M973/M974 7.62mm SRTA, SRTA-T
The SRTA/SRTA-T is designed to be ballistically comparable to the M80 Ball/M62
Tracer out to 100 meters, with a maximum range of 600 meters. The SRTA/SRTA-T can
be used to conduct live-fire training on training scaled ranges, basic (10 meter)
marksmanship bipod/tripod zeroing, practice, and record fire in range restricted areas.
The SRTA/SRTA-T can be fired in the M60 Machine Gun with no ancillary hardware or
adaptors allowing the training effect within 100 meters to be identical to that obtained
currently with service ammunition.
The Performance Specification for the SRTA/SRTA-T was Type Classified Generic in
March 1993. A Foreign Comparative Test program is currently ongoing with Type
Classification Standard the SRTA/SRTA-T scheduled for the end of 1998.
The Army continues to support the realization of low-cost, efficient training that provides
a capability (5.56mm through Cal .50) to significantly enhance unit proficiencies in the
small arms arena. Using the appropriate combination of NDI assessment, and
developmental opportunities, small caliber training ammunition programs/acquisitions are
in-step with the Army’s needs to train better and smarter. The generic use of
Performance Specification Acquisition strategies have, in most cases, resulted in lower
unit costs compared to the corresponding combat rounds. There are, however, additional
operational and support cost savings and training enhancements realized by the short and
limited range capabilities of these cartridges. Units are now able to train at nearby
locations, accruing savings in terms of fuel, troop support, and billeting while increasing
the opportunity to train effectively.
Sources and Resources
Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Saturday, September 12, 1998 6:35:55 AM