to 120° F air temperatures with simultaneous winds up to 40 knots true. All ship systems are to retain full system capability in 28° F to 95° F sea temperatures. All ship systems are to retain full capability with external relative humidity of 0% to 100%.
3.11 Machinery Rating Temperatures. Rated propulsion power and electric capacity shall be available with 100° F air temperature at prime mover inlet(s).
3.12 Performance in a Seaway. The ship is to meet the following capabilities:
- Sea state 5: replenish and strikedown underway
- Sea state 6: continuous efficient operation (other than replenishment)
- Sea state 7: limited operation, and capability of continuing its mission without returning to port for repairs after the sea subsides
- Sea state 8 and above: survivability without serious damage to mission-essential systems.
All structure and fittings are to be designed to withstand dynamic forces produced by motion of a ship in a seaway without operation of any ship stabilization system
3.13 Environmental Loading. Environmental loading for ship, ship structure, and exposed equipment for design purposes are as follows:
- Wind loading on vertical projected area, 30lb./sq. ft.
- Snow and ice loading on horizontal projected area, 7.5lb./sq. ft.
- Wave slap load on equipment expected to be exposed to green water, 500lb./sq. ft.
3.14 Pollution Control. The ship is to meet all applicable Federal and International environmental regulations.
3.15 Personnel and Equipment Safety. The ship is to be designed and constructed to meet internal airborne noise capabilities appropriate to a compartment's function. All installed equipment shall maintain operational effectiveness when exposed to electromagnetic fields as follows: 200v/m for topside mounted equipment, 10v/m for below decks equipment, and 3 Oersteds from below deck equipment. The installed equipment shall satisfy the capabilities for the prevention of Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personal (HERP) and Ordnance (HERO). The installed equipment shall satisfy the capabilities for the prevention of Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel (HERP) and Ordnance (HERO).