Assignment Sheet Number 64P9-101
This topic provides an engineering overview of the plant layout and departmental infrastructure of the Arleigh Burke Class destroyer. It also serves as the foundation of the entire DDG51 curriculum.
Terminal Objectives:
22.0 DESCRIBE the operation of the ship's propulsion prime mover. (CTTL P1-80, Q1-14, R1-30, S1-8, T1-6)
Enabling Objectives:
22.221 DESCRIBE the location of the major propulsion and auxiliary systems in the engineering spaces. (CTTL R.1)
1. Read Information Sheet 64P9-101
2. Outline information sheet 64P9-101 using the enabling objectives for lesson 64P9-101 as a guide.
3. Answer study questions.
1. Name 3 pieces of equipment that are located in AUX 1.
2. In what space are 1A and 1B GTMs located?
3. How many LPACs are located in MER 2?
Information Sheet Number 64P9-101
This topic provides an engineering overview of the plant layout and departmental infrastructure of the Arleigh Burke class destroyer. It also serves as the foundation of the entire DDG51 curriculum.
(a) DDG51 Propulsion Plant Manual
(b) CG47 Propulsion Plant Manual
- Mission
- The mission of the Arleigh Burke class destroyer (DDG51) is to project power simultaneously in the four dimensions of naval warfare. These include the destruction of enemy cruise missiles, aircraft, surface ships, and submarines and to attack land targets in support of joint or combined operations. Secondary wartime missions include Amphibious Warfare, C3
, Electronic Warfare and fleet support operations.
- The DDG51 class destroyer is designed to be a battle group asset and a multi-purpose surface combatant capable of sustained operations in threat areas outside the umbrella of battle group operations.
- Helicopter operations on the DDG51 are limited due to the fact that the present ships do not carry their own helos. The ship is able to launch, recover and fuel helos. Refueling can be a deck refueling or an inflight refueling.
- Masker air is used to absorb the noise created by equipment in the main engineering spaces. The air needed for the masker air system is supplied from the bleed air header to the emitter rings around the main spaces.
- Prairie air is used to reduce the noise created by the ship’s propellers as they turn in the water. The air is released from the leading edges of the propeller blades. This air is also supplied by the bleed air system.
- Along with the use of prairie and masker air, other types of sound deadening devices are used in the engineering plant.
- Resilient mounts are used on all rotating equipment to prevent the transfer of equipment vibrations to the ship’s hull.
- Flex hoses are used to connect pumps to piping systems. These hoses will absorb the surging of equipment during startup.
- Flexible hangers are used to isolate the piping systems from the hull to prevent the transfer of vibrations.
- Silencers are used on gas turbine ships to reduce air flow noise in the intakes and exhaust.
- Acoustic tiles are used to aid the masker air system in the hiding of main engine and reduction gear noise.
- Ship's Characteristics:
- Length 504' 6"
- Beam 66' 5"
- Length to Beam Ratio
DDG: 7.1 CG: 9.1
- Each foot of the ship is designated as a "frame." There are 466 frames between perpendiculars. The full load displacement is 8315 tons. For comparison, the full load displacement of a CG47 Class ship is 9487 tons.
- Regarding manning, there are 310 personnel assigned to ship’s company. This includes 23 officers, 22 Chief Petty Officers and 265 additional enlisted personnel.
- Damage Control and Survivability
- The DDG51 class ships are specifically constructed from a survivability-enhanced design that affords passive protection to personnel and vital systems. This design provides protection against underwater shock, nuclear air blasts, fragment incursions into vital spaces, radar detection, electronic countermeasures, gun and missile attacks and a Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR) attack. The ship’s damage control features and constructional design are primary contributors to this survivability enhancement.
- The bulkheads are constructed of steel from the waterline to the pilot house. The mast is made of aluminum. The bulkheads are of a double-spaced plate construction for fragment protection. The frontal plate causes fragments to break up and the backup plate stops the fragments from causing further damage. Additional fragment protection is provided in several AEGIS combat systems equipment rooms by utilizing "Kevlar" shielding.
- Fire protection for the DDG51 is provided by a variety of fire extinguishing systems. They include:
- Conventional firemain fire stations
- Magazine and living compartment sprinkling systems
- Topside washdown countermeasures system
- Missile deluge system
- Freshwater hosereels for vital electronics spaces
- Multi-shot Halon 1301 and AFFF systems for main engineering, hazardous spaces and gas turbine modules.
- The Collective Protection System (CPS) divides the ship into zones separated by physical boundaries designed to inhibit the entry of CBR contamination. By using airlocks, decontamination stations, and dedicated CPS fan rooms, the pressurized zones are isolated from exterior compartments.
- The ship is zoned into three damage control areas.
- Repair 2 is responsible for the areas forward and above the main machinery spaces. These spaces are forward of frame 220 and include the forward IC and Gyro Room, Forward Converter Room and the forward superstructure. Repair 2 also serves as secondary Damage Control Central.
- Repair 3 is responsible for the spaces above and astern of the main machinery spaces aft of frame 220. These include the aft IC-Gyro Room, Nr 3 Generator Room and the aft superstructure.
- Repair 5 is responsible for the amidships machinery spaces to include intervening storerooms, supply support spaces and a portion of the DC deck.
- The combat systems repair group, Repair 8, is responsible for the repair of combat systems elements located throughout the ship.
- Refueling stations. There are 5 refueling stations from which fuel may be taken onboard. Unrep stations two, three, four and five may be used to take on F-76. There is also an astern refueling connection on the forecastle.
- JP-5 may be taken on at the two after stations, four and five.
- 2190 L/O can be taken on at two midship’s stations. One port and one starboard.
- The machinery spaces are arranged to maximize the benefits of redundancy. The main spaces are similar in size and function to those found on the DD963/CG47 class ships. They are arranged as follows:
- Auxiliary Machinery Room Nr 1 (AUX 1) is the forward most main machinery space. It has two levels and extends from frame 126 to 174.
- Main Engine Room Nr 1 (MER 1) is the next main machinery space in the engineering plant. It is located aft of AUX 1 and contains the starboard powertrain and all associated propulsion equipment. MER 1 consists of three levels and extends from frame 174 to frame 220.
- Auxiliary Machinery Room Nr 2 (AUX 2) is the smallest of the main spaces and contains various auxiliary equipment. It is a single level space which extends from frame 220 to frame 254.
- Main Engine Room Nr 2 (MER 2) is the largest of the main spaces. It contains the port power train and all associated propulsion equipment. MER 2 is composed of three levels and extends from frame 254 to frame 300. It is similar in layout to MER 1.
- Central Control Station (CCS) is located above MER 2 and starboard of the center line. This space contains the consoles for operating and monitoring the engineering plant.
- Other Major Machinery Spaces
- Forward Vacuum CHT Room (VCHT)
- A/C Machinery / Pumproom. (Shaft Alley)
- Nr 3 Generator Room
- After steering
- Engineering Machinery Arrangement
- Forward VCHT contains Sewage Treatment Plant Nr 1 and Nr 1 firepump.
- AUX 1 contains the following major equipment:
- Nr 1 GTG - Allison 501-K34 (2500KW, 450V)
- Nr 1 Ship Service Switchboard
- Nr 2 Firepump
- Nr 1 Seawater Cooling Pump
- Nr 1 A/C Plant
- Nr 1 and Nr 2 Potable Water Pumps
- A fresh water fire fighting pump
- MER 1 contains the following major equipment:
- lA and lB Gas Turbine Modules
- Nr 1 Main Reduction Gear (MRG)
- l and 2 Vapor Compression Distillers
- Nr 3 Firepump
- Nr 2 Seawater Cooling Pump
- Nr 1 HP Air Compressor
- Nr 1 LP Air Compressor
- Nr 1 Fuel Oil Transfer and Purification System
- Nr 1 Fuel Oil Service System
- Nr 1 L/O Service system
- Nr 1 CRP System
- AUX 2
- Nr 2 and Nr 3 A/C Plants
- Nr 3 Seawater Cooling Pump
- Main Thrust Bearing Starboard Shaft
- Oily Water Separator
- MER 2 contains the following major equipment:
- 2A and 2B Gas Turbine Modules
- Nr 2 Main Reduction Gear
- Nr 2 GTG
- Nr 2 Ship Service Switchboard
- Nr 4 Firepump
- Nr 4 Seawater Cooling Pump
- Nr 2 HP Air Compressor
- Nr 2 and Nr 3 LP Air Compressors
- lA Line Shaft Bearing
- Nr 2 Fuel Oil Transfer and Purification System
- Nr 2 Fuel Oil Service System
- Nr 2 L/O Service system
- Nr 2 CRP System
- A/C Machinery/Pumproom (Shaft Alley)
- Nr 4 A/C Plant
- Nr 5 Firepump
- Nr 5 Seawater Cooling Pump
- lB and 2A Line Shaft Bearings
- Port Shaft Thrust Bearing
- Generator Room
- Nr 3 GTG
- Nr 3 Ship Service Switchboard
- Nr 6 Firepump
- JP-5 Fill and Transfer System
- After steering
- Nr 1A and 1B Hydraulic Power Units (HPU)
- Nr 2A and 2B Hydraulic Power Units (HPU)
- After Steering Unit for steering from aft steering.
- Significant Engineering Changes from the DD963/CG47 Class
- Main Space Arrangement. AUX 1 and MER 1 spaces have been spatially reversed from the DD963 and CG47 layout. This results in Nr 1 GTG and Nr 1 SWBD being placed in AUX 1 to ensure the maximum spacing of switchboards for survivability. MER 1 gains both distilling plants as well as Nr 1 F/O transfer system and an HP air compressor previously located in AUX 1. The remainder of the engineering space arrangement is similar to that found on DD/CGs with minor variations in the location of equipment within the spaces.
- Power Train Differences. In this class, the LM2500s in MER 1 will drive the stbd powertrain vice the port. The LM2500s in MER 2 drive the port shaft. The LM2500s have a greater power capability due to a single shank design vice the currently used dual shank design. The thrust bearings are located 35' aft of the MRG. These changes and an upgraded propeller and shafting design allow each shaft to achieve 50,000 SHP. The props are outboard turning vice inboard due to the power train re-configuration. The MRG was designed for high input torque conditions, specifically trail shaft operation. The MRG will not suffer from the pitting problems currently being experienced by the DD/CG classes, thus permitting higher speeds at trail and split plant.
- Auxiliaries. Waste Heat Boilers are not installed. Therefore, all heaters are electric vice steam. The distillers are electric vapor compression type. Galley steam is provided by electric steam generators. The increased electric load is handled by the three Allison 501-K34 GTGs.
- 60 HZ Distribution System. Like its predecessors, the Burke class has three switchboards each located near their associated generator. Only Nr 1 and Nr 3 switchboards have load breakers. Nr 2 switchboard acts as a generator control board and transfer station. It shifts its power to either Nr 1 or Nr 3 switchboard. This change enables the ship to achieve a balanced load in a split configuration. The bus is configured with 4000 amp bus tie breakers, but the main bus is designed to handle 4800 amps.
- The Data Multiplex System is a general purpose information transfer system utilizing a standard multiplex cable. A wide variety of users may simultaneously transmit information over the cable The various transmittable signals including :
- IC Alarms/Indicators
- Damage control information
- Navigational inputs
- Propulsion parameters/data
- Auxiliary machinery parameters/data
- Electric plant control
- Ship steering
- Combat systems information
- Over 4700 different signals

Fig 101-1: DDG 51 Plant Layout