Light Strike Vehicle
The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
has a requirement, in conjunction with the United States Marine
Corp for a Light Strike Vehicle (LSV) for tatical and non-tactical
operations. USSOCOM is conducting an industry survey to determine
the state of technology for a possible Commercial Off the Shelf
(COTS)/Non-Developmental Item (NDI) materiel solution. Units
are required in the FY 99 timeframe for testing. Candidate
vehicles must be capable of being internally tansportable within
the future V22 aircraft. In order to be considered V-22 compatible,
the vehicle would be required to be onloaded and off loaded
through the 68 inch high and 68 inch wide cargo bay opening
of the V-22.
Sources and Resources
Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Saturday, September 12, 1998 6:35:55 AM