Lance-Roquettes Multiple (LRM)
The Lance-Roquettes Multiple (LRM) multiple lanch rocket system is a complete unit including a launcher, adapted ammunition, systems of management and data transmission, as well as specific means of acquisition. The LRM is intended to destroy the armoured unfavourable targets, to slow down the adversary, to neutralize the forces of support and support, and to stop the second level. The launcher of the LRM can contain twelve rockets, or two ATACMS missiles. A whole of electronic cases specialized in fact a modular system of simple design and easy support.
The pods of ammunition are conveyed by the logistic freight vehicle (VTL). The lifting arm of the LRM allows the installation, demounting, the installation and the locking of baskets in the container-launcher.
The localization and the orientation of the LRM is ensured by an inertial power station with two axes (determining a direction), coupled to an odometer (measuring the distances covered) and connected to the central computer. Retimings of the power station are requested automatically from the operator. The central computer manages the whole of the functions and defines the parameters of shooting by means of software: course of the launcher, layer and rise of shooting, vent rocket, a number of points concerned and consumption. It is assisted by a unit specialized in the management of the parameters of shooting and the data of position coming from the inertial power station; this unit conveys the commands of shooting to the rockets and supervises their report of status. The pointing, in site and direction, is carried out automatically for each departure of rocket. The average interval between two firings of rockets is 4.5 seconds. It can be a little as two seconds, or at will increased. The manual mode gives to the operator all the desired flexibility: isolated shooting, salvo of three launches, selection of the rockets, etc. The LRM and its ammunition are protected from NBC attacks.
The ammunition is delivered from a container-launcher of 6 rockets, transported by truck of 10 tons (24 rockets per truck). The grenade rocket M 26: length: 394 m gauge: 227 mm mass: 310 kg This rocket are equipped with a powder booster. It is stabilized in flight by rotation and spreadable wings. The warhead consists of six hundred and quarante-quatre grenades for double purpose, anti-personnel and anti-tank light. These grenades are dispersed on more than two thousand square meters. The capacity of perforation is 70 mm steel. The range of the dangerous fragments is thirty meters. A rocket regulated directly by the computer of the launcher starts a load of discharge to disperse the grenades above the objective. The grenade rockets, currently in service, have as a role to destroy either fixed objectives, slightly armoured and of capital importance for the enemy operation, or of the deployed units. The PC, the batteries of artillery, the centers logistic, the radiant sites, the zones to pose and of supply for helicopters are thus its top priority maximum range higher than 30 km.
Ammunition in service in the American army includes the rocket with mines AT-2: length: 3,94 m gauge: 237 mm mass: 260 kg submunitions: a few tens AT-2 anti-tank device carried maximum range of about 40 km. This rocket is developed from the missile ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System). The ATACMS is a semi-ballistic missile intended to destroy, break or delay the unfavourable forces of the second level. It carries some thousand bombs of one kilo of anti-personnel and antimateriel capacity. The preferential objectives of this system of weapons are the sites of ground-to-ground missile and ground-to-air, the centers of command, the elements logistic, and the nodes of transmissions. The rocket with terminal guidance has the same ballistic characteristics as the rocket AT 2. Each rocket comprises several submunitions. Its submunitions are designed to detect, identify, attack and destroy targets.
Mass: machine alone: 14 tons
machine and artillery: 19,5 tons
machine in command of combat: 24,5 tons
Speed: 48 km/h in 20 seconds, and 70 km/h of maximum speed
length: 6,7 m
width: 2,7 m
height: 2,97 m
Give rhythm shooting: 12 rockets in less than 1 minute
Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Saturday, June 19, 1999 6:37:33 AM