Contingency Theater Automated Planning System (CTAPS)
The Contingency Theater Automated Planning System (CTAPS) is a command and control system developed by an the Air Force team for managing complex air/land battle operations anywhere in the world. The basic CTAPS core has been critical in the evolution towards a DOD- wide Theater Battle
Management (TBM) core system. An open system, reusable software core environment has formed the foundation of the CTAPS core software. This software environment not only enabled the team to achieve CTAPS objectives, but is also being employed, after replacing the military applications with those of other functions to provide advanced capabilities for support of medical care, transportation systems, etc. The Modular Air Operations Center (MAOC) hardware core in the form of the AN/TSQ-165 shelter was also developed as part of the overall CTAPS/TACS effort.
The prototype, developed by the DOE Idaho National Engineering Laboratory [INEL] with the Air Force, comprised nine AN/TSQ-165 MAOC shelters, which are fully deployable, logistically supportable, and compatible with USAF communications. The INEL was requested to assist with this after an earlier program, called TACAUTO, failed to deliver a usable product after 8 years and $80M. The INEL served as system designer and integrator on an Air Force/INEL/Industry team, responsible through all phases from requirements definition, system test and evaluation, and fielding of the prototype. INEL also trained a contractor selected by the Air Force and transferred technology to them for the production of the AN/TSQ-165 shelter. The software technology for the MAOC was transferred to an Air Force element. The MAOC prototype was completed in 31 months.
The CTAPS project envisioned a total of three command elements sharing common hardware and software architectures. MAOC was the first element prototyped. The second element, the Air Support Operations Center (ASOC) began field evaluation in 1994. The third element, the
Unit Level, sharees in the developments resulting from the ASOC effort.
Sources and Resources
Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Saturday, January 09, 1999 10:27:01 AM