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MAJ Burden directed NRL to use SIS as the display device for intel messages and JSTARS data.
SIS is the best candidate for parsing the known JSTARS data feeds. This is a politically sensitive issue.
3. Intel Messages. There were three applications that were considered for the display of Intel messages from TIBS, TRAP and TADIXS-B. It is noted that this information will be needed when the link with the TOC is lost such as in a deep strike mission where there is no Intel information being provided from the ASAS. The three display applications were FBCB2, ASAS and a new display introduced through the SIS product. It was decided that to avoid confusion, the SIS would be the best option to use. The SIS application could also be used to display the AFAPD from the Longbow and the Moving Target Indicator (MTI) from the JSTARS.
ACTION: Do we want to modify the SIS software and add the provision to provide the capability to send JSTARS data to other platforms such as the Longbow? (DCD wants this) NRL will investigate the options, level of effort and cost to provide this functionality. Currently we meet the ORD in this area without any modification.