4.3.11 Local Fabrication Requirements |
TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW lists all locally manufactured items required to support the AH-64D Longbow Apache (including A/D common items). Local manufacture will be accomplished IAW TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW. |
4.4.0 Supply |
Supply support is established using initial stockage allowances developed from maintenance engineering estimates based on LSAR data. Projections are made using the Selected Essential-Item Stockage for Availability Method (SESAME) computer program. Data from Force Development Test and Experimentation (FDTE) and Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOTE) results are also used. Standard Army Aviation supply system procedures, per AR 710-2 and AR 725-50, will be used to provide repair parts for the AH-64D. The statement of work (SOW) in the airframe and FCR production contracts requires that both contractors provide ICS for Longbow unique parts from DD250 end item delivery until five years after fielding. Through this agreement, the contractors have set objectives that all High priority (01-08) requisitions will be filled within 24 hours, all other requisitions will be filled within 5 days. Depot level repairs will have a 45 day turn-a-round time average (dock to dock). To meet these objectives, the contractors will maintain the stockage for D-unique components have the ability to transfer items between locations as needed. | AVUM and AVIM Supply Operations |
When a D-unique item is found unserviceable, the owning unit is responsible for removing, requisitioning, turn-in, and reinstallation of that item. The owning unit will request replacement D-unique items through normal supply channels and procedures. The requisition will be processed normally and the National Inventory Control Point (NICP) will issue a Material Release Order (MRO) to the Contractor’s Depot. The contractor will then direct the issue of the replacement item to the SSA supporting the requesting unit. The unserviceable part, with all required documentation, will be turned-in to the SSA, which will forward the unserviceable item to the local contractor operated window, such that the unserviceable item is delivered to the window not later than 24 hours after issuing the requisitioned spare. The contractor will have the ability to cross level assets between windows to meet operational needs. Local turn-in procedures may vary as directed by locally developed procedures. LBHMMS will have three-level supply, with depot level ICS. | Supply Window Operations |
The contractor will establish a network of contractor operated supply windows that will serve as contractor/user interface for Apache Longbow aircraft wholesale support. The contractors will ensure that their supply requisitioning system is compatible with the Army’s automated systems. Boeing-Mesa and LBL supply window operations will co-locate. |
4.4.1 Mission Support List (MSL) |
The FC writes a Mission Support List (MSL) for each unit receiving the new EI/WS. Through close coordination with the GC, it is tailored to the particular unit being given the system and its ASIOE. The MSL identifies the authorized requirements for the following:
When the MSL is complete, the FC assembles a coordination package for review by the GC. Items in the MSL include the PGSE and equipment in Appendix P and LBHMMS items in Appendix R. The MSL does not include the ICS items in Appendix R, as they will be contractor-controlled. It does not include A/D or HELLFIRE carryover items to be retained by the unit. | Authorized Stockage List (ASL) and Prescribed Load List (PLL) |
Gaining and supporting units will retain items currently on their PLL/ASL unless directed to turn in particular items by their MACOM. No AH-64D- or FCR/RFI-unique PLL/ASL items will be issued or included in the MSL. AH-64D aircraft and FCR unique repair parts will be maintained by the contractors per the system outlined in Sections 3.5 and 4.4.0. Missile system ASL items will be issued to the appropriate AVIM SSA. |
4.4.2 Components of End Item (COEI) List |
See Section 9.7, Aircraft Inventory Master Guide and Appendix J. The COEI list for the AH-64D Apache Longbow is the "Aircraft Inventory Master Guide" from the IETM table that feeds the DA Form 2408-17. Additional components which may be applied to the aircraft are unit property (i.e., certain avionics items [Appendix K], missile launchers) and are found on unit MTO&E/TDAs. | Aircraft Survivability Equipment |
ASE associated with the AH-64A will be turned in per the MOA at Appendix B. PM, AEC, will be responsible for reissuing the ASE to fielding units at the 21st Cavalry Brigade, Ft. Hood. Accountability will be maintained per the MOA. |
System |
Name |
AN/APR-39A(V)1 |
Radar Signal Detecting Set |
5841-01-236-8951 |
ALQ-136(V)5 |
Radar Jammer |
5865-01-186-9130 |
AN/ALQ-144A(V)3 |
Infrared Jammer |
5865-01-299-5860 |
Laser Detecting Set |
5865-01-346-4772 |
M-130 |
General Purpose Dispenser |
1095-01-036-6886 |
4.4.3 Basic Issue Items (BII) List |
Not Applicable. |
4.4.4 Additional Authorizations List Items |
Not Applicable. |
4.4.5 Float Quantities |
The aircraft mix shown in Section 2.4 relates to each line unit fielded. Operational Readiness Float (ORF) quantities and locations will be managed by the FORSCOM Aircraft Distribution Manager. Currently, 23 AH-64D aircraft are designated as ORF for FORSCOM and will be issued between the dates shown in Section 2.4. FORSCOM determines float aircraft locations and allocation. | Operational Readiness Floats |
Operational Readiness Floats (ORF) are authorized IAW Chapter 6, AR 750-1, and Supply Bulletin (SB) 710-1-1. ORF AH-64Ds will be issued to appropriate units per DA and FORSCOM distribution planning. | Repair Cycle Floats |
There will be repair cycle floats. Twenty repair cycle float (RCF) aircraft will be issued to Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD) in Mar 09. | Other float requirements |
None. |
4.4.6 Basic Sustainment Materiel (BSM) |
Army Aviation units typically carry a specified amount of BSM based on projected usage given the mission expected for the unit. BSM includes POL, Environmental Control System (ECS) coolant, other identified bulk supplies, and ammunition. Except for ammunition and coolant for the environmental control system, BSM for the AH-64D should be comparable with that for the AH-64A. | Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants (POL) |
No change is expected from that on hand for the AH-64A. Normal Aviation unit re-supply procedures will be followed. Stockage levels will be based on unit Operational Tempo (OPTEMPO) and flying hour programs. Estimated usage levels based on 174 flight hours per year per AH-64D follow: |
Type |
Estimated Consumption Rate Per AH-64D |
Annual Usage Per AH-64D |
Fuel MIL-T-83133 |
175 gallons/hour |
30,450 gallons/year |
Oil MIL-L-7808 or MIL-L-23699 |
See TM-1-1520-251 series |
See TM-1-1520-251 series |
Hydraulic Fluid |
See TM-1-1520-251 series |
See TM-1-1520-251 series |
Grease |
See TM-1-1520-251 series |
See TM-1-1520-251 series |
Numerous POL items—such as MIL-L-7808, MIL-L-23699, or MIL-H-83282 listed above—are listed in TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW. The consumption rate for these items is low and variable. A list of expendable supplies and materials is also listed in TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW. Fuels for the AH-64D may vary from JP-8 listed—i.e., JP-4, JP-5, or a commercial variant such as JET-A may be used. Approved fuels are listed in TM 1-1520-251-10. |
| Other Bulk Supplies |
Any necessary items will be identified on the MSL. | Ammunition Requirements |
The integration of the LBHMMS on the AH-64D requires the issue and handling of the Longbow HELLFIRE Missile. Normal Army Aviation ammunition re-supply procedures will be used to replenish units in the field. RF missiles are ammunition for the LBHMMS, and will be pre-positioned at ANAD. Where authorized for rapid deployment force (RDF) units, missiles may be prepositioned at the ammunition supply point (ASP) serving the unit. |
4.4.7 Plans for Replaced or Displaced Equipment and Materiel |
Current plans are for the AH-64D system to provide a block improvement of the existing AH-64A fleet. Existing AH-64As and HELLFIRE launchers will be converted into the AH-64D and LBHL. Plans will be affected by the eventual size of the AH-64 program, particularly in regard to retrofit requirements and DA funding appropriations. The possibility to procure new-build aircraft and/or launchers exists, but is not expected at this time. Figure 4-1 illustrates the projected fleet mix as the AH-64A is re-manufactured into the AH-64D with and without FCR Mission Kit. The MOA (Appendix B) outlines the procedures for inducting the AH-64As into the re-manufacture program. |
Figure 4-1
4.4.8 Evacuation Procedures |
Requirements for evacuating unserviceable AH-64A materiel will be per the MOA. The list of A-model peculiar items for turn-in is continually reviewed and updated. Fielding units will be provided with current equipment turn-in lists by the AAH PMO upon notification that their unit is standing down for re-equipping with the Longbow weapons system. |
4.4.9 Method of Distribution |
Initial issue materiel will be distributed to units at their home stations approximately thirty days prior to the arrival of aircraft at home station. Project codes for distribution, including those for turn-in or transfer of ASE, have been developed by TYAD and include Project Code CME. The LBHMMS Project Code is IB4. |
The MOA for induction, Appendix B, outlines the aircraft transfer schedule and includes Transfer Team visit activities. Figure 4-2 exhibits the TR-Date schedule. Figure 4-3 illustrates the expected time an aircraft is in the re-manufacture process. Together, both figures represent the total time required from initial MFT visit to the unit's receiving its re-manufactured aircraft. In Figure 4-2, "ACE" is Airframe Condition Evaluation. |
Review ACE Inspection Results |
AMCOM Records Check (MWO, ECP, SOF, 2410, etc.) |
On-site Records Check, Unit Transfer Briefing, Confirm TR-120 Info |
PM/Unit Physical Audit |
Pre-Transfer Inspection at unit (losing unit, gaining unit, PM) |
Joint Inspection and Transfer at 21st Cav(losing unit, gaining unit, PM) |
TR-180 |
TR-120 |
TR-90 |
TR-60 |
TR-30 |
TR Date |
Sequential Inspection Schedule in Days Before Transfer (TR-Date)
Figure 4-2
Induction |
Pre-Modification |
Re-Manufacture |
Delivery |
AH-64A |
Boeing-Mesa |
531 AH-64D 227 AH-64D w/FCR |
0 |
2 |
3 |
7 |
8 |
14 |
15 |
Time in Months |
Note: Learning curve improvements over the course of the conversion process should incrementally reduce the time to convert an AH-64A by an estimated four months. The estimated differentials are built in to the fielding schedule.
Figure 4-3
4.5.1 Transportability Guidance and Procedures |
Transportability requirements are broadly identified in AR 70-47, Engineering for Transportability. Program requirements are initially identified in the ORD and further defined in the AH-64D System Specification. Both configurations of the AH-64D, including any removed items and appropriate PGSE, shall meet the requirements of AR 70-47 and shall be capable of being transported aboard Additionally, the aircraft shall be transportable by military M-270A1 trailer and commercial "Air-Ride" trailer or equivalent. For aerial recovery, the AH-64D with MMA will be externally transportable by CH-47D aircraft using the Unit Maintenance Aerial Recovery Kit (UMARK). Two AH-64D aircraft plus one FCR will be transportable by C-141, six AH-64Ds (with a minimum of three FCR mission kits) are transportable by C-5, and three AH-64Ds and three FCR mission kits are transportable by C-17. The transportability criteria of MIL-STD-1791 will be met. TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW contains all configuration requirements for transporting Longbow weapon system components. AH-64Ds will be flown from point to point within a given theater of operations whenever possible. Using the extended range fuel system, self-deployment is possible. | Test Requirements/ Results |
The Transportation and Transportability test requirements included in the TEMP state that the AH-64D must be configured for air transport and reconfigured after transport within 1.5 clock hours over the time required for the AH-64A, and six AH-64Ds with a minimum of three FCRs will be transportable in a C-5. Additionally, manpower and personnel requirements must be the same as for the AH-64A. Final EMD Transportability Report was received from Boeing-Mesa January 1996. AH-64D transportability timing test was successfully completed 15-20 May 1995. A C-5 test loadout using military personnel and production aircraft and FCRs is planned for April 1998, prior to FUE, at which time six AH-64Ds will be transported from Boeing-Mesa at Mesa, AZ, to Ft. Hood, TX. | Interservice Requirements |
The AH-64D aircraft and FCR are not currently being acquired for multi-service (i.e., Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard) use. The Navy will acquire the LBHL. Interservice requirements are not covered in this MFP. | Special Care During Transport |
This system may require special care during transport. Special transportability requirements and care, if any, are identified in the Transportability Report and will be documented in the Preparation for Shipment procedures in TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW. Lifting and tiedown requirements and procedures for the AH-64D and related components are contained in the Transportability Report and will be documented in the Preparation for Shipment procedures in TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW. | Resource Requirements/ Availability |
The transportability request for approval of an updated Transportability Plan/Report based on LSAR Record J data will be submitted to: Director MTMC Transportation Engineering Agency ATTN: MTTE-DPE (Jennifer Napiecek) 720 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite 130 Newport News, VA 23606-2574 This request was submitted and approved prior to Milestone III decision review. MTMC TEA formally reaffirmed Milestone II transportability approval, and it is attached as Appendix M. | LSA Interface |
The LSA ensures that transportation/transportability requirements and processes are traceable to the Longbow system design IAW MIL-STD-1366. Transportability requirements have been a major consideration during the design and/or modification of the air vehicle, subsystems, and support equipment. Anticipated transportability problem items will be identified for evaluation and possible redesign. Transportability requirements will be recorded on LSAR data Record J, Transportability Engineering Characteristics, and documented in the LSA-085 master file. Data documented on Record J will be utilized to prepare transportability reports/plans. |
4.5.2 Security-in-Transit |
a. General. The AH-64D, as a weapon system end item, is UNCLASSIFIED when manned and operating. With the ASE non-operational, cockpit displays are UNCLASSIFIED when avionics, sensors (including FCR, RFI, TADS, and PNVS) are operating and ground truth data is not associated with detected targets. Although the FCR waveform is CLASSIFIED, its operating characteristics are not discernible from the cockpit. However, there are hardware components that have imbedded CLASSIFIED software algorithms, source codes and operating codes. Therefore, the aircraft weapon system should be secured and safeguarded, as appropriate, based upon the local commander’s policy. 1. Software (source code or documentation) which reveals technical design characteristics or algorithms classified by the current Apache Attack Helicopter Security Classification Guide will be classified at the same level as that technical design characteristic or algorithm. All other software will be UNCLASSIFIED. 2. Ground Truth Data is defined as the knowledge of the number and type of targets/emitters within an FCR scan area to include surveyed information on the target/emitter locations. 3. The production of on-board video representations of the various displays, including FCR, RFI, TADS, and PNVS are not considered classified. Care should be taken that audio portions of the recording, by nature of conversation, do not reveal classified information. b. Aircraft Specific Classification. The Apache Attack Helicopter Security Classification Guide identifies the security classification of equipment and data cards that may be installed on the AH-64D Helicopter. The local commander will have to develop a home station and non-home station policy based on the equipment and data cards installed on that unit's aircraft and location to which .the aircraft is operating.
c. LBHMMS Specific Classification. There is no special security requirement regarding the LBHMMS launcher. The LBHMMS missile is a Category III physical security item. d. Materiel will be moved in accordance with the Defense Traffic Management Regulation, AR 55-355, and Military Standard Transportation and Movements Procedure (MILSTAMP), DoD 4500.32R. Items identified as sensitive under the provisions of DoD 5100.76M will be provided in accordance with standards included in the manual and AR 55-355, Chapter 34. Security classified items will be shipped in accordance with AR 380-5 and AR 55-355. |
4.6.1 Packaging |
a. Aircraft. The only packaging requirements will be addressed in TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW. For sea shipment, the aircraft must be covered with some type of shipping cover. b. LBHMMS. Requirements and procedures for unpacking and repackaging the LBHMMS are identified in TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW. c. FCR. All spare LRUs/LRMs will be shipped in reusable containers. |
4.6.2 Handling |
a. Aircraft. Procedures for off-loading and de-processing shipment of the AH-64D are found in TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW. b. LBHMMS. Requirements and procedures for the LBHMMS are identified in c. FCR. Special handling requirements are identified in |
4.6.3 Storage |
a. Aircraft. The AH-64D will be stored in accordance with information in TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW. Storage requirements will be considered in design by the contractor as a part of the PHS concept. Existing storage facilities will be evaluated by the contractor to determine their adequacy. Aircraft storage modes include flyable, short term, intermediate, and long term requirements. Flyable storage will be of indefinite duration. Minimum procedures required to maintain the aircraft and systems in flyable status will be developed. The target duration for short term storage is 45 days of inactivity with minimal attention, 180 days for intermediate term storage, and 14 months for long term storage. The maximum authorized duration for each level of storage shall be established according to PHS test and evaluation results. AH-64D aircraft-unique requirements will be specified in Long Lead/Production contracts as required. b. LBHMMS. Requirements for storing the LBHMMS are identified in TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW c. FCR. Requirements for storing the FCR are identified in TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW |
4.7.1 Technical Manuals |
On-aircraft AH-64D AVUM and AVIM task information for the below listed sub-systems will be found in TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW, in Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) format on Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD ROM). |
The Software for the Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) was jointly developed with the Navy's F/A-18 E/F program. Both IETM authoring and presentation software will have cross service utilization for the F/A-18 E/F and the AH-64D. |
The following AH-64D operator manuals will be Conventional Paper Based Technical Manuals (CPBTMs). Manuals for the SAL Training Missile, Dummy Missile, and Shoe Alignment Fixture will be in either hardcopy or Electronic Technical Manual (ETM) format which lacks the interactive capability of the IETM. |
Designation |
Title or Subject |
TM 1-1520-251-10 |
Operator’s Manual for AH-64D Helicopter |
TM 1-1520-251-CL |
Operator’s Checklist for AH-64D Helicopter |
TM 1-1520-251-MTF |
Maintenance Test Flight Manual for AH-64D Helicopter |
TM 9-6920-475-23&P |
Maintenance and RPSTL for HELLFIRE Training Missile, M36; Dummy Missile, M34; and Launch Shoe Alignment Fixture |
Other applicable publications include the following. If they are not already on-hand in the AH-64 unit, they are accessible through normal publication distribution channels and should be made available. The majority of these publications/manuals and their associated equipment are not Apache Longbow peculiar. |
TM 5-4120-270-15TM 5-4120-270-20P |
10 Nov 70 |
Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List for Air Conditioner, Compact, Vertical, 208V, 3 Phase, 60,000 BTUH Cooling, 49,000 BTUH Heating (Trane Models), 50/60 HZ (Model MAC4V60360-2) (NSN 4120-935-5416) 400 HZ (Model MAC4V60360-3) (4120-935-5417). |
TM 5-4120-270-35P |
12 Nov 70 |
Direct and General Support and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List for Air Conditioner, Compact, Vertical, 208V, 3 Phase, 60,000 BTUH Cooling, 49,000 BTUH Heating (Trane Models) 50/60 HZ (Model MAC6V60-360-2) (NSN 4120935-5416) 400 HZ (Model MAC4V60-360-3) (4120-9355417). |
TM 9-4120-357-14 |
31 Aug 93 |
Operator Organizational, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual Air Conditioner, Compact, Vertical , 208V, 3 Phase, 60,000 BTUH 50/60 HZ. |
TM 5-4120-357-24P |
15 Feb 80 |
Organizational, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List: Air Conditioner, Compact, Vertical, 208V, 3 Phase, 60,000 BTUH 50/60 HZ. |
TM 5-6115-545-12 |
10 Jun 73 |
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual for Generator Set, Diesel Engine Driven, Tactical Model MPE 006A. |
TM 9-1270-476-30 |
30 Apr 85 |
Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Manual: Target Acquisition Designator Sight (TADS) AN/ASQ-170, AH-64 Helicopter. |
TM 9-1300-275/2 |
2 Jan 71 |
Technical Escort Information on Chemical Agents and Decontaminating Procedures. |
TM 9-2330-205-14&P |
11 Sep 84 |
Operators, Organizational, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual for Chassis, Trailer, Generator 2 1/2 ton, 2 wheel M20OAl. |
TM 9-2330-377-14&P |
4 Apr 88 |
Operator, Organizational, Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual (including Repair Parts and Special Tool s (List) for AH-64 EETF Semi trailer Expandable 351 Four Wheel Van, XM1065. |
TM 9-4949-498-23&P |
14 Jul 80 |
AVUM and AVIM Manual (includes RPSTL) for Test Set, Electronics Systems: M92 (NSN 4940-01-048-9677). |
TM 9-6625-476-30 |
31 Jul 96 |
AVIM Maintenance Manual, UT UN Test for TADS/PNVS. |
TM 9-8145-476-23 |
30 Apr 85 |
Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Manual, Target Acquisition and Designation Sight and Pilot Night Vision Sensor (TADS/PNVS) containers. |
TM 11-5805-201-12 |
1 Aug 90 |
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Telephone Set TA312/PT. |
TM 11-5821-311-12 |
1 Aug 90 |
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Receiver Transmitter, Radio RT-1167/ARC(V) (NSN 5821-00-138-7990). |
TM 11-5821-311-34 |
15 Sep 87 |
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual : Receiver Transmitter, Radio RT-1167/ARC-164(V) (NSN 5821-00-138-7990). |
TM 11-5821-311-34P |
1 Aug 87 |
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List (including Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools): Receiver Transmitter Radio RT-1167/ARC-164(V). |
TM 11-5826-227-34 |
7 Jan 71 |
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual Direction Finder Sets AN/ARN-89 (NSN 58261-00-790-645) and AN/ARN-89B (NSN 5826-00-151-2685) and AN/ARN-89B (NSN 5826-01-021-3289). |
TM 11-5830-221-12 |
5 Jun 61 |
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual Power Protection Assembly M/2046A/MSM. |
TM 11-5841-283-34-1 |
31 Aug 83 |
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual Detecting Set, Radar Signal, AN/APR-39(V) 1 (U) Volume. |
TM 11-5841-283-34-2 |
26 Sep 83 |
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual Detecting Set, Radar Signal, AN/APR-39(V) 1 (U) Volume. |
TM 11-5841-284-23&P |
27 Apr 78 |
Operator Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Manual (including Repair Parts and Special Tools List Altimeter Set, Electronic, AN/APN-209(V) 1 (NSN 5841-01-020-2281) and AN/APN209(V) 2 (NSN 5841-01-02). |
TM 1-5855-265-30 |
1 Feb 86 |
Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Manual: Pilot Night Vision Sensor (PNVS) AN/AAQ-11, AH-64 Helicopter. |
TM 11-5895-555-24 |
9 Dec 71 |
Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List: Control, Indicator C-8175/ARC and Mounting MT3802/ARC. |
TM 11-5895-555-23P |
19 Aug 77 |
Organizational and Direct Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List: Control Indicator C-8175/ ARC (NSN 5821-00-96-7230) and Mounting MT-3802/ARC (NSN 5810-00-937-1036). |
TM 11-5895-1037-12 & P |
30 Jun 93 |
Operator, Organizational Maintenance Manual and Repair Parts and Special Tools List: Transponder Set, AN/APX-IOO(V). |
TM 11-5895-1037-30 & P |
30 Jun 93 |
Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Manual Transponder Set, AN/APX-100(V). |
TM 11-5895-1037-23P |
1 Jun 86 |
Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tool List: AN/APX-100(V). |
TM 11-7025-203-34-1 |
31 Jan 83 |
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual-High Speed Printer RP-265/UYK-(Volume 1). |
TM 11-7025-203-34-2 |
1 Sep 83 |
Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual-High Speed Printer RP-265/UYK (Volume 2). |
TM 11-6130-415-14 |
1 Jun 86 |
Operator, Organizational, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual for Power Protection Assembly, MK 2046/MSM. |
TM 11-6130-415-24P |
27 Dec 85 |
Organizational , Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List: Power Protection Assembly MK-2046/MSM. |
TM 11-6625-3081-23-1 |
1 Feb 87 |
Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Manual for Electronic Equipment Test Facility TADS/PNVS Augmentation Equipment. (Introduction Organizational Maintenance) (Volume 1). |
TM 11-6625-3081-23-2 |
1 Feb 87 |
Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Manual for Electronic Equipment Test Facility TADS/PNVS Augmentation Equipment (Wiring Data), (Volume 2). |
TM 11-6625-3081-23-3 |
1 Feb 87 |
Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Manual for Electronic Equipment Test Facility TADS/PNVS Augmentation Equipment. (Direct Support Maintenance) (Volume 3). |
TM 11-6625-3081-23-4 |
1 Feb 87 |
Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Manual for Electronic Equipment Test Facility TADS/PNVS Augmentation Equipment. (Direct Support Maintenance) (Volume 4). |
TM 11-6625-3081-23P |
1 Mar 87 |
Organizational and Direct Support Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List: Electronic Equipment Test Facility. TADS/PNVS Augmentation Equipment. |
TM 11-6625-3085-12-1 |
15 Mar 87 |
Operator and Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM) Setup, Operation and Teardown Procedures for AH-64A Electronic Equipment Test Facility (EETF) OQ-290-(V) 2/MSM (Volume 1). |
TM 11-6625-3085-12-2 |
15 Mar 87 |
Operator and Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM) Procedures Van, Expandable for AH-64A Electronic Equipment Test Facility (EETF) OQ-290(V) 2/MSM (Volume 2). |
TM 11-6625-3085-12-3 |
15 Mar 87 |
Operator and Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM) Procedures Peculiar Subsystem and System Interface Devices (IDs), for AH-64A Electronic Equipment Test Facility (EETF) OQ-290(V) 2/MSM (Volume 3). |
TM 11-6625-3085-30-1 ** |
15 Mar 87 |
Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM) Procedures for AAH Electronic Equipment Test Facility (EETF) and System Interface Devices (IDs). |
TM 11-6625-3085-23P |
1 Mar 87 |
Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Manual Repair Parts and Special Tools List for AH-64A Electronic Equipment Test Facility (EETF) OQ-290-(V) 2/MSM. |
TM 11-7025-203-12 |
14 May 84 |
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual: High Speed Printer RP-265/UYK. |
TM 38-230-1 |
1 Aug 82 |
Preservation, Packaging and Packing of Military Supplies and Equipment (Volume 1). |
TM 38-230-2 |
15 Jun 77 |
Preservation, Packaging and Packing of Military Supplies and Equipment (Volume 2). |
TM 43-0105 |
30 Apr 76 |
Corrosion Control for Army Aircraft. General Aircraft Maintenance Manual. |
TM 55-1500-322-24 |
31 Dec 88 |
Maintenance of Aeronautical Antification Bearings for Organizational, Intermediate and Depot Maintenance Levels. |
TM 55-1500-323-24 |
22 Oct 84 |
Installation Practices Aircraft. Electrical and Electronic Wiring. |
TM 55-1500-333-24 |
25 Oct 74 |
Cleaning Procedures for Army Aircraft. |
TM 55-1500-335-23 |
1 Mar 90 |
Non-Destructive Insp. Methods. |
TM 55-1500-342-23 |
29 Aug 86 |
Army Aviation Maintenance Engineering Manual Weight and Balance. |
TM 55-1500-343-23 |
22 Apr 87 |
Avionics Cleaning and Corrosion Prevention/Control |
TM 55-1500-345-23 |
12 Jun 86 |
Painting and Marking of Army Aircraft. |
TM 55-1680-317-23&P |
26 Mar 87 |
Organizational and DS Maintenance Manual, Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List for Army Aircraft Survival Kits. |
TM 55-1730-229-12 |
1 Dec 86 |
Aviation Ground Power Unit. |
TM 55-1730-229-34 |
1 Dec 86 |
Aviation Ground Power Unit. |
TM 55-2620-200-24 |
19 Jan 90 |
Inspection Maintenance Instructions Storage and Disposition of Aircraft Tires and Tubes. |
TM 55-2620-201-24 |
19 Jan 90 |
Application Table for Aircraft Tires and Tubes. |
TM 55-2840-238-23P |
29 Mar 91 |
Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List (including Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools): Engine Assembly T-700-GE-701. |
TM 55-2840-248-23 |
28 Apr 82 |
Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Instructions: Engine, Aircraft Turboshaft, Model T700-GE-700/701. |
TM 750-244-1-5 |
12 Nov 71 |
Procedures for the Destruction of Aircraft and Associated Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use. |
TB 9-5120-202-35 |
9 Apr 85 |
Calibration of Torque Wrenches. |
TB 9-4935-476-50 |
Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM) Calibration Procedures for the Captive Boresight and Harmonization Kit. |
TB 11-6625-3085-50 |
15 Jul 87 |
Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM) Calibration Procedures for AAH Electronic Equipment Test Facility (EETF). |
TB 43-0108 |
2 Feb 79 |
Handling, Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials. |
TB 43-0118 |
15 Jun 86 |
Field Instructions for Painting and Preserving Electronics Command Equipment Including Camouflage Patterns Painting of Electronics Equipment Shelters. |
TB 55-8100-200-24 |
14 Jul 80 |
Maintenance of Specialized Reusable Containers for Aircraft Equipment. |
TB 55-9150-200-24 |
30 Jul 76 |
Engine and Transmission Oils, Fuels, and Additives for Army Aircraft. |
TB 385-4 |
1 Aug 92 |
Safety Requirements for Maintenance of Electrical and Electronic Equipment. |
TB MED 502 |
15 Feb 82 |
Occupational and Environmental Health: Respirator Protection Program. |
TB MED 524 |
20 Jun 85 |
Occupational and Environmental: Control Hazards to Health From Laser Radiation. |
AR 385-4 |
Safety Operating Manual (Maintenance Personnel) Electrical/Electronics Equipment. |
AR 95-13 |
Safety Procedure for Operation and Movement of Army Aircraft on the Ground. |
AR 95-33 SS/AR 700-138 |
16 Jun 93 |
Army Aircraft Inventory, Status and Fielding Time Reporting Requirements |
FAR Part 91 |
1 Oct 90 |
Federal Air Regulations, General Operating and Flight Rules. |
FM 1-500 |
Jan 95 |
Maintenance Quality Control and Technical Inspection Guide for Army Aircraft. |
DOD-STD-1686 |
Electrostatic Discharge Control Handbook for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment |
AR 40-46 |
6 Feb 74 |
Control of Health Hazards From Lasers and Other High Intensity Optical Sources. |
AR 385-11 |
1 May 80 |
Ionizing Radiation Protection (Licensing, Control Transportation, Disposal, and Radiation Safety). |
AR 55-38 |
31 Aug 92 |
Reporting of Transportation Discrepancy in Shipment Report. |
AR 70-50 |
4 Dec 95 |
Designation and Naming Military Aircraft, Rockets and Guided Missiles. |
AR 95-1 |
30 May 90 |
Army Aviation General Provisions and Flight Regulations. |
AR 95-3 |
Sep 88 |
Weight and Balance, Army Aircraft. |
AR 385-40 |
1 Nov 94 |
Accident Reporting Records. |
FM 1-240 |
15 Dec 84 |
Instrument Flying and Navigation for Army Aviators. |
FM 1-230 |
30 Sep 82 |
Meteorology for Army Aviators. |
FM 5-25 |
15 Jun 92 |
Explosives and Demolitions. |
FM 21-11 |
27 Oct 88 |
First Aid for Soldiers. |
DA PAM 738-751 |
15 Jun 92 |
Functional Users Manual for the Army Maintenance Management System-Aviation (TAMMS-A). |
DOD-STD-1686 |
Electrostatic Discharge Control Handbook for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment. |
LO 55-1730-229-12 |
8 Dec 86 |
Aviation Ground Unit Power Unit. | Classified Data |
Classified technical publications will be classified in accordance with AR 25-30 and marked in accordance with DOD 5220.22M and MIL-M-38784. Information in the classified supplement to the Draft Operator’s Manual, TM 1-1520-251-10, will be sanitized and/or declassified and included in the fielded Operator’s Manual. Other classified information pertinent to fielding, if there is any, will be furnished under separate cover as Appendix S. Currently, there is no classified data in the MFP. | TM Changes |
Changes to the AH-64D technical manuals will be printed and fielded a minimum of once a year or a maximum of three times a year as necessary. DA Form 2028 capability will be provided in both the electronic and paper formats. |
4.7.2 Supply Manuals and Bulletins |
There are no unique supply publications scheduled for release in conjunction with the AH-64D Apache Longbow or LBHMMS. SB 742-1410-92-011, Ammunition Surveillance Procedure for: HELLFIRE Modular Missile System, may be changed in the future to include new information pertinent to the LBHMMS. |
4.7.3 Camouflage Pattern Painting Requirements |
There are no specific requirements to paint the system in a camouflage pattern; standard Army Aviation painting guidelines will be followed. No camouflage painting requirement exists for the LBHMMS. |
4.7.4 Instruction Cards and Placards |
There is no requirement for any placards or cards other than those attached to the helicopter. Not applicable for the LBHMMS. |
4.7.5 Inspection, Test, and Calibration Requirements |
The AH-64D aircraft will undergo acceptance inspection and test flights prior acceptance by the government. TM 1-1500-328-23 and TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW outline the transfer requirements between U.S. Army units. Procedures for inspection, test, and calibration of support equipment are found in TB 43-180 and applicable technical publications. Inspection, Test, and Calibration Procedures are not applicable to the LBHMMS. |
4.7.6 End Item/Weapon System (EI/WS) Environmental Effects (per |
The environmental impact of the Apache Longbow and associated weapon systems is covered in the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA), Annex E to the Longbow Integrated Program Summary (IPS), Appendix C. The EIA and IPS were completed for the Milestone III Defense Acquisition Board in October 1995. Updates, if any, to the EIA will be available from SFAE-AV-AAH-S upon publishing. |
4.7.7 Modification Work Orders |
AH-64D aircraft will be delivered with no outstanding MWOs. M299 LBHLs will be delivered with all applicable (carryover) M272 launcher MWOs applied. |
4.7.8 Transportability and Transportation Guidance TMs |
TM 1-1520-APACHE/LONGBOW, the IETM for the AH-64D Helicopter, covers the requirements for transporting and shipping the Apache Longbow and associated weapons systems. |
4.7.9 Demilitarization |
Unserviceable components from the AH-64A aircraft may require Demilitarization (DMIL) according to DOD 4160-21-M-1. DMIL and Explosive Ordnance Demolition (EOD) for the RF missile is covered in TM 43-0003-26. Disposition of cartridge/propellant actuated devices are covered in TM 9-1377-200-20. |
4.8.1 Mobile and Fixed Facilities |
There are no special facilities required for the fielding of this system. Standard Army Aviation Facilities in use for the AH-64A at the time of fielding will be adequate for the Apache Longbow aircraft and its associated weapon systems. However, a "hangar survey" will alert units to potential problems due to the added height of the Longbow MMA. There are no special facilities requirements above those for the AH-64A except for additional minimum height of approximately 18 feet for hangar doors and rafters in order to provide clearance for the AV412 antenna atop the vertical fin. A site visit will be conducted at each post or installation to determine facilities for the supply windows. Coordination between the AAH PMO, ICS contractors, installation or unit commanders, and other supporting agencies as required (i.e., Installation Directorates of Engineering and Housing) will be necessary to determine the exact location and space for each installation’s ICS Supply windows. An estimate of 1600 square feet warehouse space and three offices will be required to provide supply window operations. The diagrams which follow provide two options for supply window space: |
4.8.2 Environmental Controls |
Environmental control requirements used for the AH-64D and LBHMMS remain the same as those used for the AH-64A and HELLFIRE Modular Missile System. |
4.8.3 Site Activation and Preparation |
No special site preparation is required beyond that in place for AH-64A aircraft. There are no additional utility requirements for the AH-64D above those required for AH-64A facilities. Any new Military Construction, Army (MCA); Military Construction, Army Reserve (MCAR); or Military Construction, Army National Guard (MCARNG) requirements: none projected. |
| Programming and Scheduling Requirements |
Schedules and program requirements are not a part of this MFP because a need for major modifications to existing facilities was not identified. These requirements will be submitted for inclusion in the MCA appropriation request if they arise at a later date. Military construction funds for new facilities have a five-year lead time. |
4.8.4 Ammunition Storage |
Ammunition quantity and distance requirements for the LBHMMS are: Quantity and Distance Class: 1.1 Storage Compatibility Group: E DOT Class: A Explosive DOT Markings: EXPLOSIVE PROJECTILE Ammunition quantity and distance requirements for Cartridge Actuated Devices: Quantity and Distance Class: 1.4 Storage Compatibility Group: S DOT Class: C-Explosive DOT Markings: Articles, Explosive N.O.S. (Followed by the item nomenclature.)
Ammunition quantity and distance requirements for H165- HYDRA 70 Rocket, MPSM, HE: Qty Distance Class: 1.2 Storage Compatibility Group: E DOT Class: CR DOT Markings: Explosives NOI/AMMO/Fireworks SUB 1 Ammunition quantity and distance requirements for H183- HYDRA 70 Rocket, Illum: Qty Distance Class: 1.3 Storage Compatibility Group: G DOT Class: CS DOT Markings: Explosives NOI/AMMO/Fireworks SUB 2 Ammunition quantity and distance requirements for H184- HYDRA 70 Rocket, Smoke: Qty Distance Class: 1.3 Storage Compatibility Group: G DOT Class: CW DOT Markings: Explosives NOI/AMMO/Fireworks SUB 1 Ammunition quantity and distance requirements for H583- HYDRA 70 Rocket, HEPD: Qty Distance Class: 1.2 Storage Compatibility Group: E DOT Class: CR DOT Markings: Explosives NOI/AMMO/Fireworks SUB 1 Ammunition quantity and distance requirements for H974- HYDRA 70 Rocket, Practice, MPSM: Qty Distance Class: 1.2 Storage Compatibility Group: G DOT Class: CR DOT Markings: Explosives NOI/AMMO/Fireworks SUB 1 Ammunition quantity and distance requirements for H975- HYDRA 70 Rocket, Practice, Smoke Signature: Qty Distance Class: 1.2 Storage Compatibility Group: C DOT Class: CR DOT Markings: Explosives NOI/AMMO/Fireworks SUB 1 Ammunition quantity and distance requirements for 30mm Ammo, TP, M788, NSN: 1305-01-268-7274, DODIC B118 Quantity and Distance Class: 1.4 Storage Compatibility Group: C DOT Class: No longer used DOT Markings: 0339 Cartridges for Weapons, Inert Projectiles
Ammunition quantity and distance requirements for 30mm Ammo, HEDP, M789, NSN: 1305-01-268-9373, DODIC B129 Quantity and Distance Class: (04) 1.2 Storage Compatibility Group: E DOT Class: No longer used DOT Markings: 0321 Cartridges for Weapons |
4.8.5 Security Requirements |
Special security requirements for storage and use of classified end items, components, manuals, TPSs, and other sensitive material is under continual analysis by the AAH PMO Security Office. Security levels and any electronic countermeasures (ECM) or TEMPEST requirements for specific materials will be identified. The Security Classification Guide is under continual update by the AAH PMO. Provisions for shipment and storage of classified spares to/from each installation needs to be in place prior to aircraft and unit return to home station. The ICS window is not planned as a classified item container. The AH-64D weapons system is UNCLASSIFIED when manned and operating. With ASE non-operational, cockpit displays are UNCLASSIFIED when avionics, sensors (including the FCR, RFI, TADS, and PNVS) are operating and ground truth data is not associated with detected targets. Although the FCR waveform is CLASSIFIED, its operating characteristics are not discernible from the cockpit. However, there are hardware components which have imbedded CLASSIFIED software algorithms, source codes, and operating codes. Therefore, the aircraft weapon system should be secured and safeguarded, as appropriate, based upon the local commander’s policy. Software (source code or documentation) which reveals technical design characteristics or algorithms classified by the Security Classification Guide will be classified at the same level as that technical design characteristic or algorithm. All other software will be UNCLASSIFIED. Ground Truth Data is defined as the knowledge of the number and type of targets/emitters within an FCR scan area to include surveyed information on the target/emitter locations. The production of on-board video representations of the various displays, including FCR, RFI, TADS, and PNVS are not considered CLASSIFIED. Care should be taken that audio portions of the recording, by nature of conversation, do not reveal classified information. |
4.9.1 Manpower and Personnel |
No changes in manpower and personnel requirements or limitations are expected in relation to the currently fielded AH-64A aircraft and associated systems. | Tables of Organization and Equipment (TO&E) and TDAs |
The Aviation Restructure Initiative (ARI) series A200 TO&E will be in force at the time of AH-64D fielding. Units are responsible for obtaining all non-Longbow Apache equipment required by the new TO&E. Illustrations of the Longbow PGSE are included at Appendix P. Applicable AH-64A A-Edition TO&E which will be changed for utilization and support of the AH-64D follow: |
Attack Helicopter Battalion (AHB) |
01385A200 |
AHB Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC) |
01386A000 |
Attack Helicopter Company (AHC) |
01397A200 |
AHB AVUM Company |
01389A200 |
Attack Troop, Regimental Aviation Squadron |
01387A400 | Manpower Requirements |
Annual Maintenance Manhours (MMH) by Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) for each level of maintenance is based on the units’ flying hour OPTEMPO. Maintenance Man Hour per Flight Hour (MMH/FH) is 8.62 hours without FCR and 8.65 with FCR for field maintenance (below depot level). The source document for manpower information is the Manpower Estimate Report (13 Mar 95). | Personnel Requirements |
The operating crew consists of two members: pilot and copilot/gunner. Ground support aviation maintenance personnel required for this system will be utilized per existing Army Aviation maintenance practices. Crew and support personnel are identified by MOS, skill level, and Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) in the TO&E appropriate for a given type of unit. |
4.9.2 Training |
The training structure for operators and maintainers remains basically the same as it is for the AH-64A. The AH-64A existing courseware will be modified as necessary to incorporate new equipment operation. | Training Courses |
Training is an integral element of the Longbow Weapon System (LBWS) acquisition strategy. The System Training Plan (STRAP) published by the TRADOC proponent school (USAAVNC) is the master training plan according to TRADOC Regulation 350-70, dated 24 Sep 95. | Service School Training |
Service School training includes those courses required for individual qualification on the AH-64D Longbow Apache aircraft and its subsystems. | AH-64D Operator Training |
The Service School courses for operators trains pilots to operate the AH-64D Apache Longbow aircraft. The normal aircrew consists of two AH-64D-rated pilots; however, more specialized tasks require additional ratings for certain crew members. Instructor Pilots (IPs) and Maintenance Test Pilots (MPs or MTPs) perform duties requiring additional skills beyond basic AH-64D aircraft qualification. | Aircraft Qualification Course (AQC) |
The AH-64D AQC conducted by TRADOC qualifies pilots to perform basic crew member duties in the AH-64D. This course initially will be conducted at the contractor’s site in Mesa, AZ and then transferred to Ft. Rucker, AL. Detailed information providing course length, location, prerequisites, quota source, and reporting instructions are available in the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS). | Instructor Pilot Course (IPC) |
The AH-64D IPC conducted by TRADOC qualifies AH-64D rated pilots to perform IP duties in the AH-64D. This course initially will be conducted at the contractor’s site in Mesa, AZ and then transferred to Ft. Rucker, AL. Detailed information providing course length, location, prerequisites, quota source, and reporting instructions are available in the ATRRS. | Maintenance Test Pilot Course (MTPC) |
The AH-64D MTPC conducted by TRADOC qualifies AH-64D rated pilots to perform MP duties in the AH-64D. This course initially will be conducted at the contractor’s site in Mesa, AZ and then transferred to Ft. Rucker, AL. Detailed information providing course length, location, prerequisites, quota source, and reporting instructions are available in the ATRRS. | Maintainer Training |
Service School courses for maintainers trains enlisted personnel and non-rated officers to perform maintenance on the AH-64D. This training encompasses maintenance of the airframe, electrical, avionics, and armament subsystems. | |
The AH-64D Attack Helicopter Repairer Course conducted by TRADOC trains skills necessary to perform MOS 67R airframe repairer duties on the AH-64D. This course initially will be conducted at the contractor’s site in Mesa, AZ and then transferred to Ft. Eustis, VA. Detailed information providing course length, location, prerequisites, quota source, and reporting instructions are available in the ATRRS. | |
The AH-64D Armament/Electronics/Avionics Repairer Course conducted by TRADOC trains skills necessary to perform MOS 68Y duties on the | Unit Training/ Certification |
The 21st Cavalry Brigade will conduct unit training at Ft. Hood, TX. This training will include all necessary actions for the AH-64D battalion to successfully complete an Army Readiness and Training Evaluation Program (ARTEP) evaluation. Upon successful completion of training, units will be certified as "combat ready". | New Equipment Training (NET) |
New equipment training will be provided as described in paragraphs and | Displaced Equipment Training (DET) |
Not Applicable. | Follow-on Equipment Training |
Not Applicable. | Training Assistance |
Training for Logistic Assistance Representatives (LARs) will be provided on the AH-64D. This program is currently under development. |
4.10.1 Training Materials |
Contractor developed manuals and course literature will be used for the initial training in AH-64D Apache Longbow subjects. TRADOC is currently developing Soldier Training Publications (STP) to support the AH-64D. These materials will be made available to the units when published. STPs include applicable Field Manuals (FMs), the Aircrew Training Manual (ATM), and unit ARTEP standards manuals. | Training Aids |
The various TMs developed by the contractor for fielding with the AH-64D Apache Longbow will be the primary training aids during Operator, Maintainer, and Support (OMS) personnel training. Other training aids will include lesson plans, student handouts and visual aids produced during the training development process. The AH-64D Longbow section of the Apache ATM, Training Circular (TC) 1-214, will be the primary aircrew training aid following unit conversion. | Training Data |
The STPs developed by TRADOC will include applicable training data. This data will include updates to applicable FMs, the ATM, and ARTEP. | Training Devices |
Simulators and other training devices will be used in conjunction with the
| Longbow Crew Trainer (LCT) |
The LCT will be an individual and crew training device to conduct qualification training at the USAAVNC and sustainment training in the field. A transportable non-motion based simulator with a highly sophisticated visual system, the LCT will replicate the cockpit and aircraft functions to train selected critical tasks. Located at selected installations on a geographical basis, the LCT will be capable of linking with other Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) capable devices. | Longbow Collective Training System (LCTS) |
The LCTS will replicate a unit’s capabilities to "see, move, shoot, communicate, and survive". It will be capable of training critical mission essential crew, team, company, and battalion tasks. The system architecture of the LCTS will be DIS compliant and networkable with other devices including Combined Arms Tactical Training (CATT) simulators. Located at the same sites as LCTs, the LCTS will also be transportable in shelters with self-contained power units and environmental systems. The LCTS will be issued to installations on a geographical basis to provide a collective/combined arms training capability. | Tactical Engagement Simulation System (TESS) |
Each AH-64D will have a capability to use the TESS "strap on kit". The TESS will simulate all on board weapons systems to provide real time casualty assessment for force-on-force collective training at home stations and the Combat Training Centers (CTCs). TESS is currently under development and a fielding schedule will be developed at a later date. | Training Missile Emulator (TME) |
The TME consists of software embedded in each missile launcher which provides the capability of simulating RF missile operations. The TME can replicate the functioning of four RF missiles on each launcher. The TME will replicate the missile's launch mode selection processing, target acquisition/target tracking functions, and missile BIT routines. Each AH-64D will have the embedded training capability of the TME. | Interactive Computer Based Training (ICBT) |
Interactive Courseware (ICW) will be developed to support both institutional and unit training. A prime consideration for the ICW is that it must be useable on existing hardware (normally a standard IBM PC) currently used at both the institution and the unit. Service schools and field units will use the ICBT to support academic training and sustain systems knowledge. Dynamic graphics and student-computer interactivity will provide increased training effectiveness. These systems will also incorporate audio, video, real time simulation, and hyper-text into a single highly interactive source. | Airframe, Engine, and Drivetrain, Systems Trainer (AEDST-L6) |
The AEDST-L6 is a full-size replication of the AH-64D with removable components. Its primary purpose is to support the training of critical Apache Longbow airframe repairer (MOS 67R) remove-and-install tasks and skills. It has functional modularity which permits simultaneous task training of airframe, engine, drive, brakes, landing gear, utility, fuel, environmental control, and drivetrain/flight control systems. | Multiplex, Avionics, Visionics, Weapons, and Electrical Systems Trainer (MAVWEST-L7) |
The MAVWEST-L7 consists of a full-size replication of the AH-64D with functional subsystems and a separate Instructor/Operator Station (I/OS). The primary purpose of the MAVWEST-L7 is to support the training of the Apache Armament/Electrical/Avionics repairers (MOS 68Y). Its functional subsystems include the Fire Control Radar (FCR), TADS, Pilot Night Vision Sensor (PNVS), IHADSS, Area Weapon System (AWS), Point Target Weapons System (PTWS), and 2.75" Folding Fin Aerial Rocket (FFAR) delivery system. Using the "fault-insertion" capability of the Instructor/Operator Station, the MAVWEST-L7 enables the instructor to further develop students’ skills and knowledge in weapons and electrical systems troubleshooting as well as fault isolation techniques. | Training Equipment |
When operator and maintainer training occurs at Mesa, AZ, some of the gaining unit aircraft may be used in the conduct of this training. Unit aircraft will be made available to the unit by E-Date. Training equipment is shown in Appendix T. |
4.10.2 Other Training Requirements Not Previously Mentioned |
No new training facility requirement has been identified. One of the goals of this training program is to limit training facility requirements to those already in existence to support the AH-64A program. A surge of training may occur during the lengthy transition time from a 100% AH-64A fleet to a 100% |