AN/TSC-129 Hammer Rapid Initial Communications Kit (RICK)
Hammer Rapid Initial Communication Kit
(RICK) is a collection of equipment designed to provide
quick reaction, short-term, command, control, and
communications using secure voice, data, and facsimile capability over line of sight
(LOS) or UHF satellite. Hammer RICK is the primary means of providing
communications during USAFE directed operations.
The UTC operates in the UHF range (225 MHz - 399.995 MHz) and has a transmitter
output of 5/18 watts in AM/FM (50/200 watts with power amplifier). It can operate in
voice and data mode in wideband (25 KHz) or Narrowband (5 KHz). Secure data
operation uses a Vinsons Grid Interface Unit (VGIU) and a commercial laptop computer.
Secure faxes are possible using the UXC-7 Facsimile.
Sources and Resources
Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Saturday, January 09, 1999 10:27:01 AM