The Chemically and Biologically Protected Shelter (CBPS) is designed to provide a contamination free, environmentally controlled work area for a Battalion Aid Station (BAS) moving up to three times per day or a Division Clearing Station (DCS) moving once every three days. The CBPS will be an integrated, self contained system consisting of three major subcomponents: dedicated Heavy High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) Variant (HHV); air beam supported soft shelter; and required utility support components to include NBC filtration, environmental control and power generation.
The CBPS will be a direct replacement for the M51 Chemically Protected Shelter. The CBPS will provide a contamination free, environmentally controlled work area for a BAS or a DCS.
The CBPS consists of a dedicated HMMWV Heavy Variant (HHV), a Lightweight Multipurpose Shelter (LMS) mounted on the back of the HHV, a 300 square foot semi-cylindrical air beam supported soft shelter, and a High Mobility Trailer with 10 kW Tactical Quiet Generator (TQG) for auxiliary power will be towed by the HHV. The HHV and LMS provide room for four passengers and their gear. Two soldiers will be located in the LMS. All medical equipment to operate the system as a BAS will be stored inside the LMS or on the trailer. The inflatable shelter is rolled and carried on the rear of the LMS during transport. The CBPS can be operational in less than 20 minutes with four personnel. All power required to support operations of the system will be operated off the HHV engine or operated off a 10 kW TQG for auxiliary power. The system is environmentally conditioned by a hydraulically powered Environmental Support System which provides heating, cooling and ventilation air.
The CBPS was type classified for limited procurement in February 1995. A limited production contract for the CBPS was awarded in February 1996.