Title: F-16 Unihabited Air Combat Vehicles
Subject: Arguments for modifying current F-16Cs to perform both manned and unmanned combat missions
Author(s): Kenneth E. Thompson, Jr.; William C. Watkins (Faculty Advisor)
The U.S. Air Force is actively pursuing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
programs for surveillance and reconnaisance missions. However, the
Air Force has not funded any substantial research into bomb or missile
carrying "lethal" UAVs, also called uninhabited combat air
vehicles (UCAVs), despite the recommendations of the USAF scientific
board's New World Vistas, DARPA, and the Air Force 2025 project.
With budget constraints and a reluctance to transition to an unmanned
combat force, new advanced technology UCAVs are decades from
operational status.
In the meantime, the U.S. needs to quickly field an interim UCAV
program for political, economic and military reasons. An interim UCAV
will provide another unmanned military option for U.S. leadership that
currently relies on cruise missiles to deal with conflicts where the loss of
American lives is politically unacceptable. Economically, a reusable
UCAV is more cost effective in the long run than a one shot million
dollar plus cruise missile. Militarily, cruise missiles have ordnance and
target limitations that are overcome by the variety of weapons employed
by a UCAV and its "man in the loop" capability. An interim UCAV is
needed now to provide U.S. leadership with another unmanned military
By modifying the multi-role F-16 fighter into an unmanned aircraft, the
USAF can quickly provide a cost effective interim UCAV. Lockheed
Martin has suggested the modification of "boneyard" non-flying F-16
A-models into UCAVs. An investigation of this idea yielded several
limitations and concerns that led to the formulation of an alternative
F-16 UCAV proposal.
Many of the limitations, concerns and costs associated with the
Lockheed Martin F-16A proposal are eliminated or reduced by modifying
currently flying block 40 and 50 F-16Cs in operational squadrons. With
the addition of remote control equipment, a few squadron jets are
converted into "dual role" aircraft. The selected dual role F-16Cs can
continue to fly as normal "manned" aircraft or, if needed, as unmanned
remotely piloted UCAVs. Converting a few block 40 LANTIRN laser
targeting pod equipped and block 50 HARM targeting system equipped
F-16Cs in operational squadrons to dual role UCAVs will quickly provide
a cost effective and capable interim unmanned military option.
With low modification costs, no new infrastructure requirements, and no
need for additional pilots or support personnel, the USAF should
immediately start the development, testing and conversion of a few
F-16Cs into dual role UCAVs. As an interim unmanned military option,
the F-16C UCAV will provide valuable insights and lessons for future
advanced technology UCAV development and operations. In addition, a
successful interim F-16C UCAV program will help the psychological
transition to unmanned combat aircraft operations for the "white scarf"
Air Force.