Assignment Sheet Number 64P8-101
During this lesson we will be discussing the basic plant layout on DD-963, DDG-993, and CG-47 class gas turbine ships to include space location, equipment configuration, and the location of propulsion and auxiliary systems. It is important to gain a general understanding of the plant layout before we go on to discuss the individual systems.
Terminal Objectives:
22.0 DESCRIBE the operation of the ship's propulsion prime mover. (CTTL P1-80, Q1-14, R1-30, S1-8, T1-6)
Enabling Objectives:
22.241 DESCRIBE the location of the major propulsion and auxiliary systems in the engineering spaces. (CTTL R.1)
1. Read Information Sheet 64P8-101
2. Outline information sheet 64P8-101 using the enabling objectives for lesson 64P8-101 as a guide.
3. Answer study questions.
1. What area does Repair 2 have responsibility for?
- List five pieces of equipment located in AMR 2.
3. How many LPACs does your ship have and where are they located?
4. Which refueling stations can 2190 TEP lube oil be received at?
Information Sheet Number 64P8-101
The basic engineering plant layout is very similar between DD-963, DDG-993, and CG-47 class ships. A majority of the major propulsion, electrical and auxiliary systems are located in the four main spaces. The remainder is spread out through several smaller engineering spaces and pump rooms. All of these spaces will be discussed below. The individual systems and equipment vary slightly in numbers, locations and capacities between the three classes of ships. You should concentrate on the information concerning the class of ship you expect to report to.
(a) DD-963 Propulsion Plant Manual
(b) DDG-993 Propulsion Plant Manual
(c) CG-47 Propulsion Plant Manual
- One of the primary missions of destroyers and cruisers is antisubmarine warfare (ASW). To support this mission, various ship’s silencing features are available.

Fig 1: DD-963 Engineering Spaces
- Masker air absorbs the noise generated by equipment in the main engineering spaces. The air needed for the masker air system is supplied from the bleed air header to the emitter rings on the hull surrounding the main spaces.
- Prairie air is used to reduce the noise created by the ship’s propellers as they turn in the water. The air is released from the edges of the propeller blades. This air is also supplied from the bleed air system.
- Along with the use of masker and prairie air, other types of sound deadening devices are used in the engineering plant.
- Resilient mounts are used on all rotating/reciprocating equipment to prevent the transfer of equipment vibrations to the ship’s hull.
- Flex hoses are used to connect pumps to piping systems. These hoses will absorb the surging of equipment during initial start-up.
- Flexible pipe hangers are used to isolate the piping systems from the hull to prevent the transfer of vibrations created due to flow noise within the pipe.
- Silencers are used on Gas Turbine ships to reduce air flow noise in the intakes and exhausts.
- Acoustic tiles are used inside the spaces in the bilges and inner bottoms to aid the masker air system in the dampening of main engine and reduction gear noise.
- Ship's Characteristics
- The following table summarizes ship's characteristics:
DD-963 DDG-993 CG-47
Length (ft) 563 563 567
Beam (ft) 55 55 55
Displacement (tons) 7800 10,000 9600
Fuel capacity (gal) 510,000 553,000 620,000
- Damage Control Repair Locker Designations
- Repair II is located on the port side, frame 94 on the main deck. It supports the forward half of the ship not including the main engineering spaces.
- Repair V is located port side, frame 226 on the main deck. It supports the main engineering spaces in all fire fighting and flooding evolutions.
- Repair III is located port side, frame 426 on the first platform. The DC deck drops one deck aft so that it does not become the weatherdeck. It supports the after half of the ship, less the main engineering spaces.
- The location of Combat Systems Maintenance Central (CSMC) varies from ship to ship. However, it is usually in a centrally located ET shop. CSMC responds to fires and casualty situations in combat systems spaces.
- The Helo crash and rescue (Repair 3A) is located in the hangar and assists in response to fires or damage on the flight deck.
- The main deck serves as the DC deck from the bow to frame 382, where it drops to the first platform and continues aft to the fantail. This split is necessary since the main deck is exposed to the weather from frame 470 aft.
- Underway Replenishment Stations
- There are four fueling stations from which fuel can be taken aboard. UNREP stations three, four, seven, and eight can all be used for taking on F-76.
- Stations three and four are at frame 183, 01 level, starboard and port side respectively. JP-5 and 2190 TEP lube oil may also be received from these stations.
- Stations seven and eight are at frame 398, 01 level, starboard and port side respectively. Only JP-5 and F-76 can be taken on from these stations.
- There are six solid CONREP stations from which ship to ship replenishments can take place. There are four retractable kingposts available, for use at stations 1, 2, 9, and 10. Two sliding padeyes on the 01 level port and starboard at frame 260 may also be used for CONREP (Stations 5 and 6).
- There are three VERTREP stations
- A forward VERTREP station at frame 46, 01 level.
- VERTREP station Nr. 2 is the flight deck.
- VERTREP station Nr. 3 is at frame 518, main deck.
- The following is a list of major engineering equipment found on DD/DDG/CG class ships by class:
Gas Turbine Modules 4 4 4
Main Reduction Gears 2 2 2
Gas Turbine Generators 3 (2000 kw) 3 (2500 kw) 3 (2500 kw)
Switchboards 3 3 3
Waste Heat Boiler 3 (Conseco) 3 (Conseco) 3 (CE)
Low Pressure Air Compressors 2 3 3
High Pressure Air Compressors 2 2 2
Distilling Plants 2 (8000 gpd) 2 (8000 gpd) 2 (12,000 gpd)
Firepumps 6 6 6
Sea Water Service Pumps 3 (1750 gpm) 3 (3000 gpm) 3 (3000 gpm)
Air Conditioning Plants 3 (150 ton) 4 (200 ton) 4 (200 ton)
Refrigeration Plants 2 2 2
Sewage Plants 2 (VCT) 2 (VCT) 3 (CHT)
- General Engineering Plant Arrangement
- Main Engineroom Nr. 1 (MER 1) is located from frames 174 to 220 and contains the following equipment:
- Gas Turbine Modules (GTM) 2A and 2B
- Nr. 2 Main Reduction Gear (MRG)
- Nr. 1 Ship Service Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) and Nr. 1 Switchboard (SWBD)
- Nr. 1 Waste Heat Boiler (WHB)
- Nr. 2 Lube Oil, Fuel Oil, and Controllable Reversible Pitch (CRP) systems
- Nr. 2 Fire Pump
- Nr. 1 Low Pressure Air Compressor (LPAC)
- Main Engineroom Nr. 2 (MER 2) is located from frames 300 to 346 and contains the following equipment:
- GTMs 1A and 1B
- Nr. 1 MRG
- Nr. 2 GTG and Nr. 2 SWBD
- Nr. 2 WHB
- Nr. 1 Lube Oil, Fuel Oil, and CRP systems
- Nr. 2 LPAC (DD/DDG)
- Nr. 3 LPAC (CG)
- Nr. 5 Fire Pump
- Nr. 2C Line Shaft Bearing (LSB)
- Auxiliaries
- Nr. 1 Pump Room (Forward Pump Room) is located from frames 138 to 174 and contains the following equipment:
- Nr. 1 Sewage Treatment Plant
- Nr. 1 Fire Pump
- Nr. 1 Aegis Cooling Pump (CG)
- Nr. 1 Fresh Water Pump, Fresh Water Tanks Nr. 1 and 2
- Pit Sword
- Auxiliary Machinery Room Nr. 1 (AMR 1) is located from frames 220 to 260 and contains the following equipment:
- Nr. 1 and 2 Air Conditioning Plants
- Nr. 1 and 2 Distilling Units
- Nr. 3 Fire Pump
- Nr. 1 Sea Water Service Pump
- Nr. 1 High Pressure Air Compressor (HPAC)
- Nr. 1 Fuel Oil Purifier and Transfer Pump
- Aegis Cooling Skid (CG)
- Nr. 2A LSB
- Nr. 2 LPAC (CG)
- Nr. 1 & 2 Oily Water Separators (OWS) (CG)
- Nr. 1 & 2 Refrigeration Plants (CG)
- UPS Battery Room (CG)
- Degaussing Switchboard
NOTE: UPS Battery Room and both refrigeration plants are located above AMR 1 on
DD-963/DDG-993 class ships.
- Auxiliary Machinery Room Nr. 2 (AMR 2) is located from frames 260 to 300 and contains the following equipment:
- Nr. 2 Fuel Oil Purifier and Transfer Pump
- Nr. 1 and 2 Sewage Incinerators (DD/DDG)
- Nr. 2 Sewage Plant (CG)
- Nr. 2 Sea Water Service (SWS) pump
- Nr. 4 Fire Pump
- Nr. 2B LSB
- Nr. 2 Aegis Cooling Pump (CG)
- Shaft Alley is located from frames 346 to 382 and contains the following equipment:
- Nr. 2D and 1A LSB
- Nr. 2 Sewage Treatment Plant (DD/DDG)
- Nr. 3 Sewage Treatment Plant (CG)
- Nr. 6 Fire Pump
- Nr. 2 Fresh Water Pump, Fresh Water Tanks Nr. 3 and 4
- Port and STBD Torsionmeters
- Nr. 3 GTG Seawater Cooling Pump
- Nr. 2 Pump Room (JP-5 Pump Room) is located from frames 382 to 426 and contains the following equipment:
- Nr. 3 Air Conditioning Plant (DD)
- Nr. 3 and 4 Air Conditioning Plants (DDG/CG)
- JP-5 Transfer and Service Pumps
- Nr. 2 HPAC room located next to aft ammo staging area contains only Nr. 2 HPAC.
- Nr. 3 Gas Turbine Generator room is located from frames 426 to 464 contains Nr. 3 GTG.
- Nr. 3 SWBD room is located adjacent to Nr. 3 GTG room.
- Anchor Windlass Room located on the main deck below the foc’sle contains Nr. 1 and 2 Anchor Windlass High Pressure Units (HPU)
- After Steering has two steering units consisting of 2 steering pumps each to position the 2 rudders.

Fig 2: DD-963 Plant Layout