The AARS consists of four different variants on the following systems: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior (KW), RAH-66 Comanche, OH-58C, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The AARS program was funded for EMD for the OH-58D KW. For the KW variant, the AARS makes maximum use of available aircraft components on-board the KW such as, the radar altimeter (RA), the global positioning system (GPS), and an on-board computer. The AARS will provide rapid, accurate, and safe measurement of aerial radiation readings and calculation of residual ground radiation. The compact, lightweight AARS will be mounted on a helicopter and will automatically correlate airborne readings to ground radiation readings and position. The AARS will also measure total dose and dose rate of the pilot and warn him when he has reached an unsafe level. Data collected will be stored on a removable-media memory module for post flight processing and, in a P3I, will be transmitted in whole or in part via theaircraft's secure radio. AARS data is used by the field commander in planning operations and unit movement to minimize the exposure of soldiers to a radiation hazard. The AARS will be compatible with the maneuver control system (MCS) and the automated nuclear, biological, and chemical information system (ANBACIS).
NOTE: This program is currently unfunded.
- Mission Specific Kit (integration option for Comanche RAH-66)
- Installed quickly in rotary wing aircraft (45 minutes maximum)
- Detect and measure gamma radiation from nuclear fallout on ground (1-1000cGy/hr)
- Function at airspeeds up to 100 knots
- Altimetry System (0-1000 ft) (Data from host A/C avionics)
- Navigation System (Data from host A/C avionics)
- Data processing and storage
- Maximum weight and size of 15 lb/1.5 ft3
Operational Requirements Document: Jul 92
Basis of Issue: Three per attack helicopter battalion or air reconnaissance squadron having OH58C, OH58D, OH58D Kiowa Warrior, or the RAH Comanche aircraft.