In mid-1999 Electronic Combat Development Systems Manager (ASC/SMN) awarded a sole-source contract to Alloy Surfaces Company, Inc.; 121 North Commerce Drive; Chester Township, PA 19014 for FYs 99 and 00 production of MJU-50/B and MJU-51/B Advanced Infrared Countermeasure Flares. Alloy Surfaces' special materials used in these flares are the only materials that meet the necessary effectiveness requirements. Alloy Surfaces holds patents on these materials and processes and is the only company that can manufacture them. The production of these flares requires a substantial initial investment and an extended period of preparation for manufacture. The FY 99 procurement will acquire approximately 73,000 MJU-50/B flares, with an FY00 option for approximately 75,000 MJU-50/B flares or approximately 35,000 MJU-51/B flares.