NNS1702. USS Nassau ARG required for humanitarian relief; return to homeport my be delayed by Atlantic Fleet Public Affairs NORFOLK (NNS) -- The USS Nassau Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) will remain on station in the Adriatic conducting urgent humanitarian relief operations in support of ongoing operations in Kosovo. Capitalizing on the airlift and mobility capabilities of the ARG/MEU team, this international relief effort may delay the Nassau ARG's return to homeport by approximately two weeks. USS Nassau (LHA 4), USS Pensacola (LSD 38), USS Nashville (LPD 13) and embarked Marines from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) had been scheduled to return to homeport May 13. The Navy and Marine Corps recognizes the impact and continued sacrifice which meeting this requirement will have on the families involved, and will do everything possible to minimize uncertainty and inconvenience. An exact revised return date will be released when known.-USN-