PPT Slide
Commander, Afloat Training Group works directly for CNSL. Additionally, PEB also works directly for CNSL vice the Fleet Commander as in the past.
During any given TSTA training week whether at sea or inport, a ship will receive “modular” training, training where one week or weeks ETG will be aboard then week or weeks with CSTG, etc. ATGLANT is moving to combined training where all warfare areas are engaged in training during any given week but currently individual training groups are onboard during specific weeks of training.
ATG det exists in Ingelside, TX and as required receives training support out of ATG Mayport.
PATG: Personnel, Admin and Training Group; provides training in the areas described and this group is also available for Limited Team Trainers (LTT) for help with the ship’s office, Homeport shifts, etc..