LPD 17A Ship Built By and For the
Expeditionary Warrior
by Gary L Pickens and Rear Admiral L. F. Picotte,
USN (Ret.)
LPD 17 with MV-22. |
Although the first Sailors and Marines won’t actually
step aboard USS San Antonio (LPD 17) until the year 2002,
the first amphibious ship to be designed for the 21st
century already reflects their input. The LPD 17 Class of Amphibious
Transport Docks will be the product of many excellent ideas furnished
by hundreds of Navy and Marine Corps Fleet operators, maintainers,
and trainers through the Design for Ownership (DFO) process. With
months to go before the actual keel is laid, Team 17 (NAVSEA’s Program
Office for LPD 17) has assimilated these contributions into LPD
17 Class ship and system design improvements.
The 12 ships of the LPD 17 Class will replace
four retiring amphibious ship classes. With a length of over 680
feet and a beam of 105 feet, the LPD 17 Class will be substantially
larger than the LPD 4 (Austin) Class. It will be able
to carry approximately twice the number of Marine vehicles, along
with approximately the same number of troops, cargo, and ammunition
space, as the older LPD 4. The increased beam size will permit a
larger flight deck able to support, from its aviation spots, all
aircraft in the Marine inventory. The diesel-powered LPD 17 Class
will also have the size and support facilities for future planned
Marine aircraft, including the tilt rotor MV-22 Osprey.
LPD 17’s well deck, stern gate, and ballast system
will be able to support, to the amphibious penetration point, either
traditional landing craft (LCUs) or two air cushioned landing crafts
(LCACs) loaded with cargo and Marine vehicles and tanks. The well
deck will also be compatible for launch and recovery of the Marine
Corps’s 21st century amphibian, the Advanced Amphibious
Assault Vehicle (AAAV). The combination of MV-22, LCAC, and AAAV
greatly extend Navy and Marine Corps capabilities in support of
Operational Maneuver from the Sea.
LPD 17 will have significant survivability features
and the latest in computer technology. In addition to Rolling Airframe
Missile (RAM) protection from air threats, the ship is being designed
to minimize its appearance as a target. Using radar cross-section
(RCS) reduction techniques, the ship will not only have a new look,
but will be more difficult to locate and target.
Realizing that continuous leaps in technology are
expected over the next 50 years, LPD 17’s fiber optic shipboard-wide
area network (SWAN) will connect onboard-integrated systems. Computers
resident on the ship will be in a "plug in and fight"
configuration, allowing hardware to be more easily and appropriately
replaced by newer technology as necessary over the ship’s lifetime.
Moreover, LPD 17 will have extensive communications, command, control,
and intelligence systems which will fully support current and projected
expeditionary warfare missions of the 21st century.
684 ft |
Speed: 22+ kts |
105 ft |
362 |
Load Draft: 23 ft |
720 |
Load Disp: 24,900 LT |
2 |
24 bed ward / 2 OR w/100 overflow beds |
Ops: 2 CH-53 or MV-22 /
4 CH-46 or UH-1 |
Design for Ownership
Early in the planning process for LPD 17, ship designers
recognized that sustained interaction with the Fleet and Marine
Corps would not only be cost-effective, but would produce a ship
more attuned to the warrior’s requirements. Since contract
award to the New Orleans-based Avondale Alliance (Avondale Industries,
Bath Iron Works, Raytheon, and Intergraph Corporation), this continuous
dialog has expanded. Nearly 40 workshops with the Navy and Marine
Corps, individual sessions with ship crews, and numerous submissions
via the Internet (lpd17.nswc.navy.milthe Fleet Issues area) have
helped ensure that Team 17 designs and builds LPD 17 for its Navy
and Marine Corps owners. These suggestions have improved combat
readiness, enhanced quality of life, reduced Total Ownership Costs,
and/or validated the existing design. Prime examples of these ownership
influences on LPD 17 include:
Advanced Enclosed Mast/Sensor. The AEM/S
system, currently planned for the LPD 17 Class and being tested
aboard USS Radford (DD 968), offers significant benefits
for LPD 17 in terms of workload reduction, mast accessibility, and
reduced RCS enhancements. However, its installation design necessitated
an alternative for signal flag display which required ownership
assistance. Late in 1997, members of the LPD 17 design team met
with Fleet signalmen who had solved the problem by using collapsible
signal posts to provide for full signal flag display capability
when needed.
Air Conditioning. In 1997 both Fleet
and Marine Corps commands expressed concerns about LPD 17 air conditioning
capacity, recommending that LPD 17’s capacity be greater than that
of the LPD 4 Class. This recommendation reaffirmed planning for
LPD 17 which already included 1,400 tons of air conditioning-over
four times as much as the LPD 4 Class.
Attached Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Pumps. Fleet
experience and data from various port engineers was the driving
force in eliminating attached fuel oil and lube oil pumps. Traditionally,
ships have used both an attached pump and an electric pump. However,
the attached pump has often led to maintenance challenges. Using
two electric pumps can capitalize on such efficiencies as common
parts support, reduced maintenance workload, and reliability improvements.
Electric pumps are planned for LPD 17.
Automated Anchor Washdown System. A Design
for Ownership suggestion led to the incorporation of an automated
anchor washdown system on the LPD 17’s fo’c’sle.
CIC and Troop Operations Design. A series
of five joint Navy and Marine Corps workshops reviewed and revised
the LPD 17 arrangements for the Combat Information Center (CIC)
and troop operations spaces. Based upon real-world experiences in
the Captain O’Grady Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel
Operation, the new space design allows for equal access to information
and situational awareness for both Navy and Marine commanders, while
providing for the flexibility to transform the spaces into a single,
integrated command and control center.
Corrosion Control. Among the over 1,000
ownership generated issues, corrosion control was by
far the most common. Many of the suggestions validated current LPD
17 ship design. For example, LPD 17 Class ships will have a titanium
firemain; freshwater coolers will be used for the diesels; fittings
and connectors will be protected from spray in the well deck; and
topside external fittings will be non-corrosive. Additional initiatives
are also being examined. These include improved tank coatings and
corrosion-resistant designs in the well deck that will diminish
this manpower-intensive burden.
Passageway Design. Team 17 designers have
directly interfaced with Marine combat cargo assistants to ensure
that a combat-loaded Marine can move comfortably through the LPD
17 passageways. In addition, the Marine Corps forwarded an advanced
copy of their planned 21st century backpack to Avondale
Industries to ensure that the ship design will also meet future
anticipated requirements.
Ship’s Boats. Based upon Fleet input, the
conventional ship’s boats that have been the mainstay of amphibious
landings since Guadacanal will not be carried aboard LPD 17. A team
of Fleet operators and maintainers from both the Atlantic and Pacific
Fleets recommended replacing these boats with two 7-meter and one
11-meter rigid hulled inflatable boats (RHIBs). The approval of
this action will save tons of ship’s weight, reduce acquisition
costs, and provide support for embarked SEAL mission RHIBs.
Medical Sterilization Room. During the 1998
Medical and Dental Workshop, Fleet participants identified a potential
flow problem in the Sterilization Room as dirty medical instruments
and material became sterilized. Fleet Surgical Team Six reviewed
LPD 17’s space, and crafted a redesign that simplified the process
flow and enhanced medical efficiency.
Stern Gate Indicators. LSD Class ship Sailors
recommended the installation of stern gate indicators in well
deck control. At the 1998 Well Deck/Ballast Control Workshop, Navy
and Marine operators designed LDP 17’s combined space "from
the ground up," and incorporated stern gate indicators into
their recommendations.
Close Defense System. The original LPD 17
design included 25mm chain guns for anti-surface self defense. A
Fleet input in 1997 recommended a stabilized gun to increase lethality.
Team 17, working with the Marine AAAV program, determined that the
AAAV 30mm gun system had increased firepower, better range, and
greater accuracy; could be fired remotely; and required fewer maintenance
hours. Sharing the same gun system with the Marine Corps would also
achieve cost and workload efficiencies. Although no final decisions
have been made, the AAAV gun is now being considered for LPD 17
Class ships.
AAAV Close Defense System shipboard
configuration. |
LPD 17 and Beyond
Continued interaction with Navy and Marine Corps
Fleet users will remain the hallmark for the LPD 17 program. Design
for Ownership sessions are already planned to review the pilot house
and the Central Control Station (Main Control and Damage Control
Central), while other sessions will examine additional key ship
spaces. Ideas and suggestions received after LPD 17’s design is
finalized will be considered for incorporation into later ships
of the Class, including the recently awarded LPD 18 (USS New
Future Sailors and Marines who crew and embark on
LPD 17 Class ships will quickly realize the value of the design
contributions of their 20th century Sailor and Marine
counterparts. LPD 17 is well on its way to becoming the right
ship for the expeditionary warrior of the 21st century.
Additional Information
For more information about LPD 17, visit the LPD
17 Home Page: lpd17.nswc.navy.mil
(soon to be LPD17.com), or call the
LPD 17 War Room: EWTGLANT: 1-800-445-1916.
Gary Pickens is the Deputy Program Manager for
NAVSEA’s LPD 17 Program Office (PMS 317). Rear Admiral (Ret.) Picotte
is the Director of the Naval Expeditonary Warfare Program for American
Systems Corporation.