Electronics Material Officer Course
This lesson topic presents information about operational and emergency bills, applicable inspections, reports, documentation and records, and casualty control.
The LEARNING OBJECTIVES of this LESSON TOPIC are as follows:
1.4 Identify the purpose and content of operational and emergency bills applicable to the shipboard electronics organization to include:
b. Electronics Casualty Control Bill
d. Cold Weather
e. Emergency Destruction
1.5 State the purpose and describe the content of the following reports:
a. Eight O'Clock Reports
b. Casualty Reports
c. Recurring Reports
1.6 Describe directives applicable to the shipboard electronics organization, using the Navy Directives System.
1.7 Describe the purpose, content, and location of the Casualty Control Folder.
1.8 Describe the documentation and procedures for managing Combat Systems Electronics Casualties.
1.9 Describe inspections that pertain to the shipboard electronics organization, to include identity, purpose, and preparations.
The student should review the "LIST OF STUDY RESOURCES" and read the Lesson Topic LEARNING OBJECTIVES before beginning the lesson topic.
To learn the material in this LESSON TOPIC, you will use the following study resources:
Written Lesson Topic presentations in the Module Booklet:
1. Lesson Topic Summary
2. Narrative Form of Lesson Topic
3. Lesson Topic Progress Check
Additional Materials:
1. Assignment Sheet
2. Job Sheet
3. Answer Booklet
1. ET Supervisor (ETC) Training Manual, NAVEDTRA 12410
2. Combat Systems Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Users Manual
3. Combat Systems Training Team (CSTT), COMNAVSURFLANTINST 3500.17(Series)
4. Surface Training Manual, COMNAVSURFLANTINST/COMNAVSURFPACINST 3502.2(Series)
5. HERO Bill
6. EMCON Bill
7. Cold Weather Bill
8. Emergency Destruction Bill
9. Electronics Casualty Control Bill
This lesson topic will introduce you to electronics administration including applicable operational and emergency bills, reports, directives, electronics casualty management, and inspections. This information lays the foundation for your success by familiarizing you with documents you will use as an EMO. Note that documentation format and use varies from coast to coast and unit to unit. The lesson narrative is organized as follows:
Electronics Administration
A. Operational and Emergency Bills
B. Reports
C. Directives
D. Electronics Casualty Control
E. Inspections
The EMO is responsible for maintaining various records and submitting, at periodic intervals, certain material and operational reports on electronic equipment. Records relating to the custody, inventory, status, and disposition of electronic equipment are maintained by electronics personnel under the direction of the EMO. Rules governing the requirements for equipment record keeping may be found in the Naval Ships Technical Manual, NAVSEA S9086-C2-STM-000/CH-090; the Electronics Installation and Maintenance Book (EIMB) General Handbook, NAVSEA
SE000-00-EIM-100; the Ship Configuration and Logistics Support Information System, NAVSEA S0752-AA-SPN-010/SCLSIS; and the Ships' Maintenance and Material Management (3M) Manual, OPNAVINST 4790.4. The latter two publications deal with programs in which
the EMO has a major responsibility for record keeping and reporting. Additionally, the EMO has a responsibility for reporting equipment casualties by message, under the Casualty Reporting System detailed in NWP 10-1-10, Operational Reports.
A unit bill sets forth policy for assigning personnel to duties or stations for accomplishing specific functions or evolutions. It consists of a:
PREFACE that states the purpose of the bill, assigns responsibility for maintaining the bill and background or guidance andl
PROCEDURE that contains information, policies, and responsibilities of individuals with regard to planning, organizing, directing or controlling the function or evolution to which the bill relates.
Unit bills in the U.S. Navy SORM may be used as written or tailored by type commanders and unit commanders. The format of unit bills should be consistent with the SORM and provide sufficient guidance to permit assignment of personnel by name. It is usually not necessary to prepare special division bills because the ship's bills provide adequate coverage. An important exception is the Emergency Destruction Bill.
Watch, Quarter, and Station Bill
The Watch, Quarter, and Station (WQS) Bill is a summary of personnel assignments to stations or duties specified in ship, department, and division bills. The WQS Bill is the one document that division personnel may use to identify all of their assignments. For this reason, the WQS Bill should be prominently posted in one of the electronics spaces, usually in the ET shop. Additionally, personnel should be notified immediately whenever changes are made.
The forms used for WQS Bills can vary with the type of ship. The WQS Bill may be required to be hand-written in the standard format or computer-generated. Leading petty officers should know the capabilities and limitations of assigned personnel. Therefore, they should be able to offer invaluable assistance in maintaining the WQS Bill. Before personnel are assigned watchstations, they must complete all required qualifications/PQS.
Cold Weather Bill
The Cold Weather Bill describes certain routine operations that are necessary when operating at extreme temperatures. These operations are required to deal with problems concerning the icing of antennas and exposed equipment, lubrication, maintenance, and battery operation. Operations include removal of ice, use of thinner lubricants, and special care of batteries. The Cold Weather Bill should identify required advance preparations, cold weather procedures, and safety precautions. A separate Heavy Weather Bill may, for high winds and seas, severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, typhoons, tsunami, and shipboard icing, require securing power to radio antennas, inserting a locking pin in the air search radar, and energizing the surface search radar. The Executive Officer is responsible for the Cold Weather Bill.
At times the use of radiating equipment can be more dangerous than valuable. An enemy force can use electronic warfare techniques to intercept or detect our electromagnetic radiations and locate and impair the mission of our force. Emission control denies intercept early warning to the enemy in order to reduce our chance of being detected. As a general rule, the detectable range of an emission increases as the frequency decreases. The higher the frequency, the more closely the electromagnetic wave approaches line-of-sight range. These considerations form the basis for a commander's decision regarding the setting of an EMCON condition.
The EMCON or Emission Control Bill prescribes procedures and responsibilities for expeditiously setting EMCON conditions, ensures the maintenance of EMCON conditions when set, and designates an Emission Control Center (EMC or EMCON Center), normally Combat Information Center (CIC). EMCON plans are ordered by Officers in Tactical Command (OTC) to control emissions in order to avoid detection. EMCON orders vary between fleet and task organization commanders. EMCON orders are generally promulgated by directives, OP orders, message traffic, voice/radio, flag hoist, flashing light, or by internal communication from an
embarked commander. Individual commands are responsible for setting and maintaining EMCON conditions until they are modified or canceled. The operations officer is responsible for the EMCON Bill.
HERO (Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance) EMCON may be included in the EMCON Bill, or a separate HERO Bill may be promulgated. Ordnance systems are susceptible to high intensity radio frequency (RF) fields generated by radio/radar transmitters. HERO EMCON restricts RF emissions to prevent dudding, loss of reliability, or possible detonation of ordnance. HERO will be discussed in greater detail in Lesson Topic 2.1.
Although the control of electromagnetic radiation does not fall specifically within the scope of electronic maintenance, the EMCON condition is important to the EMO because of its impact on the planning and accomplishment of maintenance on electronic equipment. The EMCON plan may be imposed on specific frequency bands or on types of equipment, requiring that the equipment be placed in standby or completely shutdown, thus preventing certain types of maintenance actions. The EMO must ensure that technicians understand the importance of not conducting maintenance on electronic equipment that involves radiating a signal upon which an EMCON condition has been imposed. Technicians must determine EMCON status by contacting the EMC before energizing equipment.
An emergency bill serves as a check-off list and guide for assigning personnel to emergency stations and training them to cope with emergencies. Examples include the Collision Bill, Abandon Ship Bill, and Man Overboard Bill. It is usually not necessary to prepare special division emergency bills, since all emergencies aboard ship are adequately covered in the ship's emergency bills. An important exception however, is the Emergency Action Plan/Emergency Destruction Bill.
Emergency Destruction Bill
The Emergency Destruction Bill lists all classified publications and equipment that must be destroyed before abandoning ship. Their location, the methods of destruction, and the priority of destruction are also listed. The assignment of personnel (by billet or rate) responsible for the destruction must be included. Your department head will periodically require you to submit inputs to update this bill.
Efficient electronics administration requires an exact and current knowledge of all matters under the cognizance of the EMO. In your position as the EMO, you must know the current status of all electronic equipment and systems for which you are responsible. Efficient administration also requires that you supervise records maintenance and forward reports to higher authority. The EMO is responsible for submitting, at certain intervals, material and operational reports on
electronic equipment. The EMO relies on the expertise of division personnel for the information required to write these reports.
Eight o'clock reports are written equipment status reports submitted daily at 2000 hours to the Commanding Officer by the Executive Officer, when underway, and to the Command Duty Officer by the duty section, when in port. At sea, the EMO should submit the electronics division eight o'clock report to the department head by 1900 hours. In port, the duty division officer submits reports to the duty department head. The eight o'clock report submitted to the department head may be required to be written or oral. The following information should be provided for each piece of equipment:
Equipment status (equipment identification, cause of failure, impact)l
Specific parts information, i.e., identification and location of parts, requisition statusl
Estimated date/time of repairl
CASREP serial number and status, if required
No ship can perform effectively if the Commanding Officer is unaware of the capability of all of its systems at any given moment. If equipment fails, or is not operating to design specifications, the EMO must inform the department head of the problem. It is the department head's responsibility to relay the information to the Commanding Officer. The Commanding Officer may prefer a more direct link to the EMO, and question the EMO extensively regarding equipment status. The EMO should brief the department head when this occurs.
One way the EMO can stay completely informed of electronic equipment status is to personally type the eight o'clock reports. A Shipboard Non-tactical ADP Program (SNAP) terminal or personal computer is useful for this purpose. When preparing/updating eight o'clock reports, you must have current information. What parts are required for repair? Are they on board? Has a requisition been submitted to the supply department? What is the requisition status? Will a CASREP be necessary?
Sample Eight O’Clock Report
Equipment Status
WSC-3 09 OF 10 UP
URT-23 06 OF 06 UP
R-1051 08 OF 08 UP
Equipment CASREP # ETR Update Due Comments/Supply Status
1. WSC-3 94001 940130 940125 Parts ordered, EDD 940125
1. ET3 Shnerpel is on emergency leave until 25 Jan.
2. ET1(SW) Shmuckatelli reported aboard 23 Jan. PQS assignments have been made. I-DIV sked for 30 Jan.
3. FCTSPAC will be onboard 25 Jan for test equipment calibration and 2M Station certification.
4. Pre-underway checks for 24 Jan complete.
Very Respectfully,
SWOS Division Officer Course introduced you to operational unit reporting requirements and procedures when reporting significant equipment casualties, in accordance with NWP 10-1-10, Operational Reports. A brief review is provided here.
The effective use and support of a naval force requires a knowledge of the operational status of each unit. The Casualty Report (CASREP) was designed to support the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and fleet commanders in the management of assigned forces. CASREPs are used by units to advise operational commanders of the status of significant equipment malfunctions which may degrade unit readiness. CASREPs alert the Naval Safety Center to incidents for the purpose of mishap prevention. CASREPs alert logistics commands for the purpose of troubleshooting and repair.
The EMO must advise the department head when a CASREP is required for an electronic equipment casualty. A casualty is defined as an equipment malfunction or deficiency which cannot be corrected within 48 hours and which reduces the unit's ability to perform a primary or secondary mission. The EMO submits a CASREP through the chain of command to report the need for technical assistance and/or replacement parts to correct an electronic casualty. Once a CASREP is transmitted, the CNO, fleet commanders-in-chief, and Ship Parts Control Center (SPCC) receive a hard copy of the message. Remember that CASREPs are not a substitute for, but are in addition to and should complement, submission of data to the Maintenance Data System (MDS).
Casualty reporting requirements and procedures are identified in NWP 10-1-10. You will use NWP 10-1-10 to write CASREPs for an electronic casualty in Job Sheet 1-2-1J.
Normally maintenance assignments are made by the EMO and leading petty officer by prioritizing equipment trouble reports. Each time an equipment problem is detected by operators or technicians, a separate trouble report is filled out indicating the equipment affected, nature of trouble, time of failure, etc. After the report is filled out, or in urgent situations that require immediate action, the failure is brought to the attention of the EMO or leading petty officer, the maintenance supervisor assigns technicians to correct the problem. When the problem has been corrected, the maintenance supervisor signs the appropriate block in the original trouble report. The trouble report is used to track jobs and make appropriate reports to the MDS. Trouble report format and procedures are locally generated.
The EMO is usually required to submit an equipment status report prior to getting underway. Equipment checks are generally initiated between 24 and 72 hours prior to getting underway. Many of these pre-underway checks are situational requirements listed in the Maintenance Index Pages (MIP). The underway report usually includes major equipment status, estimated time of repair, transmitter power output, and receiver sensitivity readings. This report is locally generated and therefore its format varies.
A survey is a procedure for determining the cause of gains, losses, or damage to navy property. Surveys establish personal responsibility (if any) and document necessary inventory adjustments. A report of Survey (DD Form 200) is completed and processed in accordance with Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP Publication 485. EMOs must ensure that surveys are completed when controlled equipage or test equipment is condemned as a result of damage, obsolescence, deterioration, or is acknowledged to be missing as a result of loss, theft, or total destruction.
You may recall from SWOS Division Officer Course that controlled equipage is the term used to designate selected items of equipage that require increased management control because they are either costly, easily pilfered, or essential to the ship's mission. A list of controlled equipage is
provided in the NAVSUP P485 Controlled Equipage Item List (CEIL). A custody signature of the responsible department head is mandatory on a Controlled Equipage Custody Record (NAVSUP Form 306) for controlled equipage listed in the CEIL. In addition to the equipage listed on the CEIL, type commanders or commanding officers may determine that additional equipage requires a custody signature. As EMO, you will be responsible for the control and inventory of equipment/equipage subcustodied to you by your department head. Note that items of controlled equipage are inventoried annually between 15 February and 15 March. Deficiencies are reported by the supply department to the type commander in Budget/Operating Target (OPTAR) reports. Inventories are also required when the ship is commissioned, deactivated, or reactivated, upon relief of the department head, and when directed by the Commanding Officer. When discrepancies occur, a survey must be conducted.
Procedures for reporting defective materials that have been procured through the supply system are identified in NAVSUP P485. The purpose of reporting deficient material is to provide feedback to activities responsible for design, development, purchasing, supply, maintenance, and contract administration. This feedback is used to determine the cause of the deficiency, to correct the deficiency, and to prevent recurrence. Examples of deficiencies are damaged material, shortages/overages, improper fit, poor packaging or preservation, cheaper quality than previously issued, and incorrect substitutions. Quality deficient material must be turned into the supply department for disposition. A Quality Deficiency Report (QDR), Standard Form 368, is used to report the deficiency. The EMO should ensure that deficiencies are reported.
Type commanders and other authorities may require reports in addition to those already mentioned. Instructions concerning such reports may be promulgated via letter, message, or other official means. As EMO, you should be routed all official correspondence regarding electronics. Develop a correspondence file that can be referenced not only by you, but also by your relief. Commander, Naval Surface Force Pacific Fleet and Commander, Naval Surface Force Atlantic Fleet promulgate an instruction/notice 5214 that lists recurring reports required of units under their commands. You will also find recurring reports listed in your unit's recurring reports instruction.
Mission Summary Report
The Mission Summary Report is a functional readiness assessment of the ship's combat systems. This report provides a brief description of the effect of subfunction faults on a major functional area. This is done by addressing the status of a major function as it relates to a mission capability. A Combat System Daily Fault report provides the CSO with sufficient information to develop the Mission Summary Report. An example of a Mission Summary Report is provided in NAVEDTRA 10192-F, Figure 7-5.
Combat System Daily Fault Report
The ship's SERT assesses equipment readiness by collecting scheduled PMS test results, evaluating the impact of detected faults, determining corrective maintenance requirements, and identifying the results of corrective maintenance actions. This assessment is reported in a Combat System Daily Fault Report. This report is arranged in a brief, easily understood format that presents a clear picture of combat system readiness. The Combat System Daily Fault Report should be developed by the SERT to fit individual ship requirements. An example of a Combat System Daily Fault Report is provided in NAVEDTRA 10192-F, Figure 7-6.
Directives are instructions and notices used to prescribe policies, organization, and procedures. The Navy Directives System Consolidated Subject Index (NAVPUBNOTE 5215) and other 5215 notices issued by various echelons of command contain lists of current instructions and notices. These directives are identified using numbers assigned according to subject matter, as listed in SECNAVINST 5210.11 (Series), Department of the Navy Standard Subject Identification Codes (SSIC).
Many unit instructions are derived from directives issued by higher authority. Familiarize yourself with pertinent instructions by reviewing 5215 notices issued at each echelon of command, e.g., COMNAVSURFLANTINST 5215/COMNAVSURFPACINST 5215. Navy instructions have a long term reference value and are in effect until canceled by the originator. Directives may be in a letter or publication format. You must be aware of instructions that pertain to you.
This section discusses the casualty control organization, procedures, and documentation. The Combat System Operational Sequencing System, used on selected ships, will be discussed in the next section.
All personnel assigned to your division must be properly organized and trained in electronics casualty control (ECC) procedures. These procedures will be delineated in the casualty control manual and the guidelines established must be exercised frequently. A properly organized, trained electronics division will enable the ECC organization to successfully perform electronics casualty control and be combat ready.
The Electronics Casualty Control Center (ECC) or Repair 8 is the primary electronics casualty control point (ECC is normally used to mean either electronics casualty control or the center). The ECC organization will consist of a primary ECC, a secondary ECC, casualty investigation teams, and electronic equipment space assignments. The ECC structure and basic responsibilities presented in the following paragraphs are examples of ECC assignments for larger ships.
Primary ECC
The following personnel are assigned to the primary ECC (or Repair 8): the EMO, at least one senior petty officer, a status board plotter and phone talker (usually on circuit X6J), and at least one investigator team consisting of two or more experienced personnel. The EMO and senior petty officer must be able to hear all incoming messages, either by the use of a sound-powered phone amplifier or sound-powered phones. To establish electronic casualty control readiness ensure the following:
All personnel are properly assigned to battle stations and properly trained (or in the process of being properly trained).l
All electronic equipment and systems are in operating condition and peaked to maximum performance.l
All spaces have been cleared of missile and fire hazards.l
Tools and test equipment are distributed throughout prime spaces.l
Technical manuals are on station and/or are readily available.l
All voice communications circuits associated with ECC have been checked and are operating satisfactorily.l
All casualty control kits are complete and have been stowed correctly.l
All spaces are damage control ready, i.e., fire extinguishers, CCOLs, and battle lanterns are ready for use and properly stowed.l
All spaces have an ECC manual or folder tailored for the applicable space.l
To the extent practical and with the Commanding Officer's permission, actual drills instead of simulations are being conducted.
To ensure direct and positive control:
Establish immediate communications with all assigned stations.l
Ensure all personnel are accounted for and ready for battle.l
Maintain positive communication with electronics spaces. Conduct a phone check every three minutes if no other traffic exists. Using a predetermined sequence of answering, the phone talker calls and records results. Track this procedure closely to ensure that communications are maintained. Monitor 1MC communications as well.l
After a hit (simulated or actual), conduct an immediate phone check. Ensure that all electronic spaces are checked thoroughly for damage. ECC will dispatch a minimum of two investigators to check known damaged spaces (including manned spaces that fail to respondto a phone check). Unmanned spaces are checked by personnel in manned spaces, usually by prearranged assignment, but only when dispatched by ECC.
Maintain precise monitoring of equipment, personnel, and casualties on a status board using standard damage control symbols.l
Dispatch investigative teams, technical assistance, and parts assistance as necessary. Use preestablished routes. This includes coordinating with Damage Control Central (DCC) when the opening and/or closing of damage control fittings is required. Usually, DCC will provide permission for ECC to investigate the main deck and above.l
Provide backup assistance as necessary by assigning personnel within the ECC organization or by coordinating other assistance, such as medical, damage control, and repair teams. This is accomplished through DCC via the 2JZ phone circuit or by having the information passed through the CIC XJ6 phone talker to a 2JZ phone talker.
Secondary ECC
The secondary ECC is the first backup to the primary ECC. This alternate is necessary to maintain casualty control if the primary ECC becomes a casualty due to personnel casualties, communications problems, flooding, fire, etc., resulting from battle damage. The personnel assigned to secondary ECC will usually be the assistant EMO and/or a senior petty officer, status board plotter/phone talker, and a casualty investigation team. (If manning does not permit sufficient personnel to have teams in secondary ECC, then casualty investigation teams will be pulled from undamaged spaces.) When secondary ECC takes control, its responsibilities are the same as a primary ECC. In the event that a casualty occurs to both primary and secondary ECC, your electronics casualty control organization must have a descending order of ECC control. The order of this control will coincide with the order of reporting during phone checks or casualty hits. Personnel in each station should monitor and record all status reports passed over the communications circuits to the best of their ability, in the event they must assume responsibility as primary ECC.
Casualties to electronic equipment and/or systems, spaces, and personnel are imminent during real-time battle or in simulated exercises. Personnel must be assigned to investigate and assist with these casualties. For example, a battle hit is taken and one or more spaces do not respond to phone checks. An investigative team must be dispatched immediately to identify, investigate,
and correct (if possible) the casualty. Investigators must be trained to handle all casualties within a space either by repairing the casualty themselves or by requesting assistance. They must make accurate, timely reports to ECC. Each team will normally consist of two personnel. They may be ETs, but can be any rating, preferably one with training in basic electronics and electricity
(BE&E). A person with minimum technical knowledge must be able to enter an unfamiliar space, remove shock hazards, perform initial casualty control, and render first aid. When assistance is required it may be requested from the ECC organization or external to the ECC organization. Personnel within the ECC organization are dispatched by ECC as necessary. This internal assistance is usually dispatched after investigators have investigated the scene and requested that ECC provide assistance, such as technical backup or parts support. External casualty assistance is initially requested by the investigator to ECC. ECC will coordinate through DCC to obtain the assistance. DCC must be advised of personnel movements and the status of the casualty.
ECC Manual
The purpose of the ECC Manual is to successfully perform electronics casualty control when electronic battle damage is sustained. The ECC Manual identifies personnel assignments, primary and secondary ECCs, and investigation and casualty reporting procedures. The ECC Manual should contain information concerning applicable electronic systems, electrical power, spaces, distribution, and damage control related items. The manual should be clear, concise, and formatted to allow rapid retrieval of this information. The following information should be included for each system: a description of the system, a block diagram showing all check points, the location of all units that comprise the system, and any other information that will facilitate task accomplishment. The primary ECC, secondary ECC, and each space determined to be an ECC alternate must have a complete master ECC Manual that covers all spaces.
Most information in the ECC Manual is common knowledge to your personnel. Therefore, collecting this information will not require a great deal of research, unless a major overhaul or alteration to equipment, system, or spaces has occurred. Nevertheless, when this information is required in an emergency, those that possess it may not be readily available, or may have transferred. Therefore, ensure that the ECC Manual is updated on a regular basis, during slack work periods or by duty section tasking.
ECC Folder
ECC, and each space determined to be an ECC alternate must have a complete master ECC Manual that covers all spaces. Electronics spaces that do not serve as primary, secondary, or alternate ECC must have an ECC Folder containing the pages that pertain to that space. These excerpts will be identical to the pages in the master manual. Each technician or operator must be able to find any required item in the folder within a reasonable time (two minutes) and physically locate equipment/equipage, as required. Ensure that ECC Folders are located so that they are quickly accessible to personnel entering the space. The ECC Folder must contain the following:
Firefighting equipment locationl
First-aid equipment locationl
Emergency destruction equipment locationl
Ventilation controller locationl
Escape routesl
Electronics emergency access routesl
Internal communicationsl
Technical manual locations and indicesl
Power distribution diagramsl
Signal distribution diagramsl
Gyro signal distribution diagramsl
Equipment air system diagramsl
Equipment cooling system diagramsl
Antenna detailsl
Compartment check-off list
The Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) is modeled after the Engineering Operational Sequencing System (EOSS). CSOSS has been developed for selected ships to support combat systems readiness. CSOSS provides an integrated readiness methodology that gives the Commanding Officer a composite readiness picture for better control of technical and tactical operations in a stable environment. To accomplish this goal CSOSS provides:
Technical operational preparation proceduresl
Casualty control proceduresl
Reference materials, diagrams, and status boards
CSOSS is based on a "People-Places-Procedures" concept that establishes successful accomplishment of key evolutions, i.e., people taking action in the places those actions are to be taken, using the procedures provided by CSOSS. CSOSS interrelationships are shown in Figure 1.2-1.
Figure 1.2-1 CSOSS Interrelationships
│ USERS UNDER │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
│ THE TAO │ ░
└──────┬───────┘ ┌───────────┐
┌──────┴───────┐ │SYSTEM │
│ ┌─────────┐ │ │SYSTEM │
│ │ CSRO │ │░░░░░░░░░░░░│SYSTEM │
│ └─────────┘ │ ├───┬───┬───┤
└──────┬───────┘ │ P │ R │ S │
│ │ R │ E │ T │
┌──────────────┐ ┌──────┴───────┐ │ O │ F │ A │
│ ENGINEERING │ │ CSOOW │ │ C │ E │ T │
│ PLANT │ │ WATCHSTATION │ │ E │ R │ U │
│ ┌────────┐ │ │ ┌────────┐ │ │ D │ E │ S │
│ │ EOSS │ │ │ │ CSOSS │ │░░░░░░░░░░░░│ U │ N │ │
│┌─┴────────┴─┐│Mutual Support│┌─┴────────┴─┐│ │ R │ C │ B │
││ EOOW │├──────────────┤│ CSOOW ││ │ E │ E │ O │
│└────────────┘│ │└────────────┘│ │ S │ S │ A │
└──────────────┘ └──────┬───────┘ │ │ │ R │
│ │ │ │ D │
│ │ │ │ S │
│ │ │ │ │
┌──────────┴───────────┐ └───┴───┴───┘
│WHO PROVIDE RESOURCES │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
Combat system personnel of every rate, coordinated by the Combat System Officer of the Watch (CSOOW), are the most vital part of the concept. They are integrated by CSOSS procedures and internal communications under CSOOW coordination.
CSOOW watchstationl
Combat System Readiness Officer (CSRO) watchstation in CICl
Supervisor stationsl
Action areas (equipment spaces)Procedures
CSOSS provides step-by-step "technical operations" procedures for all combat systems equipment. These procedures are designed to accomplish specific operational or casualty control tasks, e.g., initializing a system or responding to an equipment casualty. Operational procedures are identified in a subsystem of CSOSS named Combat System Operational Preparations (CSOP). Casualty control procedures are identifed in a subsystem of CSOSS named Combat System Operational Casualty Control (CSOCC). Each task may involve numerous personnel in different spaces. All actions are coordinated by directions provided in CSOSS procedures. CSOSS procedures are provided by the Fleet CSOSS Development and Implementation Team (FCDIT).
The SERT uses CSOSS for standardized training and qualification of technical personnel. SERT members, augmented by tactically qualified personnel, function as the Combat System Training Team (CSTT). The CSTT uses drill guides to conduct exercises. Personnel respond to drill scenarios using a subsystem of CSOSS referred to as Combat System Operational Casualty Control (CSOCC) procedures. These procedures are comparable to Engineering Operational Casualty Control (EOCC) procedures used by the Engineering Casualty Training Team (ECTT) to train engineering personnel, and to respond to actual engineering casualties. CSOCC is used for all casualty control processes in combat systems spaces. In other words, CSOCC provides guidance for controlling combat system casualties and conducting combat system casualty control drills. The CSTT evaluates and scores drill performance and provides direct feedback, much like ECTT does for engineering drills, using EOCC.
The Combat System Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM) assures positive control of combat systems in threat situations for rapid transition from maintenance to tactical modes. The CSTOM is a comprehensive source of detailed information. It emphasizes SERT support, especially for readiness assessment and management. The CSTOM provides:
Inter-system signal distributionl
Fault isolation diagramsl
Fault impact tablesl
Tabular technical data describing combat system equipment capabilities and limitationsl
Comprehensive lists of combat system publications as an aid to locating data
Type commanders must ensure that the ships under their command maintain prescribed standards of maintenance and readiness. These standards are found in various directives promulgated by
fleet and type commanders, technical commands, and the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO). These directives may be in the form of regulations, letters, or manuals. Most of these directives are disseminated fleet-wide, but the material is so voluminous that all of it is not readily
available for reference. Consequently, type commanders issue type instructions and letters in
which pertinent material is quoted or summarized, thus reducing the general instructions to specific instructions pertinent to ship type. Not only must type commanders issue standards for their ships; they must also enforce those standards by means of inspections. These inspections review the administrative, operational, and material readiness of a unit.
Approximately every three years, a material inspection is conducted by the Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) to determine the material readiness of a ship's equipment and systems, and to generate work requests to correct deficiencies. Whenever practical, the INSURV inspection is held in advance of the regular overhaul. INSURV inspections provide a realistic way to assess total ship material readiness. This is probably the most thorough inspection that you will ever experience.
TEMPEST inspections are conducted on secure processing centers to ensure that classified information is not compromised by emanations from electronic equipment, cabling, and the ship's structure. TEMPEST will be addressed in more detail in Lesson Topic 2.2.
The Combat Systems Readiness Review (CSRR) is a comprehensive system testing program developed to help ship's force achieve a high state of combat systems readiness for deployment. Type commanders direct the CSRR. The NAVSEACEN and ISEA (In Service
Engineering Agent) assist with the conduct of CSRRs and provide technical assistance. These reviews are accomplished to further self-reliance and provide technical support and material services. Implicit in this goal are the following objectives:
To assess the readiness of the ship's combat systems material and personnel and report this status to appropriate seniorsl
To help ship's force and TYCOMs correct material problemsl
To provide on-the-job training for ship's force and improve self-sufficiency
The Final Evaluation Period (FEP) of training is to evaluate/monitor ship's readiness. FEPs are conducted on all ships at the end of the Tailored Ship Training Availabilitiy (TSTA). FEPs are normally conducted by the Afloat Training Group (ATG). Each evaluation include a "snap shot" of combat systems readiness over a 3 to 4 day at sea period. Details regarding the evaluation are provided in the COMNAVSURFLANT/PACINST 3502.2B.
POT&Is are authorized by the type commander to determine the condition of the ship's systems and equipment in preparation for overhaul. It includes the preparation of a list of repairs required to ensure effective electrical and mechanical operation at the completion of overhaul.
Post-overhaul inspections are made to furnish afloat commanding officers with a report on the condition, capabilities, and limitations of electronic systems and equipment. This inspection is normally conducted as a part of post-repair sea trials.
The Logistics Management Assessment (LMA) is a comprehensive assessment conducted at least once every 24 months. The purpose of the LMA is to evaluate the current condition, administration, accountability, and operation of the ship's logistic support and 3M systems. The senior LMA assessor has the authority to explore and expand the scope of the assessment into any area of resource management considered necessary. The most recent LMA grades are considered for COMNAVSURFPAC and COMNAVSURFLANT Battle Efficiency Awards. The supply assessment portion of the LMA includes written examinations administered to division officers, leading chief petty officers, and division repair parts petty officers to determine their level of knowledge.
Emphasize to your personnel that logistic and configuration support of installed equipment is important to the ship's sustainability. A key component of the ship's mission is to constantly improve the capability for completing maintenance and repairs whenever and wherever those actions may be required. To this end, the MDS must match the ship's actual configuration and must be constantly updated with historical data to adjust on board repair part support. This is accomplished through regular COSAL/SCLSIS validation.