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The ALQ-167 is an electronic countermeasures threat simulation pod. It utilizes the ULQ-21 countermeasures set. There are many different ALQ-167 variants, each using different combinations of the ULQ-21 modules. These variants cover a frequency range of 425 MHz to 18 GHz and generate noise, deception/repeater, and combination ECM modes.

ALQ-167 on Bahrain-based A-6 during the Gulf War
(it's the blue pod on the inboard mount)

The AN/ALQ-167(V) (ALQ-167) Countermeasures Set is a noise and deception jamming system that is used to provide an electronic countermeasures (ECM) environment for testing and evaluating weapon systems and for training the weapon systems operators. The ALQ-167 provides ECM threat simulation for all microwave-oriented Navy weapon systems operating within the following radio frequency (RF) ranges: 425 to 445 MHz (B-Band), 902 to 928 MHz (C-band), 1 to 2 GHz (D-Band), 2 to 4 GHz (E- and F-Bands), 4 to 11 GHz (G- and I-Bands), and 12 to 18 GHz (J-Band). The ALQ-167 is designed to be effective against pulse Doppler and continuous wave (CW) weapon systems.

The ALQ-167 is comprised of a pod with ECM weapon replaceable assemblies (WRA) mounted internally on an equipment tray. Different pod configurations are used for specific purposes; these configurations are termed variants. Pod variants are numbered according to use.

AN/ALQ-167(V) Variant Series
1XULQ-21 G/I-Band Derivatives
2XDLQ-3 G/I-Band Derivatives
3XLow-Band (B-, C-, D-Band)
4XMid-Band (E/F-Band)
5XHigh-Band (J-, K-Band)
6XSpecial Use Pods
7XTactical Use Pods

The ALQ-167 pod mounts externally on aircraft. Cable assemblies unique to each aircraft type permit interface between the pod assembly and control indicator via aircraft wiring. Specific operating frequencies and parameters are preset prior to flight in accordance with mission objectives. One of several cockpit-mounted control indicators, including the UCB and mini UCB, is also used with the ALQ-167 depending on the pod variant. They provide remote selection of ECM operating modes.

The ECM WRAs mounted on the pod tray assembly are primarily from one of two CM sets: the AN/DLQ-3C(V) (DLQ-3) or the AN/ULQ-21(V) (ULQ-21). Additionally, the ALQ-167 can be fitted with the T-1487/ALT-41 (B-Band) and the T-1499/ALT-42 (C-Band) transmitters in three pod variants.

The ALQ-167 generates noise, deception/repeater, and combination ECM modes. The noise modes attempt to mask the illuminating radar's return signal with a larger power signal. These modes utilize an internal noise source to generate the RF signal. The deception/repeater modes attempt to provide false information to the weapon system (range, angle, velocity) and/or to break the weapon system track by applying various types of modulation to the received illumination signal. The resultant signal is then amplified to produce a larger signal at the radar than the actual radar return. The ALQ-167 produces combination modes by logically combining various noise and deception modes.

The ALQ-167 is flown on the following aircraft: A-6E, EA-6A, EA-6B, EP-3J, F-14A/B, F/A-18A-D, EC-24A, and NKC-135.

Variant NumberVariant Name
11A G/I-Band forward/aft radiating (FAR) pod. The tray assembly houses the WCO, G/I-Band TWTA, VDA and radar receiver. Variant 11 produces 20 ECM modes.
14A G/I-Band, cross-polarization (XPOL), forward radiating pod. The tray assembly houses the WCO, G/I-Band TWTA, VDA, radar receiver, and PM controller. Variant 14 produces 21 ECM modes.
14T A G/I-Band, XPOL, forward radiating pod with instantaneous frequency measurement (IFM) set-on receiver capabilities provided by the radar receiver-transmitter (RT). The tray assembly houses the WCO, G/I-Band TWTA, VDA, RF, and PM controller. Variant 14T produces 21 ECM modes.
15A A G/I-Band forward/aft radiating pod with digital radio frequency measurement (DRFM) capabilities provided by the memory modulator (MM). The tray assembly houses the WCO, G/I-Band TWTA, VDA, and MM. Variant 15A produces 22 ECM modes.
18 A G/I-Band forward/aft radiating pod with IFM set-on receiver capabilities provided by the RT. The tray assembly houses the WCO, G/I-Band TWTA, VDA, and RF. Variant 18 produces 20 ECM modes.
28 A DLQ-3 hybrid, G/I-Band forward/aft radiating pod. The tray assembly houses the DLQ-3 RF oscillator, G/I-Band TWTA and VDA. Variant 28 produces 10 ECM modes.
30 A B-Band forward radiating pod. The tray assembly houses the DLQ-3 RF Oscillator, VDA and ALT-41 CM Transmitter. Variant 30 produces 7 ECM modes.
31 A C-Band forward radiating pod. The tray assembly houses the ALT-42 CM transmitter. Variant 31 produces 6 ECM modes.
32 A D-band forward radiating pod. The tray assembly houses the DLQ-3 RF Oscillator, and a solid-state amplifier. Variant 32 produces 7 ECM modes.
33 A B-Band forward/aft radiating pod with dual ALT-41 CM transmitters. Variant 33 produces 7 ECM modes.
40 An E/F-Band forward radiating pod. The tray assembly houses the DLQ-3 RF Oscillator and E/F-Band TWTA. Variant 40 produces 6 ECM modes.
42 An E/F-Band forward radiating pod. The tray assembly houses the WCO with the TVCO, E/F-Band TWTA, MTDA, and the MM. Variant 41 produces 26 ECM modes.
43 An E/F-band forward/aft radiating pod. The tray assembly houses the WCO with the TVCO, E/F-Band TWTA, and MTDA. Variant 42 produces 23 ECM modes.
50 A J-Band forward radiating pod. The tray assembly houses the DLQ-3 RF Oscillator, J-Band TWTA and RF. Variant 50 produces 14 ECM modes.
61 The GYM-SIM forward radiating pod. The tray assembly houses the WCO, G/I-Band TWTA, VDA, and CM modulator. Modes generated by variant 61 are classified.
63 The GYM-SIM forward/aft radiating pod. The tray assembly houses the WCO, G/I-Band TWTA, VDA, and CM modulator. Variant 63 is designated for future development.
70 A G/I-Band tactical contingency forward/aft radiating pod. The variant is a DLQ-3C hybrid configuration that utilizes a VDA. The tray assembly houses the DLQ-3 RF oscillator, G/I-Band TWTA, and VDA. Modes generated by variant 70 are classified
71 A G/I-Band, DLQ-3 hybrid, forward radiating tactical contingency pod. The tray assembly houses the DLQ-3 RF oscillator, G/I-Band TWTA, and VDA. Modes generated by variant 71 are classified.

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Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Sunday, May 02, 1999 11:19:54 AM