The Army Single-channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS)
operates in the 30.000 to 87.975 MHz
frequency range. Early ground versions of
SINCGARS consist of a receiver-transmitter
(RT-1439) supported by external COMSEC
equipment assembled with other common
modules into manpack and vehicular
configurations. These radios are known as
non-integrated COMSEC (non-ICOM) since
they require the TSEC/KY-57 security
equipment for cipher text (CT) operation.
Newer production ground SINCGARS
receiver-transmitters (RT-1523 series) are
known asintegrated COMSEC (ICOM). They
have an internal module that performs the
cipher functions; thus, they do not need the
external KY-57 equipment. However on the
other hand,
The Army airborne SINCGARS
radio (AN/ARC-201/A) requires use of the
TSEC/KY-58 security equipment for CT
operation. All three versions of the airborne
radio handle voice; only the data bus version
(RT-1478) handles data through use of a data
rate adapter (DRA). Both ICOM and non-ICOM
versions of the radio are operationally
compatible in FH and CT operations.
Sources and Resources
Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Saturday, January 09, 1999 10:27:01 AM