NWS18mar-3. Sea Shadow reactivated for technology testing of future surface ships NAVY WIRE SERVICE (NWS18) - 18 March 1999 - by NAVSEA Sea Shadow Program Office WASHINGTON (NWS) -- In anticipation of conducting future ship research and development testing, the U.S. Navy has reactivated the 550-ton Sea Shadow craft. Sea Shadow will support risk reduction for future surface ship platforms such as DD-21, the Navy's 21st century land attack destroyer. The platform will allow the Navy to explore and test, in a realistic at-sea environment, important DD-21 advanced information and automation technologies that support reduced manning and ship survivability. Additionally, Sea Shadow is scheduled to take part in the "Forward From the Sea" exposition of Navy ships and Marine Corps units scheduled for March 19-21 in Alameda, Calif. The exposition is being hosted by Commander 3rd Fleet, 1st Marine Corps Expeditionary Force, Marine Corps Advanced Warfighting Lab, and the Navy Warfare Development Command. Sea Shadow was built for the U.S. Navy in the mid-1980s as a technology demonstration platform designed to explore a variety of new technologies for surface ships, including automated ship control, advanced structures, reduced manning, sea-keeping and signature control. In 1993-1994, the craft was revealed to the public and underwent daylight testing. Since 1994, Sea Shadow has been maintained in a lay-up status and is currently homeported at Naval Station San Diego. -USN- -USN-