Naval Aviation Technical Training is in a unique position today. Recent technological advances offer the training community an unprecedented opportunity to provide higher quality services to the Fleet and the schoolhouse. Today's technology can deliver training more effectively, faster, and at lower cost. Moreover, technology enhances the quality and accessibility of skills, knowledge, and information.

Naval Aviation Technical Training is governed through the Aviation Technical Training Executive Steering Committee (ESC) and its associated working groups. Recent ESC initiatives include:

The objectives of the AMTCS include providing a sequentially developed training curriculum based on "job task analysis" - facilitating training, eliminating redundancy, implementing common metrics, providing training feedback mechanisms, and establishing a repository for maintaining and tracking individual training records across the continuum. For the Aviation Maintenance In-Service Training (AMIST) phase, the goal is not only to sustain but also to increase the skill level of the technician in the Fleet. The critical theme behind this system is that the same technology (with minor variations) will satisfy both Fleet and school training requirements.

The synergistic effect of the technologies under development (such as Computer-Based Training and Automated Management Systems) allows the Navy to develop 21st century training concepts. Timely training for Sailors and Marines at shore locations, pier-side, and at sea will be readily available. Even as we reduce aviation manpower, our training programs will ensure that the quality of the force remains as high as ever.